esp-idf-sys 0.28.3

Bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)
# Rust bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)

## Background

The ESP-IDF API in Rust, with support for each ESP chip (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32C3 etc.) based on the Rust target.


## Build

- To build this crate, please follow all the build requirements specified in the [ESP-IDF Rust Hello World template crate]
- The relevant Espressif toolchain, as well as the ESP-IDF framework itself are all automatically
  downloaded during the build:
    - With feature `pio` (default): utilizing [platformio] (via the [embuild] crate) or
    - With feature `native` (*experimental*): utilizing native `esp-idf` tooling also via the [embuild] crate.
- Check the [ESP-IDF Rust Hello World template crate] for a "Hello, world!" Rust template demonstrating how to use and build this crate.
- Check the [demo] crate for a more comprehensive example in terms of capabilities.

## Feature `pio`
This is currently the default for installing all build tools and building the ESP-IDF framework. It uses [PlatformIO]( via the
[embuild]( crate.

The `pio` builder installs all needed tools to compile this crate as well as the ESP-IDF framework itself. 

### (PIO builder only) Using cargo-pio to interactively modify ESP-IDF's `sdkconfig` file

To enable Bluetooth, or do other configurations to the ESP-IDF sdkconfig you might take advantage of the cargo-pio Cargo subcommand:
* To install it, issue `cargo install cargo-pio --git`
* To open the ESP-IDF interactive menuconfig system, issue `cargo pio espidf menuconfig` in the root of your **binary crate** project
* To use the generated/updated `sdkconfig` file, follow the steps described in the "Bluetooth Support" section

## Feature `native`
This is an experimental feature for downloading all tools and building the ESP-IDF framework using the framework's "native" (own) tooling.
It will become the default in the near future.
It also relies on build and installation utilities available in the [embuild]( crate.

Similarly to the `pio` builder, the `native` builder also automatically installs all needed tools to compile this crate as well as the ESP-IDF framework itself. 

### (Native builder only) Using cargo-idf to interactively modify ESP-IDF's `sdkconfig` file

TBD: Upcoming

## Configuration

Environment variables are used to configure how the ESP-IDF framework is compiled. 

Note that instead of / in addition to specifying those on the command line, you can also put these in a `.config/cargo.toml` file inside your crate directory 
(or a parent directory of your crate) by using the recently stabilized Cargo [configurable-env]( feature.

The following environment variables are used by the build script:


    A `;`-separated list of paths to `sdkconfig.defaults` files to be used as base
    values for the `sdkconfig`. If such a path is relative, it will be relative to the
    cargo workspace directory (i.e. the directory that contains the `target` dir).


    The path to the `sdkconfig` file used to [configure the
    If this is a relative path, it is relative to the cargo workspace directory.

    **Note** (*native* builder only):   
    The cargo optimization options (`debug` and `opt-level`) are used by default to
    determine the compiler optimizations of the `esp-idf`, **however** if the compiler
    optimization options are already set in the `sdkconfig` **they will be used instead.**


    The location where the ESP-IDF framework tooling is assumed to be/will be installed. 
    The framework tooling is either PlatformIO (when the `pio` builder is used), or the ESP-IDF native toolset (when the `native` builder is used).

    This variable can take one of the following values:
    - `workspace` (default) - the tooling will be installed/used in 
      `<crate-workspace-dir>/.embuild/platformio` for `pio`, and `<crate-workspace-dir>/.embuild/espressif` for the `native` builder;
    - `out` - the tooling will be installed/used inside the crate's build output directory, and will be deleted when `cargo clean` is invoked;
    - `global` - the tooling will be installed/used in its standard directory (`~/.platformio` for PlatformIO, and `~./espressif` for the native ESP-IDF toolset);
    - `custom:<dir>` -  the tooling will be installed/used in the directory specified by `<dir>`. If this directory is a relative location, it is assumed to be 
      relative to the crate's workspace dir.

      **ATTENTION**: Please be extra careful with the `custom:<dir>` setting when switching from `pio` to `native` and the other way around, because
      the builder will install the tooling in `<dir>` without using any additional `platformio` or `espressif` subdirectories, so if you are not careful, you might end up with 
      both PlatformIO, as well as the ESP-IDF native tooling intermingled together in a single folder.

    Note that both builders (`native` and `pio`) clone the ESP-IDF GIT repository *inside* the tooling directory as well. This restriction might be lifted soon for the `native` builder, whereas the user would be able to point the build to a custom ESP-IDF repository location.

- `ESP_IDF_VERSION` (*native* builder only):

  The version used for the `esp-idf` can be one of the following:
  - `commit:<hash>`: Uses the commit `<hash>` of the `esp-idf` repository.
                     Note that this will clone the whole `esp-idf` not just one commit.
  - `tag:<tag>`: Uses the tag `<tag>` of the `esp-idf` repository.
  - `branch:<branch>`: Uses the branch `<branch>` of the `esp-idf` repository.
  - `v<major>.<minor>` or `<major>.<minor>`: Uses the tag `v<major>.<minor>` of the `esp-idf` repository.
  - `<branch>`: Uses the branch `<branch>` of the `esp-idf` repository.

  It defaults to `v4.3.1`.

- `ESP_IDF_REPOSITORY` (*native* builder only): 

  The URL to the git repository of the `esp-idf`, defaults to <>.
  Note that when the `pio` builder is used, it is possible to achieve something similar to `ESP_IDF_VERSION` and `ESP_IDF_REPOSITORY` by using 
  the [`platform_packages`] PlatformIO option as follows:
    - `ESP_IDF_PIO_CONF="platform_packages = framework-espidf @ <git-url> [@ <git-branch>]"`
    - The above approach however has the restriction that PlatformIO will always use the ESP-IDF build tooling from its own ESP-IDF distribution, 
      so the user-provided ESP-IDF branch may or may not compile. The current PlatformIO tooling is suitable for compiling ESP-IDF branches derived from versions 4.3.X .


  A pair of environment variable prefixes that enable copying files and directory trees that match a certain glob mask into the native C project used for building the ESP-IDF framework:
  - `ESP_IDF_GLOB[_XXX]_BASE` specifies the base directory which will be glob-ed for resources to be copied
  - `ESP_IDF_GLOB[_XXX]_BASE_YYY` specifies one or more environment variables that represent the glob masks of resources to be searched for and copied, using the directory designated by the `ESP_IDF_GLOB[_XXX]_BASE` environment variable as the root. For example, if the follwing variables are specified:
    - `ESP_IDF_GLOB_HOMEDIR_BASE=/home/someuser`
    ... then all files and directories matching 'foo*' or 'bar*' from the home directory of the user will be copied in theESP-IDF C project.

    Note also that `_HOMEDIR` in the above example is optional, and is just a mechanism allowing the user to specify more than base directory and its glob patterns.

- `ESP_IDF_PIO_CONF_XXX` (*pio* builder only):

  A PlatformIO setting (or multiple settings separated by a newline) that will be passed as-is to the `platformio.ini` file of the C project that compiles the ESP-IDF.
  - Check [the PlatformIO documentation] for more information as to what settings you can pass via this variable.
  - Note also that this is not one variable - but rather - a family of variables all starting with `ESP_IDF_PIO_CONF_`. I.e., passing `ESP_IDF_PIO_CONF_1` as well as `ESP_IDF_PIO_CONF_FOO` is valid and all such variables will be honored

- `MCU`:

   The MCU name (i.e. `esp32`, `esp32s2`, `esp32s3` `esp32c3` and `esp32h2`). 
   - If not set this will be automatically detected from the cargo target.
   - Note that [older ESP-IDF versions might not support all MCUs from above]

## More info

If you are interested how it all works under the hood, check the [](build/
build script of this crate.