esl01-dag 0.3.0

An implementation of a DAG used for source control.
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

//! # namedag
//! Combination of IdMap and IdDag.

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::env::var;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::RwLock;

use dag_types::FlatSegment;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use nonblocking::non_blocking_result;

use crate::clone::CloneData;
use crate::errors::bug;
use crate::errors::programming;
use crate::errors::DagError;
use crate::errors::NotFoundError;
use crate::id::Group;
use crate::id::Id;
use crate::id::VertexName;
use crate::iddag::IdDag;
use crate::iddag::IdDagAlgorithm;
use crate::iddagstore::IdDagStore;
use crate::idmap::CoreMemIdMap;
use crate::idmap::IdMapAssignHead;
use crate::idmap::IdMapWrite;
use crate::nameset::hints::Flags;
use crate::nameset::hints::Hints;
use crate::nameset::NameSet;
use crate::ops::CheckIntegrity;
use crate::ops::DagAddHeads;
use crate::ops::DagAlgorithm;
use crate::ops::DagExportCloneData;
use crate::ops::DagExportPullData;
use crate::ops::DagImportCloneData;
use crate::ops::DagImportPullData;
use crate::ops::DagPersistent;
use crate::ops::DagStrip;
use crate::ops::IdConvert;
use crate::ops::IdMapSnapshot;
use crate::ops::IntVersion;
use crate::ops::Open;
use crate::ops::Parents;
use crate::ops::Persist;
use crate::ops::PrefixLookup;
use crate::ops::ToIdSet;
use crate::ops::TryClone;
use crate::protocol;
use crate::protocol::is_remote_protocol_disabled;
use crate::protocol::AncestorPath;
use crate::protocol::Process;
use crate::protocol::RemoteIdConvertProtocol;
use crate::segment::PreparedFlatSegments;
use crate::segment::SegmentFlags;
use crate::types_ext::PreparedFlatSegmentsExt;
use crate::utils;
use crate::Error::NeedSlowPath;
use crate::IdSet;
use crate::IdSpan;
use crate::Level;
use crate::Result;
use crate::VerLink;
use crate::VertexListWithOptions;

mod builder;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "indexedlog-backend"))]
mod indexedlog_namedag;
mod mem_namedag;

pub use builder::NameDagBuilder;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "indexedlog-backend"))]
pub use indexedlog_namedag::IndexedLogNameDagPath;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "indexedlog-backend"))]
pub use indexedlog_namedag::NameDag;
pub use mem_namedag::MemNameDag;
pub use mem_namedag::MemNameDagPath;

pub struct AbstractNameDag<I, M, P, S>
    I: Send + Sync,
    M: Send + Sync,
    P: Send + Sync,
    S: Send + Sync,
    pub(crate) dag: I,
    pub(crate) map: M,

    /// A read-only snapshot of the `NameDag`.
    /// Lazily calculated.
    snapshot: RwLock<Option<Arc<Self>>>,

    /// Heads added via `add_heads` that are not flushed yet.
    pending_heads: VertexListWithOptions,

    /// Path used to open this `NameDag`.
    path: P,

    /// Extra state of the `NameDag`.
    state: S,

    /// Identity of the dag. Derived from `path`.
    id: String,

    /// `Id`s that are persisted on disk. Used to answer `dirty()`.
    persisted_id_set: IdSet,

    /// Overlay IdMap. Used to store IdMap results resolved using remote
    /// protocols.
    overlay_map: Arc<RwLock<CoreMemIdMap>>,

    /// `Id`s that are allowed in the `overlay_map`. A protection.
    /// The `overlay_map` is shared (Arc) and its ID should not exceed the
    /// existing maximum ID at `map` open time. The IDs from
    /// 0..overlay_map_next_id are considered immutable, but lazy.
    overlay_map_id_set: IdSet,

    /// The source of `overlay_map`s. This avoids absolute Ids, and is
    /// used to flush overlay_map content shall the IdMap change on
    /// disk.
    overlay_map_paths: Arc<Mutex<Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>>>,

    /// Defines how to communicate with a remote service.
    /// The actual logic probably involves networking like HTTP etc
    /// and is intended to be implemented outside the `dag` crate.
    remote_protocol: Arc<dyn RemoteIdConvertProtocol>,

    /// A negative cache. Vertexes that are looked up remotely, and the remote
    /// confirmed the vertexes are outside the master group.
    missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote: Arc<RwLock<HashSet<VertexName>>>,

impl<D, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<D, M, P, S>
    D: Send + Sync,
    M: Send + Sync,
    P: Send + Sync,
    S: Send + Sync,
    /// Extract inner states. Useful for advanced use-cases.
    pub fn into_idmap_dag(self) -> (M, D) {
        (, self.dag)

    /// Extract inner states. Useful for advanced use-cases.
    pub fn into_idmap_dag_path_state(self) -> (M, D, P, S) {
        (, self.dag, self.path, self.state)

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagPersistent for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore + Persist,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone + 'static,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: Open<OpenTarget = Self> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + IntVersion + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Add vertexes and their ancestors to the on-disk DAG.
    /// This is similar to calling `add_heads` followed by `flush`.
    /// But is faster.
    async fn add_heads_and_flush(
        &mut self,
        parents: &dyn Parents,
        heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if !self.pending_heads.is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                "ProgrammingError: add_heads_and_flush called with pending heads ({:?})",

        // Take lock.
        // Reload meta and logs. This drops in-memory changes, which is fine because we have
        // checked there are no in-memory changes at the beginning.
        // Also see comments in `NameDagState::lock()`.
        let old_version = self.state.int_version();
        let lock = self.state.lock()?;
        let map_lock =;
        let dag_lock = self.dag.lock()?;
        let new_version = self.state.int_version();
        if old_version != new_version {

        // Build.
        self.build_with_lock(parents, heads, &map_lock).await?;

        // Write to disk.;

        self.persisted_id_set = self.dag.all_ids_in_groups(&Group::ALL)?;
        debug_assert_eq!(self.dirty().await?.count().await?, 0);

    /// Write in-memory DAG to disk. This will also pick up changes to
    /// the DAG by other processes.
    /// This function re-assigns ids for vertexes. That requires the
    /// pending ids and vertexes to be non-lazy. If you're changing
    /// internal structures (ex. dag and map) directly, or introducing
    /// lazy vertexes, then avoid this function. Instead, lock and
    /// flush directly (see `add_heads_and_flush`, `import_clone_data`).
    /// `heads` specify additional options for special vertexes. This
    /// overrides the `VertexOptions` provided to `add_head`. If `heads`
    /// is empty, then `VertexOptions` provided to `add_head` will be
    /// used.
    async fn flush(&mut self, heads: &VertexListWithOptions) -> Result<()> {
        // Sanity check.
        for result in self.vertex_id_batch(&heads.vertexes()).await? {
        // Previous version of the API requires `master_heads: &[Vertex]`.
        // Warn about possible misuses.
        if !heads.vertexes_by_group(Group::NON_MASTER).is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                "NameDag::flush({:?}) is probably misused (group is not master)",

        // Write cached IdMap to disk.

        // Constructs a new graph so we can copy pending data from the existing graph.
        let mut new_name_dag: Self =;

        let parents: &(dyn DagAlgorithm + Send + Sync) = self;
        let non_master_heads: VertexListWithOptions = self.pending_heads.clone();
        let seg_size = self.dag.get_new_segment_size();
        let heads = heads.clone().chain(non_master_heads);
        new_name_dag.add_heads_and_flush(&parents, &heads).await?;
        *self = new_name_dag;

    /// Write in-memory IdMap paths to disk so the next time we don't need to
    /// ask remote service for IdMap translation.
    async fn flush_cached_idmap(&self) -> Result<()> {
        // The map might have changed on disk. We cannot use the ids in overlay_map
        // directly. Instead, re-translate the paths.

        // Prepare data to insert. Do not hold Mutex across async yield points.
        let mut to_insert: Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)> = Vec::new();
        std::mem::swap(&mut to_insert, &mut *self.overlay_map_paths.lock().unwrap());
        if to_insert.is_empty() {
            return Ok(());

        // Lock, reload from disk. Use a new state so the existing dag is not affected.
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::cache", "flushing cached idmap ({} items)", to_insert.len());
        let mut new: Self =;
        let lock = new.state.lock()?;
        let map_lock =;
        let dag_lock = new.dag.lock()?;
        std::mem::swap(&mut to_insert, &mut *new.overlay_map_paths.lock().unwrap());



impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone + 'static,
    M: TryClone + IdConvert + IdMapWrite + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Implementation detail. Must be protected by a lock.
    async fn flush_cached_idmap_with_lock(&mut self, map_lock: &M::Lock) -> Result<()> {
        let mut to_insert: Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)> = Vec::new();
        std::mem::swap(&mut to_insert, &mut *self.overlay_map_paths.lock().unwrap());
        if to_insert.is_empty() {
            return Ok(());

        let id_names = calculate_id_name_from_paths(

        // For testing purpose, skip inserting certain vertexes.
        let mut skip_vertexes: Option<HashSet<VertexName>> = None;
        if crate::is_testing() {
            if let Ok(s) = var("DAG_SKIP_FLUSH_VERTEXES") {
                skip_vertexes = Some(
                        .filter_map(|s| VertexName::from_hex(s.as_bytes()).ok())

        for (id, name) in id_names {
            if let Some(skip) = &skip_vertexes {
                if skip.contains(&name) {
                        target: "dag::cache",
                        "skip flushing {:?}-{} to IdMap set by DAG_SKIP_FLUSH_VERTEXES",
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::cache", "insert {:?}-{} to IdMap", &name, id);
  , name.as_ref()).await?;

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: Send + Sync + 'static,
    M: Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: IntVersion + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Attempt to reuse caches from `other` if two `NameDag`s are compatible.
    /// Usually called when `self` is newly created.
    fn maybe_reuse_caches_from(&mut self, other: &Self) {
        if self.state.int_version() != other.state.int_version()
            || self.persisted_id_set.as_spans() != other.persisted_id_set.as_spans()
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::cache", "cannot reuse cache");
            target: "dag::cache", "reusing cache ({} missing)",
        self.missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote =
        self.overlay_map = other.overlay_map.clone();
        self.overlay_map_paths = other.overlay_map_paths.clone();

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagAddHeads for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Add vertexes and their ancestors to the in-memory DAG.
    /// This does not write to disk. Use `add_heads_and_flush` to add heads
    /// and write to disk more efficiently.
    /// The added vertexes are immediately query-able.
    /// Note: heads with `reserve_size > 0` must be passed in even if they
    /// already exist and are not being added to the graph for the id
    /// reservation to work correctly.
    async fn add_heads(
        &mut self,
        parents: &dyn Parents,
        heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
    ) -> Result<bool> {

        // Populate vertex negative cache to reduce round-trips doing remote lookups.
        self.populate_missing_vertexes_for_add_heads(parents, &heads.vertexes())

        // heads might require highest_group = MASTER. That might trigger
        // id re-assigning if the NON_MASTER group is not empty. For simplicity,
        // we don't want to deal with id reassignment here.
        // Practically, there are 2 use-cases:
        // - Server wants highest_group = MASTER and it does not use NON_MASTER.
        // - Client only needs highest_group = NON_MASTER (default) here.
        // Support both cases. That is:
        // - If highest_group = MASTER is specified, then NON_MASTER group
        //   must be empty to ensure no id reassignment (checked below).
        // - If highest_group = MASTER is not used, then it's okay whatever.
        let master_heads = heads.vertexes_by_group(Group::MASTER);
        if !master_heads.is_empty() {
            let all = self.dag.all()?;
            let has_non_master = match all.max() {
                Some(id) => == Group::NON_MASTER,
                None => false,
            if has_non_master {
                return programming(concat!(
                    "add_heads() called with highest_group = MASTER but NON_MASTER group is not empty. ",
                    "To avoid id reassignment this is not supported. ",
                    "Pass highest_group = NON_MASTER, and call flush() (common on client use-case), ",
                    "or avoid inserting to NON_MASTER group (common on server use-case).",

        // Performance-wise, add_heads + flush is slower than
        // add_heads_and_flush.
        // Practically, the callsite might want to use add_heads + flush
        // instead of add_heads_and_flush, if:
        // - The callsites cannot figure out "master_heads" at the same time
        //   it does the graph change. For example, hg might know commits
        //   before bookmark movements.
        // - The callsite is trying some temporary graph changes, and does
        //   not want to pollute the on-disk DAG. For example, calculating
        //   a preview of a rebase.
        // Update IdMap. Keep track of what heads are added.
        let mut outcome = PreparedFlatSegments::default();
        let mut covered = self.dag().all_ids_in_groups(&Group::ALL)?;
        let mut reserved = calculate_initial_reserved(self, &covered, heads).await?;
        for (head, opts) in heads.vertex_options() {
            let need_assigning = match self
                .vertex_id_with_max_group(&head, opts.highest_group)
                Some(id) => !self.dag.contains_id(id)?,
                None => true,
            if need_assigning {
                let group = opts.highest_group;
                let prepared_segments = self
                    .assign_head(head.clone(), parents, group, &mut covered, &reserved)
                if opts.reserve_size > 0 {
                    let low = + 1;
                    update_reserved(&mut reserved, &covered, low, opts.reserve_size);
                self.pending_heads.push((head, opts));

        // Update segments in the NON_MASTER group.

        Ok(outcome.segment_count() > 0)

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagStrip for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore + Persist,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + Persist + IdMapWrite + IdConvert + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Open<OpenTarget = Self> + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + IntVersion + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn strip(&mut self, set: &NameSet) -> Result<()> {
        if !self.pending_heads.is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                "strip does not support pending heads ({:?})",

        // Do strip with a lock to avoid cases where descendants are added to
        // the stripped segments.
        let mut new: Self =;
        let (lock, map_lock, dag_lock) = new.reload()?;

        new.strip_with_lock(set, &map_lock).await?;
        new.persist(lock, map_lock, dag_lock)?;

        *self = new;

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + Persist + IdMapWrite + IdConvert + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Internal impelementation of "strip".
    async fn strip_with_lock(&mut self, set: &NameSet, map_lock: &M::Lock) -> Result<()> {
        if !self.pending_heads.is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                "strip does not support pending heads ({:?})",

        let id_set = self.to_id_set(set).await?;

        // Heads in the master group must be known. Strip might "create" heads that are not
        // currently known. Resolve them to ensure graph integrity.
        let head_ids: Vec<Id> = {
            // strip will include descendants.
            let to_strip = self.dag.descendants(id_set.clone())?;
            // only vertexes in the master group can be lazy.
            let master_group = self.dag.master_group()?;
            let master_group_after_strip = master_group.difference(&to_strip);
            let heads_before_strip = self.dag.heads_ancestors(master_group)?;
            let heads_after_strip = self.dag.heads_ancestors(master_group_after_strip)?;
            let new_heads = heads_after_strip.difference(&heads_before_strip);
        let heads_after_strip = self.vertex_name_batch(&head_ids).await?;
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::strip", "heads after strip: {:?}", &heads_after_strip);
        // Write IdMap cache first, they will become problematic to write
        // after "remove" because the `VerLink`s might become incompatible.

        let removed_id_set = self.dag.strip(id_set)?;
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::strip", "removed id set: {:?}", &removed_id_set);

        let mut removed_vertexes = Vec::new();
        for span in removed_id_set.iter_span_desc() {
            let vertexes =, span.high).await?;
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::strip", "removed vertexes: {:?}", &removed_vertexes);

        // Add removed names to missing cache.

        // Snapshot cannot be reused.


impl<IS, M, P, S> IdMapWrite for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Send + Sync,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    async fn insert(&mut self, id: Id, name: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {, name).await

    async fn remove_range(&mut self, low: Id, high: Id) -> Result<Vec<VertexName>> {, high).await

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagImportCloneData for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore + Persist + 'static,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn import_clone_data(&mut self, clone_data: CloneData<VertexName>) -> Result<()> {
        // Write directly to disk. Bypassing "flush()" that re-assigns Ids
        // using parent functions.
        let (lock, map_lock, dag_lock) = self.reload()?;

        if !self.dag.all()?.is_empty() {
            return programming("Cannot import clone data for non-empty graph");
        for (id, name) in clone_data.idmap {
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::clone", "insert IdMap: {:?}-{:?}", &name, id);
  , name.as_ref()).await?;


        self.persist(lock, map_lock, dag_lock)

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore + Persist + 'static,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Verify that universally known vertexes and heads are present in IdMap.
    async fn verify_missing(&self) -> Result<()> {
        let missing: Vec<Id> = self.check_universal_ids().await?;
        if !missing.is_empty() {
            let msg = format!(
                    "Clone data does not contain vertex for {:?}. ",
                    "This is most likely a server-side bug."
            return programming(msg);


    fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<(S::Lock, M::Lock, IS::Lock)> {
        let lock = self.state.lock()?;
        let map_lock =;
        let dag_lock = self.dag.lock()?;

        Ok((lock, map_lock, dag_lock))

    fn persist(&mut self, lock: S::Lock, map_lock: M::Lock, dag_lock: IS::Lock) -> Result<()> {;

        self.persisted_id_set = self.dag.all_ids_in_groups(&Group::ALL)?;


impl<IS, M, P, S> DagImportPullData for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore + Persist,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: Open<OpenTarget = Self> + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: IntVersion + TryClone + Persist + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn import_pull_data(
        &mut self,
        clone_data: CloneData<VertexName>,
        heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if !self.pending_heads.is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                "import_pull_data called with pending heads ({:?})",
        let non_master_heads = heads.vertexes_by_group(Group::NON_MASTER);
        if !non_master_heads.is_empty() {
            return programming(format!(
                    "import_pull_data called with non-master heads ({:?}). ",
                    "This is unsupported because the pull data is lazy and can only be inserted to the master group.",

        for id in clone_data.flat_segments.parents_head_and_roots() {
            if !clone_data.idmap.contains_key(&id) {
                return programming(format!(
                    "server does not provide name for id {:?} in pull data",

        // Constructs a new graph so we don't expose a broken `self` state on error.
        let mut new: Self =;
        let (lock, map_lock, dag_lock) = new.reload()?;

        // Parents that should exist in the local graph. Look them up in 1 round-trip
        // and insert to the local graph.
        // Also check that roots of the new segments do not overlap with the local graph.
        // For example,
        //      D          When the client has B (and A, C), and is pulling D,
        //     /|\         the server provides D, E, F, with parents B and C,
        //    F B E        and roots F and E.
        //      |\|        The client must have B and C, and must not have F
        //      A C        or E.
            let mut root_ids: Vec<Id> = Vec::new();
            let mut parent_ids: Vec<Id> = Vec::new();
            let segments = &clone_data.flat_segments.segments;
            let id_set = IdSet::from_spans(segments.iter().map(|s| s.low..=s.high));
            for seg in segments {
                let pids: Vec<Id> = seg.parents.iter().copied().collect();
                // Parents that are not part of the pull vertexes should exist
                // in the local graph.
                let connected_pids: Vec<Id> = pids
                    .filter(|&p| !id_set.contains(p))
                if connected_pids.len() == pids.len() {
                    // The "low" of the segment is a root (of vertexes to insert).
                    // It needs an overlap check.

            let to_names = |ids: &[Id], hint: &str| -> Result<Vec<VertexName>> {
                let names = ids.iter().map(|i| match clone_data.idmap.get(&i) {
                    Some(v) => Ok(v.clone()),
                    None => {
                        programming(format!("server does not provide name for {} {:?}", hint, i))

            let parent_names = to_names(&parent_ids, "parent")?;
            let root_names = to_names(&root_ids, "root")?;
                "pull: connected parents: {:?}, roots: {:?}",

            // Pre-lookup in one round-trip.
            let mut names = parent_names
            let resolved = new.vertex_id_batch(&names).await?;
            assert_eq!(resolved.len(), names.len());
            for (id, name) in resolved.into_iter().zip(names) {
                if let Ok(id) = id {
                    if ! {
                        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::pull", "insert IdMap: {:?}-{:?}", &name, id);
              , name.as_ref()).await?;

            for name in root_names {
                if new.contains_vertex_name(&name).await? {
                    let e = NeedSlowPath(format!("{:?} exists in local graph", name));
                    return Err(e);

            let client_parents = new.vertex_id_batch(&parent_names).await?;

        // Prepare states used below.
        let mut prepared_client_segments = PreparedFlatSegments::default();
        let server_idmap = &clone_data.idmap;
        let server_idmap_by_name: BTreeMap<&VertexName, Id> =
            server_idmap.iter().map(|(&id, name)| (name, id)).collect();
        // `taken` is the union of `covered` and `reserved`, mainly used by `find_free_span`.
        let mut taken = {
            let covered = new.dag().all_ids_in_groups(&[Group::MASTER])?;
            // Normally we would want `calculate_initial_reserved` here. But we calculate head
            // reservation for all `heads` in order, instead of just considering heads in the
            // `clone_data`. So we're fine without the "initial reserved". In other words, the
            // `calculate_initial_reserved` logic is "inlined" into the `for ... in heads`
            // loop below.

        // Index used by lookups.
        let server_seg_by_high: BTreeMap<Id, &FlatSegment> = clone_data
            .map(|s| (s.high, s))
        let find_server_seg_contains_server_id = |server_id: Id| -> Result<&FlatSegment> {
            let seg = match server_seg_by_high.range(server_id..).next() {
                Some((_high, &seg)) => {
                    if seg.low <= server_id && seg.high >= server_id {
                    } else {
                None => None,
            seg.ok_or_else(|| {
                    "server does not provide segment covering id {}",

        // Insert segments by visiting the heads.
        // Similar to `IdMap::assign_head`, but insert a segment at a time,
        // not a vertex at a time.
        // Only the MASTER group supports laziness. So we only care about it.
        for (head, opts) in heads.vertex_options() {
            let mut stack: Vec<&FlatSegment> = vec![];
            if let Some(&head_server_id) = server_idmap_by_name.get(&head) {
                let head_server_seg = find_server_seg_contains_server_id(head_server_id)?;

            while let Some(server_seg) = stack.pop() {
                let high_vertex = server_idmap[&server_seg.high].clone();
                let client_high_id = new
                    .vertex_id_with_max_group(&high_vertex, Group::NON_MASTER)
                match client_high_id {
                    Some(id) if == Group::MASTER => {
                        // `server_seg` is present in MASTER group (previously inserted
                        // by this loop). No need to insert or visit parents.
                    Some(id) => {
                        // `id` in NON_MASTER group. This should not really happen because we have
                        // checked all "roots" are missing in the local graph. See `NeedSlowPath`
                        // above.
                        let e = NeedSlowPath(format!(
                            "{:?} exists in local graph as {:?} - fast path requires MASTER group",
                            &high_vertex, id
                        return Err(e);
                    None => {}

                let parent_server_ids = &server_seg.parents;
                let parent_names: Vec<VertexName> = {
                    let iter = parent_server_ids.iter().map(|id| server_idmap[id].clone());

                // The client parent ids in the MASTER group.
                let mut parent_client_ids = Vec::new();
                let mut missng_parent_server_ids = Vec::new();

                // Calculate `parent_client_ids`, and `missng_parent_server_ids`.
                // Intentiaonlly using `` not `new` to bypass remote lookups.
                    let client_id_res =;
                    assert_eq!(client_id_res.len(), parent_server_ids.len());
                    for (res, &server_id) in client_id_res.into_iter().zip(parent_server_ids) {
                        match res {
                            Ok(id) if != Group::MASTER => {
                                return Err(NeedSlowPath(format!(
                                    "{:?} exists id in local graph as {:?} - fast path requires MASTER group",
                                    &parent_names, id
                            Ok(id) => {
                            Err(crate::Error::VertexNotFound(_)) => {
                            Err(e) => return Err(e),

                if !missng_parent_server_ids.is_empty() {
                    // Parents are not ready. Needs revisit this segment after inserting parents.
                    // Insert missing parents.
                    // First parent, first insertion.
                    for &server_id in missng_parent_server_ids.iter().rev() {
                        let parent_server_seg = find_server_seg_contains_server_id(server_id)?;

                // All parents are present. Time to insert this segment.
                // Find a suitable low..=high range.
                let candidate_id = parent_client_ids
                    + 1;
                let size = server_seg.high.0 - server_seg.low.0 + 1;
                let span = find_free_span(&taken, candidate_id, size, false);

                // Map the server_seg.low..=server_seg.high to client span.low..=span.high.
                // Insert to IdMap.
                for (&server_id, name) in server_idmap.range(server_seg.low..=server_seg.high) {
                    let client_id = server_id + span.low.0 - server_seg.low.0;
                    if != Group::MASTER {
                        return Err(crate::Error::IdOverflow(Group::MASTER));
          , name.as_ref()).await?;

                // Prepare insertion to IdDag.
                prepared_client_segments.push_segment(span.low, span.high, &parent_client_ids);

                // Mark the range as taken.

            // Consider reservation for `head` by updating `taken`.
            if opts.reserve_size > 0 {
                let head_client_id =;
                let span = find_free_span(&taken, head_client_id + 1, opts.reserve_size as _, true);


        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {

        new.persist(lock, map_lock, dag_lock)?;
        *self = new;

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagExportCloneData for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn export_clone_data(&self) -> Result<CloneData<VertexName>> {
        let idmap: BTreeMap<Id, VertexName> = {
            let ids: Vec<Id> = self.dag.universal_ids()?.into_iter().collect();
            tracing::debug!("export: {} universally known vertexes", ids.len());
            let names = {
                let fallible_names = self.vertex_name_batch(&ids).await?;
                let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(fallible_names.len());
                for name in fallible_names {

        let flat_segments: PreparedFlatSegments = {
            let segments = self.dag.next_segments(Id::MIN, 0)?;
            let mut prepared = Vec::with_capacity(segments.len());
            for segment in segments {
                let span = segment.span()?;
                let parents = segment.parents()?;
                prepared.push(FlatSegment {
                    low: span.low,
                    high: span.high,
            PreparedFlatSegments {
                segments: prepared.into_iter().collect(),

        let data = CloneData {

impl<IS, M, P, S> DagExportPullData for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn export_pull_data(&self, set: &NameSet) -> Result<CloneData<VertexName>> {
        let id_set = self.to_id_set(&set).await?;

        let flat_segments = self.dag.idset_to_flat_segments(id_set)?;
        let ids: Vec<_> = flat_segments.parents_head_and_roots().into_iter().collect();

        let idmap: BTreeMap<Id, VertexName> = {
            tracing::debug!("pull: {} vertexes in idmap", ids.len());
            let names = {
                let fallible_names = self.vertex_name_batch(&ids).await?;
                let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(fallible_names.len());
                for name in fallible_names {
            assert_eq!(ids.len(), names.len());

        let data = CloneData {

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    /// Invalidate cached content. Call this before changing the graph
    /// so `version` in `snapshot` is dropped, and `version.bump()` might
    /// have a faster path.
    /// Forgetting to call this function might hurt performance a bit, but does
    /// not affect correctness.
    fn invalidate_snapshot(&mut self) {
        *self.snapshot.write().unwrap() = None;

    fn invalidate_missing_vertex_cache(&mut self) {
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::cache", "cleared missing cache");
        *self.missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote.write().unwrap() = Default::default();

    fn invalidate_overlay_map(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        self.overlay_map = Default::default();
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::cache", "cleared overlay map cache");

    fn update_overlay_map_id_set(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        self.overlay_map_id_set = self.dag.master_group()?;

    /// Attempt to get a snapshot of this graph.
    pub(crate) fn try_snapshot(&self) -> Result<Arc<Self>> {
        if let Some(s) = {
            if s.dag.version() == self.dag.version() {
                return Ok(Arc::clone(s));

        let mut snapshot = self.snapshot.write().unwrap();
        match snapshot.deref() {
            Some(s) if s.dag.version() == self.dag.version() => Ok(s.clone()),
            _ => {
                let cloned = Self {
                    dag: self.dag.try_clone()?,
                    snapshot: Default::default(),
                    pending_heads: self.pending_heads.clone(),
                    persisted_id_set: self.persisted_id_set.clone(),
                    path: self.path.try_clone()?,
                    state: self.state.try_clone()?,
                    // If we do deep clone here we can remove `overlay_map_next_id`
                    // protection. However that could be too expensive.
                    overlay_map: Arc::clone(&self.overlay_map),
                    overlay_map_id_set: self.overlay_map_id_set.clone(),
                    overlay_map_paths: Arc::clone(&self.overlay_map_paths),
                    remote_protocol: self.remote_protocol.clone(),
                    missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote: Arc::clone(
                let result = Arc::new(cloned);
                *snapshot = Some(Arc::clone(&result));

    pub fn dag(&self) -> &IdDag<IS> {

    pub fn map(&self) -> &M {

    /// Set the remote protocol for converting between Id and Vertex remotely.
    /// This is usually used on "sparse" ("lazy") Dag where the IdMap is incomplete
    /// for vertexes in the master groups.
    pub fn set_remote_protocol(&mut self, protocol: Arc<dyn RemoteIdConvertProtocol>) {
        self.remote_protocol = protocol;

    pub(crate) fn get_remote_protocol(&self) -> Arc<dyn RemoteIdConvertProtocol> {

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn populate_missing_vertexes_for_add_heads(
        &mut self,
        parents: &dyn Parents,
        heads: &[VertexName],
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if self.is_vertex_lazy() {
            let unassigned = calculate_definitely_unassigned_vertexes(self, parents, heads).await?;
            let mut missing = self.missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote.write().unwrap();
            for v in unassigned {
                if missing.insert(v.clone()) {
                    tracing::trace!(target: "dag::cache", "cached missing {:?} (definitely missing)", &v);

/// Calculate vertexes that are definitely not assigned (not in the IdMap,
/// and not in the lazy part of the IdMap) according to
/// `hint_pending_subdag`. This does not report all unassigned vertexes.
/// But the reported vertexes are guaranteed not assigned.
/// If X is assigned, then X's parents must have been assigned.
/// If X is not assigned, then all X's descendants are not assigned.
/// This function visits the "roots" of "parents", and if they are not assigned,
/// then add their descendants to the "unassigned" result set.
async fn calculate_definitely_unassigned_vertexes<IS, M, P, S>(
    this: &AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>,
    parents: &dyn Parents,
    heads: &[VertexName],
) -> Result<Vec<VertexName>>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: TryClone + IdMapAssignHead + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    // subdag: vertexes to insert
    // For example, when adding C---D to the graph A---B:
    //      A---B
    //           \
    //            C---D
    // The subdag is C---D (C does not have parent).
    // Extra checks are needed because upon reload, the main graph
    // A---B might already contain part of the subdag to be added.
    let subdag = parents.hint_subdag_for_insertion(heads).await?;

    let mut remaining = subdag.all().await?;
    let mut unassigned = NameSet::empty();

    // For lazy graph, avoid some remote lookups by figuring out
    // some definitely unassigned (missing) vertexes. For example,
    //      A---B---C
    //           \
    //            D---E
    // When adding D---E (subdag, new vertex that might trigger remote
    // lookup) with parent B to the main graph (A--B--C),
    // 1. If B exists, and is not in the master group, then B and its
    //    descendants cannot be not lazy, and there is no need to lookup
    //    D remotely.
    // 2. If B exists, and is in the master group, and all its children
    //    except D (i.e. C) are known locally, and the vertex name of D
    //    does not match other children (C), we know that D cannot be
    //    in the lazy part of the main graph, and can skip the remote
    //    lookup.
    let mut unassigned_roots = Vec::new();
    if this.is_vertex_lazy() {
        let roots = subdag.roots(remaining.clone()).await?;
        let mut roots_iter = roots.iter().await?;
        while let Some(root) = {
            let root = root?;

            // Do a local "contains" check.
            if matches!(
            ) {
                tracing::debug!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is already known", &root);

            let root_parents_id_set = {
                let root_parents = parents.parent_names(root.clone()).await?;
                let root_parents_set = match this
                    Ok(set) => set,
                    Err(_) => {
                        tracing::trace!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is unclear (parents cannot be resolved)", &root);

            // If there are no parents of `root`, we cannot confidently test
            // whether `root` is missing or not.
            if root_parents_id_set.is_empty() {
                tracing::trace!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is unclear (no parents)", &root);

            // All parents of `root` are non-lazy.
            // So `root` is non-lazy and the local "contains" check is the same
            // as a remote "contains" check.
            if root_parents_id_set
                .all(|i| == Group::NON_MASTER)
                tracing::debug!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is not assigned (non-lazy parent)", &root);

            // All children of lazy parents of `root` are known locally.
            // So `root` cannot match an existing vertex in the lazy graph.
            let children_ids: Vec<Id> = this
            if this
                .all(|b| *b)
                tracing::debug!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is not assigned (children of parents are known)", &root);

            tracing::trace!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "root {:?} is unclear", &root);

        if !unassigned_roots.is_empty() {
            unassigned = subdag
            remaining = remaining.difference(&unassigned);

    // Figure out unassigned (missing) vertexes that do need to be inserted.
    // This is done via utils::filter_known.
    let filter_known = |sample: &[VertexName]| -> BoxFuture<Result<Vec<VertexName>>> {
        let sample = sample.to_vec();
        async {
            let known_bools: Vec<bool> = {
                let ids = this.vertex_id_batch(&sample).await?;
                ids.into_iter().map(|i| i.is_ok()).collect()
            debug_assert_eq!(sample.len(), known_bools.len());
            let known = sample
                .filter_map(|(v, b)| if b { Some(v) } else { None })
    let assigned = utils::filter_known(remaining.clone(), &filter_known).await?;
    unassigned = unassigned.union(&remaining.difference(&assigned));
    tracing::debug!(target: "dag::definitelymissing", "unassigned (missing): {:?}", &unassigned);

    let unassigned = unassigned.iter().await?.try_collect().await?;

// The "client" Dag. Using a remote protocol to fill lazy part of the vertexes.
impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync,
    /// Resolve vertexes remotely and cache the result in the overlay map.
    /// Return the resolved ids in the given order. Not all names are resolved.
    async fn resolve_vertexes_remotely(&self, names: &[VertexName]) -> Result<Vec<Option<Id>>> {
        if names.is_empty() {
            return Ok(Vec::new());
        if is_remote_protocol_disabled() {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                "resolving vertexes remotely disabled",
        if names.len() < 30 {
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::protocol", "resolve names {:?} remotely", &names);
        } else {
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::protocol", "resolve names ({}) remotely", names.len());
        let request: protocol::RequestNameToLocation =
            (, self.dag()).process(names.to_vec()).await?;
        let path_names = self
            .resolve_names_to_relative_paths(request.heads, request.names)
        let overlay =;
        let mut ids = Vec::with_capacity(names.len());
        let mut missing = self.missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote.write().unwrap();
        for name in names {
            if let Some(id) = overlay.lookup_vertex_id(name) {
            } else {
                tracing::trace!(target: "dag::cache", "cached missing {:?} (server confirmed)", &name);

    /// Resolve ids remotely and cache the result in the overlay map.
    /// Return the resolved ids in the given order. All ids must be resolved.
    async fn resolve_ids_remotely(&self, ids: &[Id]) -> Result<Vec<VertexName>> {
        if ids.is_empty() {
            return Ok(Vec::new());
        if is_remote_protocol_disabled() {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                "resolving ids remotely disabled",
        if ids.len() < 30 {
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::protocol", "resolve ids {:?} remotely", &ids);
        } else {
            tracing::debug!(target: "dag::protocol", "resolve ids ({}) remotely", ids.len());
        let request: protocol::RequestLocationToName = (, self.dag())
        let path_names = self
        let overlay =;
        let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(ids.len());
        for &id in ids {
            if let Some(name) = overlay.lookup_vertex_name(id) {
            } else {
                return id.not_found();

    /// Insert `x~n` relative paths to the overlay IdMap.
    async fn insert_relative_paths(
        path_names: Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if path_names.is_empty() {
            return Ok(());
        let to_insert: Vec<(Id, VertexName)> = calculate_id_name_from_paths(

        let mut paths = self.overlay_map_paths.lock().unwrap();

        let mut overlay = self.overlay_map.write().unwrap();
        for (id, name) in to_insert {
            tracing::trace!(target: "dag::cache", "cached mapping {:?} <=> {:?}", id, &name);
            overlay.insert_vertex_id_name(id, name);


/// Calculate (id, name) pairs to insert from (path, [name]) pairs.
async fn calculate_id_name_from_paths(
    map: &dyn IdConvert,
    dag: &dyn IdDagAlgorithm,
    overlay_map_id_set: &IdSet,
    path_names: &[(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)],
) -> Result<Vec<(Id, VertexName)>> {
    if path_names.is_empty() {
        return Ok(Vec::new());
    let mut to_insert: Vec<(Id, VertexName)> =
        Vec::with_capacity(path_names.iter().map(|(_, ns)| ns.len()).sum());
    for (path, names) in path_names {
        if names.is_empty() {
        // Resolve x~n to id. x is "universally known" so it should exist locally.
        let x_id = map.vertex_id(path.x.clone()).await.map_err(|e| {
            let msg = format!(
                    "Cannot resolve x ({:?}) in x~n locally. The x is expected to be known ",
                    "locally and is populated at clone time. This x~n is used to convert ",
                    "{:?} to a location in the graph. (Check initial clone logic) ",
                    "(Error: {})",
                &path.x, &names[0], e
            "resolve path {:?} names {:?} (x = {}) to overlay",
        if !overlay_map_id_set.contains(x_id) {
            let msg = format!(
                    "Server returned x~n (x = {:?} {}, n = {}). But x is out of range ",
                    "({:?}). This is not expected and indicates some ",
                    "logic error on the server side."
                &path.x, x_id, path.n, overlay_map_id_set
            return programming(msg);
        let mut id = match dag.first_ancestor_nth(x_id, path.n).map_err(|e| {
            let msg = format!(
                    "Cannot resolve x~n (x = {:?} {}, n = {}): {}. ",
                    "This indicates the client-side graph is somewhat incompatible from the ",
                    "server-side graph. Something (server-side or client-side) was probably ",
                    "seriously wrong before this error."
                &path.x, x_id, path.n, e
        }) {
            Err(e) => {
                return Err(e);
            Ok(id) => id,
        if names.len() < 30 {
            tracing::debug!("resolved {:?} => {} {:?}", &path, id, &names);
        } else {
            tracing::debug!("resolved {:?} => {} {:?} ...", &path, id, &names[0]);
        for (i, name) in names.into_iter().enumerate() {
            if i > 0 {
                // Follow id's first parent.
                id = match dag.parent_ids(id)?.first().cloned() {
                    Some(id) => id,
                    None => {
                        let msg = format!(
                                "Cannot resolve x~(n+i) (x = {:?} {}, n = {}, i = {}) locally. ",
                                "This indicates the client-side graph is somewhat incompatible ",
                                "from the server-side graph. Something (server-side or ",
                                "client-side) was probably seriously wrong before this error."
                            &path.x, x_id, path.n, i
                        return programming(msg);

            tracing::trace!(" resolved {:?} = {:?}", id, &name,);
            to_insert.push((id, name.clone()));

// The server Dag. IdMap is complete. Provide APIs for client Dag to resolve vertexes.
// Currently mainly used for testing purpose.
impl<IS, M, P, S> RemoteIdConvertProtocol for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn resolve_names_to_relative_paths(
        heads: Vec<VertexName>,
        names: Vec<VertexName>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>> {
        let request = protocol::RequestNameToLocation { names, heads };
        let response: protocol::ResponseIdNamePair =
            (, self.dag()).process(request).await?;

    async fn resolve_relative_paths_to_names(
        paths: Vec<AncestorPath>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>> {
        let request = protocol::RequestLocationToName { paths };
        let response: protocol::ResponseIdNamePair =
            (, self.dag()).process(request).await?;

// On "snapshot".
impl<IS, M, P, S> RemoteIdConvertProtocol for Arc<AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn resolve_names_to_relative_paths(
        heads: Vec<VertexName>,
        names: Vec<VertexName>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>> {
            .resolve_names_to_relative_paths(heads, names)

    async fn resolve_relative_paths_to_names(
        paths: Vec<AncestorPath>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(AncestorPath, Vec<VertexName>)>> {

// Dag operations. Those are just simple wrappers around [`IdDag`].
// See [`IdDag`] for the actual implementations of these algorithms.

/// DAG related read-only algorithms.
impl<IS, M, P, S> DagAlgorithm for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone + 'static,
    M: TryClone + IdConvert + Sync + Send + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Sync + Send + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Sync + Send + 'static,
    /// Sort a `NameSet` topologically.
    async fn sort(&self, set: &NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let hints = set.hints();
        if hints.contains(Flags::TOPO_DESC)
            && matches!(hints.dag_version(), Some(v) if v <= self.dag_version())
            && matches!(hints.id_map_version(), Some(v) if v <= self.map_version())
        } else {
            let flags = extract_ancestor_flag_if_compatible(set.hints(), self.dag_version());
            let mut spans = IdSet::empty();
            let mut iter = set.iter().await?.chunks(1 << 17);
            while let Some(names) = {
                let names = names.into_iter().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
                let ids = self.vertex_id_batch(&names).await?;
                for id in ids {
            let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Get ordered parent vertexes.
    async fn parent_names(&self, name: VertexName) -> Result<Vec<VertexName>> {
        let id = self.vertex_id(name).await?;
        let parent_ids = self.dag().parent_ids(id)?;
        let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(parent_ids.len());
        for id in parent_ids {

    /// Returns a set that covers all vertexes tracked by this DAG.
    async fn all(&self) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().all()?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Returns a set that covers all vertexes in the master group.
    async fn master_group(&self) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().master_group()?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Calculates all ancestors reachable from any name from the given set.
    async fn ancestors(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        if set.hints().contains(Flags::ANCESTORS)
            && set.hints().dag_version() <= Some(self.dag_version())
            return Ok(set);
        let spans = self.to_id_set(&set).await?;
        let spans = self.dag().ancestors(spans)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Like `ancestors` but follows only the first parents.
    async fn first_ancestors(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        // If set == ancestors(set), then first_ancestors(set) == set.
        if set.hints().contains(Flags::ANCESTORS)
            && set.hints().dag_version() <= Some(self.dag_version())
            return Ok(set);
        let spans = self.to_id_set(&set).await?;
        let spans = self.dag().first_ancestors(spans)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::first_ancestors(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculate merges within the given set.
    async fn merges(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.to_id_set(&set).await?;
        let spans = self.dag().merges(spans)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::merges(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates parents of the given set.
    /// Note: Parent order is not preserved. Use [`NameDag::parent_names`]
    /// to preserve order.
    async fn parents(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        // Preserve ANCESTORS flag. If ancestors(x) == x, then ancestors(parents(x)) == parents(x).
        let flags = extract_ancestor_flag_if_compatible(set.hints(), self.dag_version());
        let spans = self.dag().parents(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::parents(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates the n-th first ancestor.
    async fn first_ancestor_nth(&self, name: VertexName, n: u64) -> Result<Option<VertexName>> {
        let name2 = name.clone();
        let id = self.vertex_id(name).await?;
        let id = self.dag().try_first_ancestor_nth(id, n)?;
        let result = match id {
            None => None,
            Some(id) => Some(self.vertex_name(id).await?),
            let result2 = crate::default_impl::first_ancestor_nth(self, name2, n).await?;
            assert_eq!(result, result2);

    /// Calculates heads of the given set.
    async fn heads(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        if set.hints().contains(Flags::ANCESTORS)
            && set.hints().dag_version() <= Some(self.dag_version())
            // heads_ancestors is faster.
            return self.heads_ancestors(set).await;
        let spans = self.dag().heads(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::heads(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates children of the given set.
    async fn children(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().children(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Calculates roots of the given set.
    async fn roots(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let flags = extract_ancestor_flag_if_compatible(set.hints(), self.dag_version());
        let spans = self.dag().roots(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::roots(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates one "greatest common ancestor" of the given set.
    /// If there are no common ancestors, return None.
    /// If there are multiple greatest common ancestors, pick one arbitrarily.
    /// Use `gca_all` to get all of them.
    async fn gca_one(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<Option<VertexName>> {
        let result: Option<VertexName> = match self.dag().gca_one(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)? {
            None => None,
            Some(id) => Some(self.vertex_name(id).await?),
            assert_eq!(&result, &crate::default_impl::gca_one(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates all "greatest common ancestor"s of the given set.
    /// `gca_one` is faster if an arbitrary answer is ok.
    async fn gca_all(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().gca_all(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::gca_all(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates all common ancestors of the given set.
    async fn common_ancestors(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().common_ancestors(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::common_ancestors(self, set).await?);

    /// Tests if `ancestor` is an ancestor of `descendant`.
    async fn is_ancestor(&self, ancestor: VertexName, descendant: VertexName) -> Result<bool> {
        let result2 =
            crate::default_impl::is_ancestor(self, ancestor.clone(), descendant.clone()).await?;
        let ancestor_id = self.vertex_id(ancestor).await?;
        let descendant_id = self.vertex_id(descendant).await?;
        let result = self.dag().is_ancestor(ancestor_id, descendant_id)?;
            assert_eq!(&result, &result2);

    /// Calculates "heads" of the ancestors of the given set. That is,
    /// Find Y, which is the smallest subset of set X, where `ancestors(Y)` is
    /// `ancestors(X)`.
    /// This is faster than calculating `heads(ancestors(set))`.
    /// This is different from `heads`. In case set contains X and Y, and Y is
    /// an ancestor of X, but not the immediate ancestor, `heads` will include
    /// Y while this function won't.
    async fn heads_ancestors(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().heads_ancestors(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;
            // default_impl::heads_ancestors calls `heads` if `Flags::ANCESTORS`
            // is set. Prevent infinite loop.
            if !set.hints().contains(Flags::ANCESTORS) {
                result.assert_eq(crate::default_impl::heads_ancestors(self, set).await?);

    /// Calculates the "dag range" - vertexes reachable from both sides.
    async fn range(&self, roots: NameSet, heads: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let roots = self.to_id_set(&roots).await?;
        let heads = self.to_id_set(&heads).await?;
        let spans = self.dag().range(roots, heads)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Calculates the descendants of the given set.
    async fn descendants(&self, set: NameSet) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let spans = self.dag().descendants(self.to_id_set(&set).await?)?;
        let result = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    /// Vertexes buffered in memory, not yet written to disk.
    async fn dirty(&self) -> Result<NameSet> {
        let all = self.dag().all()?;
        let spans = all.difference(&self.persisted_id_set);
        let set = NameSet::from_spans_dag(spans, self)?;

    fn is_vertex_lazy(&self) -> bool {

    /// Get a snapshot of the current graph.
    fn dag_snapshot(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn DagAlgorithm + Send + Sync>> {
        Ok(self.try_snapshot()? as Arc<dyn DagAlgorithm + Send + Sync>)

    fn id_dag_snapshot(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn IdDagAlgorithm + Send + Sync>> {
        let store = self.dag.try_clone()?.store;

    fn dag_id(&self) -> &str {

    fn dag_version(&self) -> &VerLink {

/// Extract the ANCESTORS flag if the set with the `hints` is bound to a
/// compatible DAG.
fn extract_ancestor_flag_if_compatible(hints: &Hints, dag_version: &VerLink) -> Flags {
    if hints.dag_version() <= Some(dag_version) {
        hints.flags() & Flags::ANCESTORS
    } else {

impl<I, M, P, S> PrefixLookup for AbstractNameDag<I, M, P, S>
    I: Send + Sync,
    M: PrefixLookup + Send + Sync,
    P: Send + Sync,
    S: Send + Sync,
    async fn vertexes_by_hex_prefix(
        hex_prefix: &[u8],
        limit: usize,
    ) -> Result<Vec<VertexName>> {
        let mut list =, limit).await?;
        let overlay_list = self
            .lookup_vertexes_by_hex_prefix(hex_prefix, limit)?;

impl<IS, M, P, S> IdConvert for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone,
    M: IdConvert + TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    async fn vertex_id(&self, name: VertexName) -> Result<Id> {
        match {
            Ok(id) => Ok(id),
            Err(crate::Error::VertexNotFound(_)) if self.is_vertex_lazy() => {
                if let Some(id) = {
                    return Ok(id);
                if self
                    return name.not_found();
                let ids = self.resolve_vertexes_remotely(&[name.clone()]).await?;
                if let Some(Some(id)) = ids.first() {
                } else {
                    // ids is empty.
            Err(e) => Err(e),

    async fn vertex_id_with_max_group(
        name: &VertexName,
        max_group: Group,
    ) -> Result<Option<Id>> {
        match, max_group).await {
            Ok(Some(id)) => Ok(Some(id)),
            Err(err) => Err(err),
            Ok(None) if self.is_vertex_lazy() => {
                if let Some(id) = {
                    return Ok(Some(id));
                if self
                    return Ok(None);
                if max_group == Group::MASTER
                    && self
                        .vertex_id_with_max_group(name, Group::NON_MASTER)
                    // If the vertex exists in the non-master group. Then it must be missing in the
                    // master group.
                    return Ok(None);
                match self.resolve_vertexes_remotely(&[name.clone()]).await {
                    Ok(ids) => match ids.first() {
                        Some(Some(id)) => Ok(Some(*id)),
                        Some(None) | None => Ok(None),
                    Err(e) => Err(e),
            Ok(None) => Ok(None),

    async fn vertex_name(&self, id: Id) -> Result<VertexName> {
        match {
            Ok(name) => Ok(name),
            Err(crate::Error::IdNotFound(_)) if self.is_vertex_lazy() => {
                if let Some(name) = {
                    return Ok(name);
                // Only ids <= max(MASTER group) can be lazy.
                let max_master_id = self.dag.master_group()?.max();
                if Some(id) > max_master_id {
                    return id.not_found();
                let names = self.resolve_ids_remotely(&[id]).await?;
                if let Some(name) = names.into_iter().next() {
                } else {
            Err(e) => Err(e),

    async fn contains_vertex_name(&self, name: &VertexName) -> Result<bool> {
        match {
            Ok(true) => Ok(true),
            Ok(false) if self.is_vertex_lazy() => {
                if self
                    return Ok(true);
                if self
                    return Ok(false);
                match self.resolve_vertexes_remotely(&[name.clone()]).await {
                    Ok(ids) => match ids.first() {
                        Some(Some(_)) => Ok(true),
                        Some(None) | None => Ok(false),
                    Err(e) => Err(e),
            Ok(false) => Ok(false),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

    async fn contains_vertex_id_locally(&self, ids: &[Id]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
        let mut list =;
        let map =;
        for (b, id) in list.iter_mut().zip(ids.iter().copied()) {
            if !*b {
                *b = *b || map.has_vertex_id(id);

    async fn contains_vertex_name_locally(&self, names: &[VertexName]) -> Result<Vec<bool>> {
        tracing::trace!("contains_vertex_name_locally names: {:?}", &names);
        let mut list =;
        tracing::trace!("contains_vertex_name_locally list (local): {:?}", &list);
        assert_eq!(list.len(), names.len());
        let map =;
        for (b, name) in list.iter_mut().zip(names.iter()) {
            if !*b && map.has_vertex_name(name) {
                tracing::trace!("contains_vertex_name_locally overlay has {:?}", &name);
                *b = true;

    async fn vertex_name_batch(&self, ids: &[Id]) -> Result<Vec<Result<VertexName>>> {
        let mut list =;
        if self.is_vertex_lazy() {
            // Read from overlay map cache.
                let map =;
                for (r, id) in list.iter_mut().zip(ids) {
                    if let Some(name) = map.lookup_vertex_name(*id) {
                        *r = Ok(name);
            // Read from missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote cache.
            let missing_indexes: Vec<usize> = {
                let max_master_id = self.dag.master_group()?.max();
                    .filter_map(|(i, r)| match r {
                        // Only resolve ids that are <= max(master) remotely.
                        Err(_) if Some(ids[i]) <= max_master_id => Some(i),
                        Err(_) | Ok(_) => None,
            let missing_ids: Vec<Id> = missing_indexes.iter().map(|i| ids[*i]).collect();
            let resolved = self.resolve_ids_remotely(&missing_ids).await?;
            for (i, name) in missing_indexes.into_iter().zip(resolved.into_iter()) {
                list[i] = Ok(name);

    async fn vertex_id_batch(&self, names: &[VertexName]) -> Result<Vec<Result<Id>>> {
        let mut list =;
        if self.is_vertex_lazy() {
            // Read from overlay map cache.
                let map =;
                for (r, name) in list.iter_mut().zip(names) {
                    if let Some(id) = map.lookup_vertex_id(name) {
                        *r = Ok(id);
            // Read from missing_vertexes_confirmed_by_remote cache.
            let missing_indexes: Vec<usize> = {
                let known_missing =;
                    .filter_map(|(i, r)| {
                        if r.is_err() && !known_missing.contains(&names[i]) {
                        } else {
            if !missing_indexes.is_empty() {
                let missing_names: Vec<VertexName> =
                    missing_indexes.iter().map(|i| names[*i].clone()).collect();
                let resolved = self.resolve_vertexes_remotely(&missing_names).await?;
                for (i, id) in missing_indexes.into_iter().zip(resolved.into_iter()) {
                    if let Some(id) = id {
                        list[i] = Ok(id);

    fn map_id(&self) -> &str {

    fn map_version(&self) -> &VerLink {

impl<IS, M, P, S> AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone + 'static,
    M: TryClone + Persist + IdMapWrite + IdConvert + Sync + Send + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Sync + Send + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Sync + Send + 'static,
    /// Build IdMap and Segments for the given heads.
    /// Update IdMap and IdDag to include the given heads and their ancestors.
    /// Handle "reassign" cases. For example, when adding P to the master group
    /// and one of its parent N2 is in the non-master group:
    /// ```plain,ignore
    ///     1--2--3             3---P
    ///         \                  /
    ///          N1-N2-N3        N2
    /// ```
    /// To maintain topological order, N2 need to be re-assigned to the master
    /// group. This is done by temporarily removing N1-N2-N3, re-insert N1-N2
    /// as 4-5 to be able to insert P, then re-insert N3 in the non-master
    /// group:
    /// ```plain,ignore
    ///     1--2--3 --6 (P)
    ///         \    /
    ///          4--5 --N1
    /// ```
    async fn build_with_lock(
        &mut self,
        parents: &dyn Parents,
        heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
        map_lock: &M::Lock,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // `std::borrow::Cow` without `Clone` constraint.
        enum Input<'a> {
            Borrowed(&'a dyn Parents, &'a VertexListWithOptions),
            Owned(Box<dyn Parents>, VertexListWithOptions),

        // Manual recursion. async fn does not support recursion.
        let mut stack = vec![Input::Borrowed(parents, heads)];

        // Avoid infinite loop (buggy logic).
        let mut loop_count = 0;

        while let Some(input) = stack.pop() {
            loop_count += 1;
            if loop_count > 2 {
                return bug("should not loop > 2 times (1st insertion+strip, 2nd reinsert)");

            let (parents, heads) = match &input {
                Input::Borrowed(p, h) => (*p, *h),
                Input::Owned(p, h) => (p.as_ref(), h),

            // Populate vertex negative cache to reduce round-trips doing remote lookups.
            if self.is_vertex_lazy() {
                let heads: Vec<VertexName> = heads.vertexes();
                self.populate_missing_vertexes_for_add_heads(parents, &heads)

            // Backup, then remove vertexes that need to be reassigned. Actual reassignment
            // happens in the next loop iteration.
            let to_reassign: NameSet = self.find_vertexes_to_reassign(parents, heads).await?;
            if !to_reassign.is_empty().await? {
                let reinsert_heads: VertexListWithOptions = {
                    let heads = self
                    tracing::debug!(target: "dag::reassign", "need to rebuild heads: {:?}", &heads);
                    let heads: Vec<VertexName> = heads.iter().await?.try_collect().await?;
                let reinsert_parents: Box<dyn Parents> = Box::new(self.dag_snapshot()?);
                self.strip_with_lock(&to_reassign, map_lock).await?;

                // Rebuild non-master ids and segments on the next iteration.
                stack.push(Input::Owned(reinsert_parents, reinsert_heads));

            // Update IdMap.
            let mut outcome = PreparedFlatSegments::default();
            let mut covered = self.dag().all_ids_in_groups(&Group::ALL)?;
            let mut reserved = calculate_initial_reserved(self, &covered, heads).await?;
            for group in [Group::MASTER, Group::NON_MASTER] {
                for (vertex, opts) in heads.vertex_options() {
                    if opts.highest_group != group {
                    // Important: do not call It does not trigger
                    // remote protocol properly. Call self.assign_head instead.
                    let prepared_segments = self
                        .assign_head(vertex.clone(), parents, group, &mut covered, &reserved)
                    // Update reserved.
                    if opts.reserve_size > 0 {
                        let low = + 1;
                        update_reserved(&mut reserved, &covered, low, opts.reserve_size);

            // Update segments.

            // The master group might have new vertexes inserted, which will
            // affect the `overlay_map_id_set`.


    /// Find vertexes that need to be reassigned from the non-master group
    /// to the master group. That is,
    /// `ancestors(master_heads_to_insert) & existing_non_master_group`
    /// Assume pre-fetching (populate_missing_vertexes_for_add_heads)
    /// was done, so this function can just use naive DFS without worrying
    /// about excessive remote lookups.
    async fn find_vertexes_to_reassign(
        parents: &dyn Parents,
        heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
    ) -> Result<NameSet> {
        // Heads that need to be inserted to the master group.
        let master_heads = heads.vertexes_by_group(Group::MASTER);

        // Visit vertexes recursively.
        let mut id_set = IdSet::empty();
        let mut to_visit: Vec<VertexName> = master_heads;
        let mut visited = HashSet::new();
        while let Some(vertex) = to_visit.pop() {
            if !visited.insert(vertex.clone()) {
            let id = self.vertex_id_optional(&vertex).await?;
            // None: The vertex/id is not yet inserted to IdMap.
            if let Some(id) = id {
                if == Group::MASTER {
                    // Already exist in the master group. Stop visiting.
                } else {
                    // Need reassign. Need to continue visiting.
            let parents = parents.parent_names(vertex).await?;

        let set = NameSet::from_spans_dag(id_set, self)?;
        tracing::debug!(target: "dag::reassign", "need to reassign: {:?}", &set);

/// Calculate the initial "reserved" set used before inserting new vertexes.
/// Only heads that have non-zero reserve_size and are presnet in the graph
/// take effect. In other words, heads that are known to be not present in
/// the local graph (ex. being added), or have zero reserve_size can be
/// skipped as an optimization.
async fn calculate_initial_reserved(
    map: &dyn IdConvert,
    covered: &IdSet,
    heads: &VertexListWithOptions,
) -> Result<IdSet> {
    let mut reserved = IdSet::empty();
    for (vertex, opts) in heads.vertex_options() {
        if opts.reserve_size == 0 {
            // Avoid potentially costly remote lookup.
        if let Some(id) = map
            .vertex_id_with_max_group(&vertex, opts.highest_group)
            update_reserved(&mut reserved, covered, id + 1, opts.reserve_size);

fn update_reserved(reserved: &mut IdSet, covered: &IdSet, low: Id, reserve_size: u32) {
    if reserve_size == 0 {
    let span = find_free_span(covered, low, reserve_size as _, true);

/// Find a span with constraints:
/// - does not overlap with `covered`.
/// - `span.low` >= the given `low`.
/// - if `shrink_to_fit` is `false`, `span.high - span.low` must be `reserve_size`.
/// - if `shrink_to_fit` is `true`, the span can be smaller than `reserve_size` to
///   fill up existing gaps in `covered`.
/// `reserve_size` cannot be 0.
fn find_free_span(covered: &IdSet, low: Id, reserve_size: u64, shrink_to_fit: bool) -> IdSpan {
    assert!(reserve_size > 0);
    let mut low = low;
    let mut high;
    loop {
        high = (low + (reserve_size as u64) - 1).min(;
        // Try to reserve id..=id+reserve_size-1
        let reserved = IdSet::from_spans(vec![low..=high]);
        let intersected = reserved.intersection(covered);
        if let Some(span) = intersected.iter_span_asc().next() {
            // Overlap with existing covered spans. Decrease `high` so it
            // no longer overlap.
            let last_free = span.low - 1;
            if last_free >= low && shrink_to_fit {
                // Use the remaining part of the previous reservation.
                //   [----------reserved--------------]
                //             [--intersected--]
                //   ^                                ^
                //   low                              high
                //            ^
                //            last_free
                //   [reserved] <- remaining of the previous reservation
                //            ^
                //            high
                high = last_free;
            } else {
                // No space on the left side. Try the right side.
                //   [--------reserved-------]
                //   [--intersected--]
                //   ^                       ^
                //   low                     high
                //        try next -> [------reserved------]
                //  ^                 ^
                //  last_free         low (try next)
                low = span.high + 1;
    let span = IdSpan::new(low, high);
    if !shrink_to_fit {
        assert_eq!(span.count(), reserve_size);

fn is_ok_some<T>(value: Result<Option<T>>) -> bool {
    match value {
        Ok(Some(_)) => true,
        _ => false,

impl<IS, M, P, S> IdMapSnapshot for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    IdDag<IS>: TryClone + 'static,
    M: TryClone + IdConvert + Send + Sync + 'static,
    P: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: TryClone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn id_map_snapshot(&self) -> Result<Arc<dyn IdConvert + Send + Sync>> {
        Ok(self.try_snapshot()? as Arc<dyn IdConvert + Send + Sync>)

impl<IS, M, P, S> fmt::Debug for AbstractNameDag<IdDag<IS>, M, P, S>
    IS: IdDagStore,
    M: IdConvert + Send + Sync,
    P: Send + Sync,
    S: Send + Sync,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        debug(&self.dag, &, f)

pub(crate) fn debug_segments_by_level_group<S: IdDagStore>(
    iddag: &IdDag<S>,
    idmap: &dyn IdConvert,
    level: Level,
    group: Group,
) -> Vec<String> {
    let mut result = Vec::new();
    // Show Id, with optional hash.
    let show = |id: Id| DebugId {
        name: non_blocking_result(idmap.vertex_name(id)).ok(),
    let show_flags = |flags: SegmentFlags| -> String {
        let mut result = Vec::new();
        if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_ROOT) {
        if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::ONLY_HEAD) {
        result.join(" ")

    if let Ok(segments) = iddag.next_segments(group.min_id(), level) {
        for segment in segments.into_iter().rev() {
            if let (Ok(span), Ok(parents), Ok(flags)) =
                (segment.span(), segment.parents(), segment.flags())
                let mut line = format!(
                    "{:.12?} : {:.12?} {:.12?}",
                let flags = show_flags(flags);
                if !flags.is_empty() {
                    line += &format!(" {}", flags);

fn debug<S: IdDagStore>(
    iddag: &IdDag<S>,
    idmap: &dyn IdConvert,
    f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
) -> fmt::Result {
    if let Ok(max_level) = iddag.max_level() {
        writeln!(f, "Max Level: {}", max_level)?;
        for lv in (0..=max_level).rev() {
            writeln!(f, " Level {}", lv)?;
            for group in Group::ALL.iter().cloned() {
                writeln!(f, "  {}:", group)?;
                if let Ok(segments) = iddag.next_segments(group.min_id(), lv) {
                    writeln!(f, "   Segments: {}", segments.len())?;
                    for line in debug_segments_by_level_group(iddag, idmap, lv, group) {
                        writeln!(f, "    {}", line)?;


struct DebugId {
    id: Id,
    name: Option<VertexName>,

impl fmt::Debug for DebugId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        if let Some(name) = & {
            fmt::Debug::fmt(&name, f)?;
        write!(f, "{:?}",;