envelope 0.8.1

An interpolatable Envelope trait along with a generic 2D Point trait. Useful for controlling parameters over time.
extern crate envelope;

use envelope::Envelope;
use envelope::interpolation::Spatial;
use std::iter::{FromIterator, once};

struct Points<P>(Vec<P>);

/// Implement a Point and Envelope for the given X and Y types.
macro_rules! impl_point_and_envelope {
    ($X:ty, $Y:ty) => {
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
        struct Point {
            x: $X,
            y: $Y,
        impl envelope::Point for Point {
            type X = $X;
            type Y = $Y;
            fn x_to_scalar(x: $X) -> <Self::Y as Spatial>::Scalar { x as <Self::Y as Spatial>::Scalar }
            fn x(&self) -> $X { self.x }
            fn y(&self) -> $Y { self.y }
        impl<'a> Envelope<'a> for Points<Point> {
            type X = $X;
            type Y = $Y;
            type Point = Point;
            type Points = std::slice::Iter<'a, Point>;
            fn points(&'a self) -> Self::Points { self.0.iter() }

/// Check that for the given types X and Y, `y` is accurate when X falls exactly upon a point.
/// Y is expected to always be some float type.
macro_rules! test_x_y_float {
    ($test_name:ident, $X:ty, $Y:ty) => {

        fn $test_name() {

            impl_point_and_envelope!($X, $Y);

            fn sine(x: $X) -> $Y {
                ((x as $Y).sin() / 2.0) + 0.5

            // Values exactly on points.
            let points_a = Points(Vec::from_iter((0..1_000).map(|i| {
                let x = i as $X;
                let value = sine(x);
                Point { x: x, y: value } 
            for i in 0..1_000 {
                let x = i as $X;
                let value = sine(x);
                let y_at_x = match points_a.y(x) {
                    Some(y) => y,
                    None => panic!("Cannot interpolate x {:?}", x),
                assert_eq!(value, y_at_x);

            // Interpolation betwen points.
            let points_b: Vec<Point> = once(Point { x: 0 as $X, y: 0.0 as $Y })
                .chain(once(Point { x: 10 as $X, y: 1.0 as $Y }))
            let points_b = Points(points_b);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(0 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 0"), 0.0 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(1 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 1"), 0.1 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(2 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 2"), 0.2 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(3 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 3"), 0.3 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(4 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 4"), 0.4 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(5 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 5"), 0.5 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(6 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 6"), 0.6 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(7 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 7"), 0.7 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(8 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 8"), 0.8 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(9 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 9"), 0.9 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(10 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 10"), 1.0 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(11 as $X), None);

            // Finding points.
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_before(5 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_before(0 as $X), None);
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(5 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(0 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(10 as $X), Some(1));

            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_after(5 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_after(10 as $X), None);
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(5 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(10 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(0 as $X), Some(0));

            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_before(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(0 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(10 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);

            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_after(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(0 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(10 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);


test_x_y_float!(xf32_yf32, f32, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xf32_yf64, f32, f64);

test_x_y_float!(xf64_yf32, f64, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xf64_yf64, f64, f64);

test_x_y_float!(xi32_yf32, i32, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xi32_yf64, i32, f64);

test_x_y_float!(xi64_yf32, i64, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xi64_yf64, i64, f64);

test_x_y_float!(xu32_yf32, u32, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xu32_yf64, u32, f64);

test_x_y_float!(xu64_yf32, u64, f32);
test_x_y_float!(xu64_yf64, u64, f64);

/// Check that for the given types X and Y, `y` is accurate when X falls exactly upon a point.
/// Y is expected to always be some float type.
macro_rules! test_x_y_int {
    ($test_name:ident, $X:ty, $Y:ty) => {

        fn $test_name() {

            impl_point_and_envelope!($X, $Y);

            fn sine(x: $X) -> $Y {
                (((x as f64).sin() * 20.0) + 10.0) as $Y

            // Values exactly on points.
            let points_a = Points(Vec::from_iter((0..1_000).map(|i| {
                let x = i as $X;
                let value = sine(x);
                Point { x: x, y: value } 
            for i in 0..1_000 {
                let x = i as $X;
                let value = sine(x);
                let y_at_x = match points_a.y(x) {
                    Some(y) => y,
                    None => panic!("Cannot interpolate x {:?}", x),
                assert_eq!(value, y_at_x);

            // Interpolation betwen points.
            let points_b: Vec<Point> = once(Point { x: 0 as $X, y: 0 as $Y })
                .chain(once(Point { x: 10 as $X, y: 100 as $Y }))
            let points_b = Points(points_b);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(0 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 0"), 0 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(1 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 1"), 10 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(2 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 2"), 20 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(3 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 3"), 30 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(4 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 4"), 40 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(5 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 5"), 50 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(6 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 6"), 60 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(7 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 7"), 70 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(8 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 8"), 80 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(9 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 9"), 90 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(10 as $X).expect("Cannot interpolate 10"), 100 as $Y);
            assert_eq!(points_b.y(11 as $X), None);

            // Finding points.
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_before(5 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_before(0 as $X), None);
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(5 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(0 as $X), Some(0));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_before(10 as $X), Some(1));

            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_after(5 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_after(10 as $X), None);
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(5 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(10 as $X), Some(1));
            assert_eq!(points_b.point_idx_on_or_after(0 as $X), Some(0));

            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_before(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(0 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_before(10 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);

            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_after(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(5 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(0 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[0]);
            assert_eq!(*points_b.point_on_or_after(10 as $X).unwrap(), points_b.0[1]);


test_x_y_int!(xf32_yi32, f32, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xf32_yi64, f32, i64);

test_x_y_int!(xf64_yi32, f64, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xf64_yi64, f64, i64);

test_x_y_int!(xi32_yi32, i32, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xi32_yi64, i32, i64);

test_x_y_int!(xi64_yi32, i64, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xi64_yi64, i64, i64);

test_x_y_int!(xu32_yi32, u32, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xu32_yi64, u32, i64);

test_x_y_int!(xu64_yi32, u64, i32);
test_x_y_int!(xu64_yi64, u64, i64);