ergo-lib 0.4.4

ErgoTree interpreter and wallet-like features for Ergo
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate
## [0.4.4] - 2021-01-20

### Added 
- `BlockValue`, `ValDef`, `ValUse`, `FuncValue`, `Apply` IR nodes evaluation and serialization [#171];
- `SimpleBoxSelector`: sort inputs by target tokens and skip inputs that does not have target tokens [#175];
- `Fold`(collection), `ExtractAmount`(`Box.value`), `SelectField`(tuple field access) IR nodes evaluation and serialization [#173]

## [0.4.3] - 2021-01-15

### Added 
- `SType::STuple()` and `Value::Tup()` types to store tuples. Implemented serialization, conversion between Rust types and `Constant`(`Value`, `SType`) [#166];
- `EQ(==)`, `NEQ(!=)` implementation [#166];

## [0.4.2] - 2020-12-21

### Added 

- Interpreter: Box.Rx properties (get register value), OptionGet [#163];
- Interpreter: added global vars (`INPUTS`, `OUTPUTS`, `SELF`, `HEIGHT`), `Context` properties (`dataInputs`) [#155];
- Explorer API v1 format parsing for box.additionalRegisters [#161];

## [0.4.1] - 2020-11-19

### Added 

- Support for parsing ErgoBox transaction id from `txId` JSON field name;

## [0.4.0] - 2020-11-19

### Added

- Support for parsing ErgoBox id also from "id" JSON field name [#134]
- Address::p2pk_from_pk_bytes to make an Address from serialized PK [#136]
- Address::from_str to parse an Address without checking the network prefix [#136]
- Address::recreate_from_ergo_tree to re-create the address from ErgoTree (built from the address) [#146]
- NetworkAddress to store Address + NetworkPrefix [#146]

### Changed

- Move and changed visibility of various modules(input, data_input, prover_result, etc.) [#135]
- Add Context parameter to Prover::prove, Verifier::verify [#139]
- Move all transaction-related parameters into TransactionContext parameter in Wallet::sign_transaction [#139]
- Move Constant export from crate root to constant module (ast::constant) and made eval module private [#142]
- Make SType public [#142]

## [0.3.0] - 2020-11-04

### Added

- Add value extraction API for Constant (e.g i64::try_extract_from(constant))  [#111]
- Implement From<BoxId> for DataInput [#113]
- Add data inputs to TxBuilder [#115]
- Read/Write register values in ErgoBox, ErgoBoxCandidate [#116]
- Add tokens support in TxBuilder and ErgoBoxCandidateBuilder [#118]
- Implement JSON encoding/decoding for UnsignedTransaction [#123]
- Add TxBuilder::estimate_tx_size_bytes() to get estimated serialized transaction size in bytes after signing (assuming P2PK box spending); tx_builder::SUGGESTED_TX_FEE constant with "default" current tx fee used lately (1100000 nanoERGs); [#128]
- Add checks when minting token for minting token exclusivity and registers overwrite [#129]
- Add transaction validity checks in TxBuilder [#130]
- Use TokenAmount instead of u64 in sum_tokens*() [#130]
- Add TokenAmount::checked*() ops [#130]
- Add I64::as_num() in WASM bindings [#130]

### Changed

- box_id, box_value and register modules made private in ergo_box module and all types are re-exported from ergo_box module itself [#131]

## [0.2.0] - 2020-10-06

### Added

- Binary serialization;
- JSON serialization;
- Box, Transaction building;
- Transaction signing (P2PK only);
- ErgoTree constant values conversion.

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