entity 0.2.0

Library that provides entity-like constructs

entity-rs: Library & macros for entity data structures

Build Status Crates.io Docs.rs entity: rustc 1.48+ entity_macros: rustc 1.48+

A simplistic framework based on TAO, Facebook's distributed database for Social Graph.

Requires Rust 1.48+. Without entity_macros, may compile and run for older versions of Rust.

Getting Started


Import Entity into your project by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml. entity_macros contains the macros needed to derive and/or transform your data to be compatible with supported databases and queries.

entity = "0.2"

For most use cases, you can import all features using the full flag, or for a more tailored experience can import individual features:

entity = { version = "0.2", features = ["global", "macros", "inmemory_db"] }

Example of defining data

use entity::*;

struct User {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

    friends: Vec<User>,

Feature Flags

Entity provides a few feature flags:

  • full - Enables all features.
  • global - Enables use of a database stored as a global variable, providing shortcuts in creating and retrieving ents.
  • macros - Enables macros for deriving ents and exposing a cleaner declarative API for ents. (Imports entity_macros directly)
  • inmemory_db - Enables the in-memory database for use with ent objects. This does not bring in serde-1 by default, but including that feature will also support persisting the database to the filesystem.
  • sled_db - Enables the sled database for use with ent objects. Because of the nature of sled, this will also pull in serde-1.
  • serde-1 - Provides serde serialization module and associated functionality for ents through the use of typetag. This will require that all ents implement Serialize and Deserialize.
    • Requires serde and typetag to be included in dependencies.