Module epd_waveshare::epd1in54

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A simple Driver for the Waveshare 1.54“ E-Ink Display via SPI

Example for the 1.54 in E-Ink Display

use epd_waveshare::{
    epd1in54::{EPD1in54, Buffer1in54},
    graphics::{Display, DisplayRotation},

// Setup EPD
let mut epd = EPD1in54::new(&mut spi, cs_pin, busy_in, dc, rst, &mut delay)?;

// Use display graphics
let mut buffer = Buffer1in54::default();
let mut display = Display::new(epd.width(), epd.height(), &mut buffer.buffer);

// Write some hello world in the screenbuffer
    Font6x8::render_str("Hello World!")
        .translate(Coord::new(5, 50))

// Display updated frame
epd.update_frame(&mut spi, &display.buffer()).unwrap();
epd.display_frame(&mut spi).expect("display frame new graphics");

// Set the EPD to sleep
epd.sleep(&mut spi).expect("sleep");


Full size buffer for use with the 1in54 EPD
EPD1in54 driver
