enso-flexer 0.2.0

A finite-automata-based lexing engine.
//! This file contains utilities for generating rust code from lexer definitions, allowing the
//! flexer to be specialised for a specific language.

use crate::prelude::*;
use quote::*;
use syn::*;

use crate::automata::dfa::Dfa;
use crate::automata::nfa;
use crate::automata::dfa;
use crate::automata::state::State;
use crate::group::Group;
use crate::group::AutomatonData;
use crate::group;

use enso_macro_utils::repr;
use proc_macro2::Literal;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::result::Result;
use std::fmt;

use crate as flexer;

// =======================
// === Code Generation ===
// =======================

/// Generate specialized code for the provided lexer `definition`.
/// This specialized code is a highly-optimised and tailored lexer that dispatches based on simple
/// code-point switches, with no dynamic lookup. This means that it is very fast, and very low
/// overhead.
pub fn specialize
( definition       : &impl flexer::State
, state_type_name  : impl Str
, output_type_name : impl Str
) -> Result<String,GenError> {
    let group_registry = definition.groups();
    let mut body_items = vec![
    for group in group_registry.all().iter() {
    let result = wrap_in_impl_for(state_type_name,body_items)?;
    let code   = show_code(&result);

// === Whole-Lexer Codegen Utilities ===

/// Wrap the provided implementation items into an `impl` block for the provided `state_name` type.
pub fn wrap_in_impl_for
( state_name : impl Into<String>
, body       : Vec<ImplItem>
) -> Result<ItemImpl,GenError> {
    let state_name:Ident  = str_to_ident(state_name.into().as_str())?;
    let mut tree:ItemImpl = parse_quote! {
        impl #state_name {}

/// Generate the `run` function for the specialized lexer.
/// This function is what the user of the lexer will call to begin execution.
pub fn run_function(output_type_name:impl Str) -> Result<ImplItem,GenError> {
    let output_type_name = str_to_path(output_type_name)?;
    let tree:ImplItem    = parse_quote! {
        pub fn run<R:ReaderOps>(&mut self, mut reader:R) -> LexingResult<#output_type_name> {
            reader.advance_char(&mut self.bookmarks);
            while self.run_current_state(&mut reader) == StageStatus::ExitSuccess {}
            let result = match self.status {
                StageStatus::ExitFinished => LexingResult::success(
                    mem::take(&mut self.output)
                StageStatus::ExitFail => LexingResult::failure(
                    mem::take(&mut self.output)
                _ => LexingResult::partial(mem::take(&mut self.output))

/// Generate the function responsible for executing the lexer in its current state.
pub fn run_current_state_function() -> ImplItem {
    let tree:ImplItem = parse_quote! {
        fn run_current_state<R:ReaderOps>(&mut self, reader:&mut R) -> StageStatus {
            self.status = StageStatus::Initial;
            let mut finished = false;

            // Runs until reaching a state that no longer says to continue.
            while let Some(next_state) = self.status.continue_as() {
                // debug!(self.logger,"Current character is {reader.character().char:?}.");
                // debug!(self.logger,"Continuing in {next_state:?}.");
                self.status = self.step(next_state,reader);

                if finished && reader.finished(self.bookmarks()) {
                    // info!(self.logger,"Input finished.");
                    self.status = StageStatus::ExitFinished
                finished = reader.character().is_eof();

                if self.status.should_continue() {
                    match reader.character().char {
                        Ok(char) => {
                            // info!(self.logger,"Result is {reader.result():?}.");
                        Err(enso_flexer::prelude::reader::Error::EOF) => {
                            // info!(self.logger,"Reached EOF.");
                        Err(enso_flexer::prelude::reader::Error::EndOfGroup) => {
                            let current_state = self.current_state();
                            let group_name    = self.groups().group(current_state).name.as_str();
                            panic!("Missing rules for state {}.", group_name)
                        Err(_) => {
                            // error!(self.logger,"Unexpected error!");
                            panic!("Unexpected error!")
                    reader.advance_char(&mut self.bookmarks);

/// Generate the `step` function for the lexer.
/// This function is responsible for dispatching based on the current state, consuming a character,
/// and returning the state to transition to.
pub fn step(groups:&group::Registry) -> ImplItem {
    let arms = groups.all().iter().map(|g| step_match_arm(g.id.into())).collect_vec();
    parse_quote! {
        fn step<R:ReaderOps>(&mut self, next_state:SubStateId, reader:&mut R) -> StageStatus {
            let current_state:usize = self.current_state().into();
            match current_state {
                _ => unreachable_panic!("Unreachable state reached in lexer."),

/// Generate a match arm for the step function.
/// There is one match arm per lexer state.
pub fn step_match_arm(number:usize) -> Arm {
    let literal           = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(number);
    let function_name_str = format!("dispatch_in_state_{}",number);
    let func_name:Ident   = parse_str(function_name_str.as_str()).unwrap();
    let arm:Arm = parse_quote! {
        #literal => self.#func_name(next_state,reader),

// === Generation for a Specific Lexer State ===

/// Generate the functions that implement the lexer automaton for a given lexer state.
pub fn automaton_for_group
( group    : &Group
, registry : &group::Registry
) -> Result<Vec<ImplItem>,GenError> {
    let mut nfa       = registry.to_nfa_from(group.id);
    let mut rules = Vec::with_capacity(nfa.states().len());
    for state in nfa.public_states().iter() {
        if nfa.name(*state).is_some() {
    let mut dfa             = Dfa::from(nfa.automaton());
    let dispatch_for_dfa    = dispatch_in_state(&dfa,group.id.into())?;
    let mut dfa_transitions = transitions_for_dfa(&mut dfa,&mut nfa,group.id.into())?;

/// Generate a set of transition functions for the provided `dfa`, with identifier `id`.
pub fn transitions_for_dfa
( dfa  : &mut Dfa
, data : &mut AutomatonData
, id   : usize
) -> Result<Vec<ImplItem>,GenError> {
    let mut state_has_overlapping_rules:HashMap<usize,bool> = HashMap::new();
    let state_names:Vec<_> = dfa.links.row_indices().map(|ix| (ix,name_for_step(id,ix))).collect();
    let mut transitions    = Vec::with_capacity(state_names.len());
    for (ix,name) in state_names.into_iter() {
        transitions.push(transition_for_dfa(dfa,name,data,ix,&mut state_has_overlapping_rules)?)

/// Generate a specific transition function for
pub fn transition_for_dfa<S:BuildHasher>
( dfa             : &mut Dfa
, transition_name : Ident
, data            : &mut AutomatonData
, state_ix        : usize
, has_overlaps    : &mut HashMap<usize,bool,S>
) -> Result<ImplItem,GenError> {
    let match_expr:Expr   = match_for_transition(dfa,state_ix,data,has_overlaps)?;
    let function:ImplItem = parse_quote! {
        fn #transition_name<R:ReaderOps>(&mut self, reader:&mut R) -> StageStatus {

/// Generate the pattern match for a given transition function.
pub fn match_for_transition<S:BuildHasher>
( dfa          : &mut Dfa
, state_ix     : usize
, data         : &mut AutomatonData
, has_overlaps : &mut HashMap<usize,bool,S>
) -> Result<Expr,GenError> {
    let overlaps          = *has_overlaps.get(&state_ix).unwrap_or(&false);
    let mut trigger_state = dfa.links[(state_ix,0)];
    let mut range_start   = enso_automata::symbol::SymbolIndex::min_value();
    let divisions         = dfa.alphabet.division_map.clone();
    let mut branches      = Vec::with_capacity(divisions.len());
    for (sym, ix) in divisions.into_iter() {
        let new_trigger_state = dfa.links[(state_ix,ix)];
        if new_trigger_state != trigger_state {
            let range_end             = if sym.index != 0 { sym.index - 1 } else { sym.index };
            let current_trigger_state = trigger_state;
            let current_range_start   = range_start;
            trigger_state             = new_trigger_state;
            range_start               = sym.index;
            let body =
        } else {}
    let catch_all_branch_body = branch_body(dfa,trigger_state,state_ix,data,has_overlaps,overlaps)?;
    let catch_all_branch      = Branch::new(None,catch_all_branch_body);
    let arms:Vec<Arm> = branches.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
    let mut match_expr:ExprMatch = parse_quote! {
        match u64::from(reader.character()) {
    match_expr.arms = arms;

/// Generate the branch body for a transition in the DFA.
pub fn branch_body<S:BuildHasher>
( dfa           : &mut Dfa
, target_state  : State<Dfa>
, state_ix      : usize
, data          : &mut AutomatonData
, has_overlaps  : &mut HashMap<usize,bool,S>
, rules_overlap : bool
) -> Result<Block,GenError> {
    let sources             = dfa.sources.get(state_ix).expect("Internal error.");
    let rule_name_for_state = data.name_for_dfa_state(sources);
    if target_state == State::<Dfa>::INVALID {
        match rule_name_for_state {
            None => {
                Ok(parse_quote! {{
            Some(rule) => {
                let rule:Expr = match parse_str(rule) {
                    Ok(rule) => rule,
                    Err(_) => return Err(GenError::BadExpression(rule.to_string()))
                if rules_overlap {
                    Ok(parse_quote! {{
                        let rule_bookmark    = self.bookmarks.rule_bookmark;
                        let matched_bookmark = self.bookmarks.matched_bookmark;
                        self.current_match = reader.pop_result();
                } else {
                    Ok(parse_quote! {{
                        let matched_bookmark = self.bookmarks.matched_bookmark;
                        self.current_match   = reader.pop_result();
    } else {
        let target_state_has_no_rule = match rule_name_for_state {
            Some(_) => if !dfa_has_rule_name_for(&data, dfa, target_state) {
                dfa.sources[target_state.id()] = (*sources).clone();
            } else {
            None => false

        let state_id = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(target_state.id());
        let ret:Expr = parse_quote! {

        if target_state_has_no_rule && !rules_overlap {
            Ok(parse_quote! {{
                let rule_bookmark = self.bookmarks.rule_bookmark;
        } else {
            Ok(parse_quote! {{

/// Generate the dispatch function for a given lexer state.
/// This dispatch function is responsible for dispatching based on the sub-state of any given lexer
/// state, and is the main part of implementing the actual lexer transitions.
pub fn dispatch_in_state(dfa:&Dfa, id:usize) -> Result<ImplItem,GenError> {
    let dispatch_name:Ident = str_to_ident(format!("dispatch_in_state_{}",id))?;
    let state_names  = dfa.links.row_indices().map(|ix| (ix, name_for_step(id,ix))).collect_vec();
    let mut branches = Vec::with_capacity(state_names.len());
    for (ix,name) in state_names.into_iter() {
        let literal = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(ix);
        let arm:Arm = parse_quote! {
            #literal => self.#name(reader),

    let pattern_match:ExprMatch = parse_quote! {
        match new_state_index.into() {
            _ => unreachable_panic!("Unreachable state reached in lexer.")
    let func:ImplItem = parse_quote! {
        fn #dispatch_name<R:ReaderOps>
        ( &mut self
        , new_state_index:SubStateId
        , reader:&mut R
        ) -> StageStatus {


/// Generate a name for a given step function.
pub fn name_for_step(in_state:usize, to_state:usize) -> Ident {
    let name_str = format!("state_{}_to_{}",in_state,to_state);
    parse_str(name_str.as_str()).expect("Impossible to not be a valid identifier.")

/// Generate an executable rule function for a given lexer state.
pub fn rule_for_state(state:nfa::State, automaton:&AutomatonData) -> Result<ImplItem,GenError> {
    let state_name = automaton.name(state);
    match state_name {
        None => unreachable_panic!("Rule for state requested, but state has none."),
        Some(name) => {
            let rule_name = str_to_ident(name)?;
            let callback  = automaton.code(state).expect("If it is named it has a callback.");
            let code:Expr = match parse_str(callback) {
                Ok(expr) => expr,
                Err(_)   => return Err(GenError::BadExpression(callback.into()))
            if !has_reader_arg(&code) {
                return Err(GenError::BadCallbackArgument)
            let tree:ImplItem = parse_quote! {
                fn #rule_name<R:ReaderOps>(&mut self, reader:&mut R) {

/// Checks if the given `expr` is a  call with a single argument "reader" being passed.
pub fn has_reader_arg(expr:&Expr) -> bool {
    match expr {
        Expr::MethodCall(expr) => match expr.args.first() {
            Some(Expr::Path(path)) => {
                match path.path.segments.first() {
                    Some(segment) => {
                        segment.ident.to_string() == "reader"
                    _ => false
            _ => false
        Expr::Call(expr) => match expr.args.last() {
            Some(Expr::Path(path)) => {
                match path.path.segments.first() {
                    Some(segment) => {
                        segment.ident.to_string() == "reader"
                    _ => false
            _ => false
        _ => false

// ================
// === GenError ===
// ================

/// Errors that arise during code generation.
pub enum GenError {
    /// The callback function does not take a single argument `reader`.
    /// The provided string is not a valid rust identifier.
    /// The provided expression isn't a valid rust expression.
    /// The provided string is not a valid rust literal.
    /// The provided string is not a valid rust path.

// === Trait Impls ===

impl Display for GenError {
    fn fmt(&self, f:&mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            GenError::BadCallbackArgument => write!(f,
                "Bad argument to a callback function. It must take a single argument `reader`."
            GenError::BadIdentifier(str) => write!(f,"`{}` is not a valid rust identifier.",str),
            GenError::BadExpression(str) => write!(f,"`{}` is not a valid rust expression.",str),
            GenError::BadLiteral(str)    => write!(f,"`{}` is not a valid rust literal.",str),
            GenError::BadPath(str)       => write!(f,"`{}` is not a valid rust path.",str),

// ==============
// === Branch ===
// ==============

/// A representation of a dispatch branch for helping to generate pattern arms.
struct Branch {
    pub range : Option<RangeInclusive<enso_automata::symbol::SymbolIndex>>,
    pub body  : Block

impl Branch {
    /// Create a new branch, from the provided `range` and with `body` as the code it executes.
    pub fn new
    ( range : Option<RangeInclusive<enso_automata::symbol::SymbolIndex>>
    , body  : Block
    ) -> Branch {
        Branch {range,body}

// === Trait Impls ===

impl From<Branch> for Arm {
    fn from(value:Branch) -> Self {
        let body = value.body;
        match value.range {
            Some(range) => {
                let range_start = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(*range.start());
                let range_end   = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(*range.end());
                if range.start() == range.end() {
                    parse_quote! {
                        #range_start => #body,
                } else {
                    parse_quote! {
                        #range_start..=#range_end => #body,
            None => parse_quote! {
                _ => #body,

// =================
// === Utilities ===
// =================

/// Check if the DFA has a rule name for the provided target `state`.
pub fn dfa_has_rule_name_for(nfa:&AutomatonData, dfa:&Dfa, state:dfa::State) -> bool {

/// Convert a string to an identifier.
pub fn str_to_ident(str:impl Str) -> Result<Ident,GenError> {
    parse_str(str.as_ref()).map_err(|_| GenError::BadIdentifier(str.into()))

/// Convert a string to a path.
pub fn str_to_path(str:impl Str) -> Result<Path,GenError> {
    parse_str(str.as_ref()).map_err(|_| GenError::BadPath(str.into()))

/// Convert the syntax tree into a string.
pub fn show_code(tokens:&impl ToTokens) -> String {