enfer_core 0.1.2

Feakin is a architecture design and visual collaboration tool. This is the parser for Feakin.
#  Edge Inference Core

> EdgeInfer enables efficient edge intelligence by running small AI models, including embeddings and OnnxModels, on
> resource-constrained devices like Android, iOS, or MCUs for real-time decision-making.


add to your `Cargo.toml`:

edgeinfer = "0.1.1"

in your `main.rs`:

let model = std::fs::read("model/model.onnx").unwrap();
let tokenizer_data = std::fs::read("model/tokenizer.json").unwrap();

let semantic = init_semantic(model, tokenizer_data).unwrap();
let embedding = semantic.embed("hello world").unwrap();
assert_eq!(embedding.len(), 128);