error_tools 0.12.0

Basic exceptions handling mechanism

Module :: error_tools

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Basic exceptions handling mechanism.

Basic use-case

#[ cfg( feature = "enabled" ) ]
fn main()
  let err = f1();
  println!( "{err:#?}" );
  // < Err(
  // <    BasicError {
  // <        msg: "Some error",
  // <    },
  // < )

#[ cfg( feature = "enabled" ) ]
fn f1() -> error_tools::Result< () >
  let _read = std::fs::read_to_string( "Cargo.toml" )?;
  Err( error_tools::BasicError::new( "Some error" ).into() )

To add to your project

cargo add error_tools

Try out from the repository

git clone
cd wTools
cargo run --example error_tools_trivial