envsubst 0.2.1

Variables substitution
//! Variables substitution in string templates.
//! This library provide helper functions for string manipulation,
//! taking values from a context **env**ironment map and **subst**ituting
//! all matching placeholders.
//! Its name and logic is similar to the [`envsubst`] GNU utility, but
//! this only supports braces-delimited variables (i.e. `${foo}`) and
//! takes replacement values from an explicit map of variables.
//! [`envsubst`]: https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/envsubst-Invocation.html
//! ## Example
//! ```rust
//! let base_url = "${protocol}://${hostname}/${endpoint}";
//! assert!(envsubst::is_templated(base_url));
//! let mut context = std::collections::HashMap::new();
//! context.insert("protocol".to_string(), "https".to_string());
//! context.insert("hostname".to_string(), "example.com".to_string());
//! context.insert("endpoint".to_string(), "login".to_string());
//! assert!(envsubst::validate_vars(&context).is_ok());
//! let final_url = envsubst::substitute(base_url, &context).unwrap();
//! assert!(!envsubst::is_templated(&final_url));
//! assert_eq!(final_url, "https://example.com/login");
//! ```


use std::collections::HashMap;

/// Library errors.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("envsubst error: {0}")]
pub struct Error(String);

/// Substitute variables in a template string.
/// Given an input string `template`, replace tokens of the form `${foo}` with
/// values provided in `variables`.
pub fn substitute<T>(template: T, variables: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<String, Error>
    T: Into<String>,
    let mut output = template.into();
    if variables.is_empty() {
        return Ok(output);

    for (k, v) in variables {
        validate(k, "key")?;
        validate(v, "value")?;

        let from = format!("${{{}}}", k);
        output = output.replace(&from, &v)


/// Check whether input string contains templated variables.
pub fn is_templated<S>(input: S) -> bool
    S: AsRef<str>,
    let start = input.as_ref().find("${");
    let end = input.as_ref().find('}');

    match (start, end) {
        (Some(s), Some(e)) => s < e,
        _ => false,

/// Validate variables for substitution.
/// This check whether substitution variables are valid. In order to make
/// substitution deterministic, the following characters are not allowed
/// within variables names nor values: `$`, `{`, `}`.
pub fn validate_vars(variables: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    for (k, v) in variables {
        validate(k, "key")?;
        validate(v, "value")?;

/// Check whether `value` contains invalid characters.
fn validate<S>(value: S, kind: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
    S: AsRef<str>,
    let forbidden = &["$", "{", "}"];
    for c in forbidden {
        if value.as_ref().contains(c) {
            let err_msg = format!(
                "variable {} '{}' contains forbidden character '{}'",
            return Err(Error(err_msg));

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    fn basic_subst() {
        let template = "foo ${VAR} bar";
        let mut env = HashMap::new();
        env.insert("VAR".to_string(), "var".to_string());

        let out = substitute(template, &env).unwrap();
        let expected = "foo var bar";
        assert_eq!(out, expected);

    fn template_check() {
        let plain = "foo";

        let template = "foo ${VAR} bar";

        let starting = "foo${";

        let ending = "foo}";

    fn basic_empty_vars() {
        let template = "foo ${VAR} bar";
        let env = HashMap::new();

        let out = substitute(template, &env).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(out, template);

    fn dollar_bracket() {
        let template = "foo ${ bar";
        let mut env = HashMap::new();
        env.insert("VAR".to_string(), "var".to_string());

        let out = substitute(template, &env).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(out, template);

    fn invalid_vars() {
        let template = "foo ${VAR} bar";
        let mut env = HashMap::new();
        env.insert("${VAR}".to_string(), "var".to_string());

        substitute(template, &env).unwrap_err();

        let mut env = HashMap::new();
        env.insert("VAR".to_string(), "${VAR}".to_string());