env_plus 0.1.2

A very simple crate used to load ENV variables in your program, but can also be customized to load your own files.
# env_plus <br /> 


### A very simple and highly costumizeable env variable loader. You can specify your own files that you want to use or use its default settings.

## <br />

# Usage

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

env_plus = "0.1.2"

### .env_plus

// This is a comment!

### main<nolink>.rs

use env_plus::EnvLoader;

fn main() {

    let secret = std::env::var("SECRET").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(secret, String::from("YOUR_SECRET"));

### The default settings for env_plus are:

* File: .env_plus
* Comments: //
* Value delimiter: =
* Overwrite existing variables with the same name: false

### However, you are allowed to fully costumize which files to use and how to parse them.

## <br />

# Advanced Usage

### special_file.extension

## I want to use this style as a comment!

## == will be the new value delimiter


### main<nolink>.rs

use env_plus::EnvLoader;

fn main() {
    std::env::set_var("SECRET", "MY_SECRET");


    let secret = std::env::var("SECRET").unwrap();

    // SECRET has been overwritten from MY_SECRET to YOUR_SECRET
    assert_eq!(secret, String::from("YOUR_SECRET"));