esp-idf-svc 0.41.4

Implementation of the embedded-svc traits for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)
pub mod asyncs {
        feature = "isr-async-executor",
        feature = "alloc",
        feature = "heapless"
    pub mod isr {
        use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
        use core::{mem, ptr};

        extern crate alloc;
        use alloc::sync::{Arc, Weak};

        use embedded_svc::utils::asyncs::executor::isr::*;

        use esp_idf_hal::interrupt;

        pub type EspLocalExecutor<'a, const C: usize> =
            ISRExecutor<'a, C, TaskHandle, CurrentTaskWait, Local>;
        pub type EspExecutor<'a, const C: usize> =
            ISRExecutor<'a, C, TaskHandle, CurrentTaskWait, Sendable>;

        pub struct CurrentTaskWait;

        impl Wait for CurrentTaskWait {
            fn wait(&self) {

        pub struct TaskHandle(Arc<AtomicPtr<esp_idf_sys::tskTaskControlBlock>>);

        impl TaskHandle {
            fn new() -> Self {

        impl Drop for TaskHandle {
            fn drop(&mut self) {
                let mut arc = mem::replace(&mut self.0, Arc::new(AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut())));

                // Busy loop until we can destroy the Arc - which means that nobody is actively holding a strong reference to it
                // and thus trying to notify our FreeRtos task, which will likely be destroyed afterwards
                loop {
                    arc = match Arc::try_unwrap(arc) {
                        Ok(_) => break,
                        Err(a) => a,

        impl NotifyFactory for TaskHandle {
            type Notify = SharedTaskHandle;

            fn notifier(&self) -> Self::Notify {

        impl RunContextFactory for TaskHandle {
            fn prerun(&self) {
                let current_task = interrupt::task::current().unwrap();
                let stored_task = self.0.load(Ordering::SeqCst);

                if stored_task.is_null() {
          , Ordering::SeqCst);
                } else if stored_task != current_task {
                    panic!("Cannot call prerun() twice from two diffeent threads");

        pub struct SharedTaskHandle(Weak<AtomicPtr<esp_idf_sys::tskTaskControlBlock>>);

        impl Notify for SharedTaskHandle {
            fn notify(&self) {
                if let Some(notify) = self.0.upgrade() {
                    let freertos_task = notify.load(Ordering::SeqCst);

                    if !freertos_task.is_null() {
                        unsafe {
                            interrupt::task::notify(freertos_task, 1);

        pub fn local<'a, const C: usize>() -> EspLocalExecutor<'a, C> {
            ISRExecutor::<C, _, _, Local>::new(TaskHandle::new(), CurrentTaskWait)

        pub fn executor<'a, const C: usize>() -> EspExecutor<'a, C> {
            ISRExecutor::<C, _, _, Sendable>::new(TaskHandle::new(), CurrentTaskWait)

        pub fn local_tasks_spawner<'a, const C: usize, T>(
        ) -> embedded_svc::utils::asyncs::executor::spawn::TasksSpawner<
            EspLocalExecutor<'a, C>,
        > {
            embedded_svc::utils::asyncs::executor::spawn::TasksSpawner::<'a, C, _, T>::new(local::<

        pub fn tasks_spawner<'a, const C: usize, T>(
        ) -> embedded_svc::utils::asyncs::executor::spawn::TasksSpawner<'a, C, EspExecutor<'a, C>, T>
            embedded_svc::utils::asyncs::executor::spawn::TasksSpawner::<'a, C, _, T>::new(
                executor::<'a, C>(),