entrance 0.1.0

A command line argument parser library which provides type assisted tools



Type sytem assisted command line argument parser

entrance provides type assisted tools for parsing command line arguments.

Simple usage

use entrance::*;
use std::env::args;

struct Opts {
    #[description = "Print the usage"]
    #[short = 'h']
    help: bool,

    #[description = "Print the version"]
    version: bool,

fn main() {
    let command: Command<Opts, ()> = Command::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"))

    if command.options().help {
        println!("{}", command.help());

    if command.options().version {
        println!("{} {}", command.name(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));

Structs and traits


This struct provides tools for parsing command line arguments.

Before parsing command line arguments, it is necessary to create the instance with the associated function new. Then, use parse or parse_options and parse_arguments.

If arguments should be parsed after checking options, use parse_options and parse_arguments. Otherwise, use parse simply.


A derive macro is available for this.

Limitation: the macro supports only the struct with bool members.


A derive macro is available for this.

Limitation: the macro supports only the struct with members implementing FromStr.