enqueue-email 0.1.0

Send a bookmark via email, enqueuing it with MSMTP queue
authors = ["zeroed <zeroed@posteo.net>"]
categories = ["parsing", "email", "cli", ]
description = "Send a bookmark via email, enqueuing it with MSMTP queue"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/enqueue-email"
edition = "2018"
homepage = "https://github.com/zeroed/enqueue-email"
keywords = ["parsing", "clipboard", "asynchronous", "futures", "async"]
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
name = "enqueue-email"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/zeroed/enqueue-email"
version = "0.1.0"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

name = "enqueuemail"   # The name of the target.
path = "src/lib.rs"    # The source file of the target.
test = true            # Is tested by default.
doctest = true         # Documentation examples are tested by default.
bench = true           # Is benchmarked by default.
doc = true             # Is documented by default.
proc-macro = false     # Set to `true` for a proc-macro library.
harness = true         # Use libtest harness.
edition = "2018"       # The edition of the target.
# crate-type = ["lib"] # The crate types to generate.
required-features = [] # Features required to build this target (N/A for lib).

# enable tests that require Internet connection (HTTP(S) traffic)
live-tests = []

name = "simple"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]

name = "enqueue-email"
path = "src/main.rs"
test = false
bench = false


# Nicer colored diff for assertions
# https://github.com/colin-kiegel/rust-pretty-assertions
pretty_assertions = "0.6.1"

# Cargo-Tarpaulin is a tool to determine code coverage achieved via tests
# https://github.com/xd009642/tarpaulin
cargo-tarpaulin = "0.14.1"

# Cargo-Make: Rust task runner and build tool.
# https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make


# Async version of the Rust standard library.
# - https://github.com/async-rs/async-std
async-std = "1.6.2"

# Async TLS/SSL streams using Rustls.
# - https://github.com/async-rs/async-tls
async-tls = "0.7.0"

# Common types for HTTP operations.
# - https://github.com/http-rs/http-types
http-types = "2.2.1"

# Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust.
# - https://github.com/ctz/rustls
rustls = "0.17.0"

# Parse command line arguments by defining a struct.
# - https://github.com/TeXitoi/structopt
structopt = "0.3.15"

# X11 clipboard support for Rust.
# - https://github.com/quininer/x11-clipboard
x11-clipboard = "0.5.1"

# Rust-XCB is a set of bindings and wrappers for XCB.
# - https://github.com/rtbo/rust-xcb
xcb = "0.9.0"

# An abstraction over platform-specific TLS implementations.
# - https://github.com/sfackler/rust-native-tls

# Zero-cost asynchronous programming in Rust
# - https://github.com/rust-lang/futures-rs
futures = "0.3.5"

# A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library.
# - https://github.com/geal/nom
nom = "5.1.2"

# URL library for Rust, based on the URL Standard.
# https://github.com/servo/rust-url
url = "2.1.1"

# A push parser for the HTTP 1.x protocol. Avoids allocations. No copy. Fast.
# - https://github.com/seanmonstar/httparse
httparse = "1.3.4"

# A Rust library providing a lightweight logging facade.
# - https://github.com/rust-lang/log
log = "0.4.8"

# Implements a logger that can be configured via environment variables.
# - https://github.com/sebasmagri/env_logger/
env_logger = "0.7.1"

# A small macro for defining lazy evaluated static variables in Rust.
# - https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/lazy-static.rs
# lazy_static = "1.4.0"