epsilonz_algebra 0.0.1

Abstract Algebra in Rust. (NOTE: this crate is merging with https://github.com/bjz/algebra)
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Abstract Algebra in Rust

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This library implements Monoid, Semigroup and related traits. Semigroups are mathematical structures with an associative operation (e.g., (+), (*), (&&), (||), …).

The design of this library is roughly fashioned after Kmett's semigroups for Haskell.


See the API documentation here.


  1. Rust
  2. Cargo

You can install both with the following:

$ curl -s https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sudo sh

See Installing Rust for further details.


$ cargo build       ## build library and binary
$ cargo test        ## run tests in ./tests
$ cargo bench       ## run benchmarks in ./benches


There is an IRC channel on freenode (chat.freenode.net) at #epsilonz.