ergo 0.1.1

<pre-alpha> making rust's ecosystem more ergonomic, therefore more fun.

Ergo: making rust's ecosystem more ergonomic, therefore more fun.

Ergo is an effort to unify the rust ecosystem at critical sections. It is currently focused on improving the cli ergonomics. To accomplish this it will create multiple targeted conglomeration crates, each one with it's own documentation and integration tests ensuring that the underlying libraries do not break upstream users.

Sub Crates

This crate is not currently usable.

The following sub crates are targeted towards the following months:

  • [ ]: ergo_base: "generally needed stuff" -- lazy_static, maplit, failure, itertools, std_prelude, etc.
  • [ ]: ergo_sys: deal with interfacing with the OS. Examples include time (chrono), signal handling ctrlc, (maybe) system libraries (libc), shell variables (shellexpand) and randomness (rand).
  • [x]: ergo_fs for files+directories. Some crates could be path_abs, walkdir, tar repo
  • [ ]: ergo_config deserialization and config files+env-vars: toml, serde_json, serde_yaml, configure, etc

Something that the ecosystem isn't quite ready for but is probably close

  • ergo_term: terminal input/output styling: tabwriter, pretty_tables, termstyle, etc
  • ergo_test: test framework conglomeration, not particular to any particular application


  • I blogged more about my intentions here
  • This issue contains a good deal of the intention as well