erldash 0.1.2

A simple, terminal-based Erlang dashboard


erldash Actions Status License

A simple, terminal-based Erlang dashboard.

erldash connects to an Erlang node using the dynamic node name feature (since OTP-23) to collect metrics. It only depends on erlang and erpc modules. So you can use this dashboard out of the box without installing any additional packages to the target Erlang node.

Metrics are collected using erlang:statistics/1, erlang:memory/0 and erlang:system_info/1 functions.

erldash demo


Pre-built binaries

Pre-built binaries for Linux and MacOS are available in the releases page.

// An example to download the binary for Linux.
$ curl -L${VERSION}/erldash-${VERSION}.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl -o erldash
$ chmod +x erldash
$ ./erldash

With Cargo

If you have installed cargo (the package manager for Rust), you can install erldash with the following command:

$ cargo install erldash
$ erldash


Just execute the following command:


If you need to specify a cookie value other than $HOME/.erlang.cookie, please specify that to --cookie option.

$ erldash --help shows the detailed help message.