esp-idf-sys 0.16.2

Bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)
# Rust bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)

## Background

The ESP-IDF API in Rust, with support for each ESP chip (ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32C3 etc.) based on the Rust target

## Build

- The build requires the [Rust ESP32 STD compiler fork] to be configured and installed as per the instructions there.
- The relevant Espressif toolchain, as well as the ESP-IDF itself are all automatically downloaded during the build by utilizing the [cargo-pio] library crate.
- Check the ["Hello, World" demo] for how to use and build this crate

## Bluetooth Support

In order to enable Bluetooth support with either Bluedroid or NimBLE, there is some additional work:
* Go to the root of your **binary crate** project (e.g., the ["Hello, World" demo]
* Create a `.cargo/config.toml` file if it does not exist there yet. You can copy it from the ["Hello, World" demo]
* Include in it the following:
ESP_IDF_SYS_GLOB_0 = { value = "/sdkconfig" }
* Next, create a file `sdkconfig` at the root of binary crate your project. This could be generated with `cargo pio espidf menuconfig` if you install `cargo-pio` (see below) but a minimal manual example follows:
// Uncomment whichever of these you need

## Using cargo-pio to interactively modify ESP-IDF's `sdkconfig` file

To enable Bluetooth, or do other configurations to the ESP-IDF sdkconfig you might take advantage of the cargo-pio Cargo subcommand:
* To install it, issue `cargo install cargo-pio --git`
* To open the ESP-IDF interactive menuconfig system, issue `cargo pio espidf menuconfig` in the root of your **binary crate** project
* To use the generated/updated `sdkconfig` file, follow the steps described in the "Bluetooth Support" section

## More info

If you are interested how it all works under the hood, check the []( script of this crate.