entrait 0.1.0

The entrait macro


Experimental proc macro to ease development using Inversion of Control patterns in Rust.

entrait is used to generate a trait from the definition of a regular function. The main use case for this is that other functions may depend upon the trait instead of the concrete implementation, enabling better test isolation.

The macro looks like this:

fn my_function<D>(deps: &D) {

which generates the trait MyFunction:

trait MyFunction {
    fn my_function(&self);

my_function's first and only parameter is deps which is generic over some unknown type D. This would correspond to the self parameter in the trait. But what is this type supposed to be? We can generate an implementation in the same go, using for Type:

struct App;

#[entrait::entrait(MyFunction for App)]
fn my_function<D>(deps: &D) {

// Generated:
// trait MyFunction {
//     fn my_function(&self);
// }
// impl MyFunction for App {
//     fn my_function(&self) {
//         my_function(self)
//     }
// }

fn main() {
    let app = App;

The advantage of this pattern comes into play when a function declares its dependencies, as trait bounds:

#[entrait(Foo for App)]
fn foo(deps: &(impl Bar))

#[entrait(Bar for App)]
fn bar<D>(deps: &D) {

The functions may take any number of parameters, but the first one is always considered specially as the "dependency parameter".

Functions may also be non-generic, depending directly on the App:

#[entrait(ExtractSomething for App)]
fn extract_something(app: &App) -> SomeType {

These kinds of functions may be considered "leaves" of a dependency tree.

async support

Since Rust at the time of writing does not natively support async methods in traits, you may opt in to having #[async_trait] generated for your trait:

#[entrait(Foo, async_trait=true)]
async fn foo<D>(deps: &D) {

This is designed to be forwards compatible with real async fn in traits. When that day comes, you should be able to just remove the async_trait=true to get a proper zero-cost future.

mockall support

The macro supports autogenerating mockall mock structs:

#[entrait(Foo, mockable=true)]
fn foo<D>(_: &D) -> u32 {

fn my_func(deps: &(impl Foo)) -> u32 {

fn test_my_func() {
    let deps = MockFoo();
    deps.expect_foo().returning(|| 42);
    assert_eq!(42, my_func(&deps));

This is easy enough when there is only one trait bound, because the generated trait need only be attributed with mockall::automock.

With multiple trait bounds, this becomes a little harder: We need some concrete struct that implement all the given traits:

#[entrait(Foo, mockable=true)]
fn foo<D>(_: &D) -> u32 {
#[entrait(Bar, mockable=true)]
fn bar<D>(_: &D) -> u32 {

#[entrait(MyFunc, mock_deps_as=FooPlusBar)]
fn my_func(deps: &(impl Foo + Bar)) -> u32 {
    deps.foo() + deps.bar()

fn test_my_func() {
    let deps = MockFooPlusBar();
    deps.expect_foo().returning(|| 40);
    deps.expect_bar().returning(|| 2);
    assert_eq!(42, my_func(&deps));

This works, by entraiting my_func and passing mock_deps_as=FooPlusBar. However, this requires some rather hairy macro magic behind the scenes: In order to generate MockFooPlusBar, mockall needs access to the trait definitions and method signatures of both Foo and Bar. These traits are not definied locally inside the my_func item, they are standalone items defined elsewhere.

The magic works by having each mockable=true entraitment define its own macro_rules where one can get this trait definition derived from the trait name. For $[entrait(Foo, mockable=true) the macro generated is:

macro_rules! entrait_mock_Foo { ... }

entrait invokes this macro to expand Foo's trait definition, at the end passing all this information into mockall::mock.

At the time of writing, procedural macros outputting new macro_rules do not play very well with rust-analyzer. So you may want to type out the mock generator yourself instead.

License: MIT