entities 1.0.1

Provides the raw data needed to convert to and from HTML entities.

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Provides the raw data needed to convert to and from HTML entities.

Basic Usage

extern crate entities;
use entities::ENTITIES;

fn main() {
    let entity = ENTITIES
        .find(|e| e.entity == ">")

    assert_eq!(entity.characters, ">");
    assert_eq!(entity.entity, ">");

There isn't a 1-to-1 mapping of entities to "characters" which is why this crate provides a flat array rather than a map—the best way to map the entities depends on the problem you're trying to solve.

If you want to create a mapping structure you can make one using static str slices to reuse the statically allocated strings from this crate e.g.

fn make_mapping() -> HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> {
    let mut mapping = HashMap::new();
    mapping.insert(ENTITIES[0].entity, ENTITIES[0].characters);

