ergo-lib-c 0.26.0

C bindings for ergo-lib

C bindings for ergo-lib

A thin wrapper for core Rust part of C bindings Does not use Rust types in the API and is suitable for C FFI.

Build instructions

The following command builds the project with REST API features:

cargo build -p ergo-lib-c --features rest

To build without REST simply omit --features rest.

The C header file is generated with cbindgen. Run the following command:

cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --crate ergo-lib-c --output h/ergo_lib.h

Note that we require a nightly version of rustc just for this command. This is because we use macros to generate some C-types and cbindgen cannot directly generate types through them. However cbindgen gives us the option to expand macros, which can only be done through a nightly version of rustc. The crate itself can always be compiled by a stable version of rustc.