entab 0.2.1

Record-format file reader


This is the main file parsing library and includes support for compression/ decompression, file type inference, and parsers for different file types.


use std::fs::File;
use entab::{ReadBuffer, Record};
use entab::readers::fasta::FastaReaderBuilder;

let buffer = ReadBuffer::new(File::open("./tests/data/test.fasta"))?;
let reader = FastaReaderBuilder::to_reader(buffer)?;
while let Some(Record::Fasta { id, .. }) = reader.next()? {
    println!("{}", id);

Other Parsers

Aston - Python - Agilent Chemstation & Masshunter/Thermo DXF/Inficon/etc Chromatography Toolbox - Matlab - Agilent/Thermo/NetCDF/mzXML Isoreader - R - Isodat Unfinnigan - Perl/Python - Thermo RAW