epoxy 0.0.1

Rust bindings for libepoxy, an OpenGL function pointer manager.


Rust bindings for libepoxy, an OpenGL function pointer manager.

Bindings generated using a custom generator for the gl_generator crate.

Why would I use this over the gl crate?

You probably shouldn't, gl does the same type of function pointer management but requires a get_proc_address or similar kind of function to locate the needed function pointers. This isn't a problem when using a library such as glutin for window management, but is a problem when interacting with a Gdk GdkGLContext. Using gl together with epoxy (such as writing a wrapper which dlsym's the appropriate symbols and returns the epoxy_* versions) causes issues, as both libraries attempt to lazily resolve symbols and cache function pointer values.

This crate is mainly useful for using OpenGL functions to draw to a GtkGLArea together with the gtk crate. Gdk uses epoxy in the background to set up an OpenGL context for you, but doesn't provide an easy way to locate the proper OpenGL functions after initialization. This crate attempts to address this issue.

Can I draw to a GtkGLArea using glium?

Hopefully soon.