Derive Macro enum_tag::EnumTag

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Proc. macro to derive the EnumTag trait for the given Rust enum.

This proc. macro only works on Rust enum types and creates a C-like enum with the same variants as the input Rust enum without all the associated data. Also it derives an implementation of EnumTag for the Rust enum that makes it possible to create instances of the generated C-like enum as well as link to its identifier via <RustEnum as EnumTag>::Tag.


use enum_tag::EnumTag;

#[repr(u8)] // Rust needs this for `B = 42`
enum Foo {
    B = 42,
    D(i32, i64),
    E { a: i32 },
    F { a: i32, b: i64 },

/// This is how we can access the generated C-like enum type and name it.
type FooTag = <Foo as EnumTag>::Tag;

assert_eq!(FooTag::A, Foo::A.tag());
assert_eq!(FooTag::B, Foo::B.tag());
assert_eq!(FooTag::C, Foo::C(1).tag());
assert_eq!(FooTag::D, Foo::D(2, 3).tag());
assert_eq!(FooTag::E, Foo::E { a: 4 }.tag());
assert_eq!(FooTag::F, Foo::F { a: 5, b: 6 }.tag());

assert_eq!(FooTag::B as u8, 42);

The above #[derive(EnumTag)] proc. macro will expand to roughly the following Rust code:

const _: () = {
    pub enum FooTag {
        B = 42,

    impl ::enum_tag::EnumTag for Foo {
        type Tag = FooTag;

        fn tag(&self) -> <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag {
            match self {
                Self::A { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::A,
                Self::B { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::B,
                Self::C { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::C,
                Self::D { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::D,
                Self::E { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::E,
                Self::F { .. } => <Self as ::enum_tag::EnumTag>::Tag::F,