endbasic-std 0.10.0

The EndBASIC programming language - standard library
// Copyright 2021 Julio Merino
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

//! Color constants.

/// Identifiers for the basic ANSI colors.
pub enum AnsiColor {
    Black = 0,
    Red = 1,
    Green = 2,
    Yellow = 3,
    Blue = 4,
    Magenta = 5,
    Cyan = 6,
    White = 7,
    BrightBlack = 8,
    BrightRed = 9,
    BrightGreen = 10,
    BrightYellow = 11,
    BrightBlue = 12,
    BrightMagenta = 13,
    BrightCyan = 14,
    BrightWhite = 15,

/// Represents an RGB color in `[0,255]` quantities.
pub type RGB = (u8, u8, u8);

/// Color palette for terminals with precise color support.
static COLORS: &[RGB] = &[
    (0, 0, 0),       // Black.
    (128, 0, 0),     // Maroon.
    (0, 128, 0),     // Green.
    (128, 128, 0),   // Olive.
    (0, 0, 128),     // Navy.
    (128, 0, 128),   // Purple.
    (0, 128, 128),   // Teal.
    (192, 192, 192), // Silver.
    (128, 128, 128), // Grey.
    (255, 0, 0),     // Red.
    (0, 255, 0),     // Lime.
    (255, 255, 0),   // Yellow.
    (0, 0, 255),     // Blue.
    (255, 0, 255),   // Fuchsia.
    (0, 255, 255),   // Aqua.
    (255, 255, 255), // White.
    (0, 0, 0),       // Grey0.
    (0, 0, 95),      // NavyBlue.
    (0, 0, 135),     // DarkBlue.
    (0, 0, 175),     // Blue3.
    (0, 0, 215),     // Blue3.
    (0, 0, 255),     // Blue1.
    (0, 95, 0),      // DarkGreen.
    (0, 95, 95),     // DeepSkyBlue4.
    (0, 95, 135),    // DeepSkyBlue4.
    (0, 95, 175),    // DeepSkyBlue4.
    (0, 95, 215),    // DodgerBlue3.
    (0, 95, 255),    // DodgerBlue2.
    (0, 135, 0),     // Green4.
    (0, 135, 95),    // SpringGreen4.
    (0, 135, 135),   // Turquoise4.
    (0, 135, 175),   // DeepSkyBlue3.
    (0, 135, 215),   // DeepSkyBlue3.
    (0, 135, 255),   // DodgerBlue1.
    (0, 175, 0),     // Green3.
    (0, 175, 95),    // SpringGreen3.
    (0, 175, 135),   // DarkCyan.
    (0, 175, 175),   // LightSeaGreen.
    (0, 175, 215),   // DeepSkyBlue2.
    (0, 175, 255),   // DeepSkyBlue1.
    (0, 215, 0),     // Green3.
    (0, 215, 95),    // SpringGreen3.
    (0, 215, 135),   // SpringGreen2.
    (0, 215, 175),   // Cyan3.
    (0, 215, 215),   // DarkTurquoise.
    (0, 215, 255),   // Turquoise2.
    (0, 255, 0),     // Green1.
    (0, 255, 95),    // SpringGreen2.
    (0, 255, 135),   // SpringGreen1.
    (0, 255, 175),   // MediumSpringGreen.
    (0, 255, 215),   // Cyan2.
    (0, 255, 255),   // Cyan1.
    (95, 0, 0),      // DarkRed.
    (95, 0, 95),     // DeepPink4.
    (95, 0, 135),    // Purple4.
    (95, 0, 175),    // Purple4.
    (95, 0, 215),    // Purple3.
    (95, 0, 255),    // BlueViolet.
    (95, 95, 0),     // Orange4.
    (95, 95, 95),    // Grey37.
    (95, 95, 135),   // MediumPurple4.
    (95, 95, 175),   // SlateBlue3.
    (95, 95, 215),   // SlateBlue3.
    (95, 95, 255),   // RoyalBlue1.
    (95, 135, 0),    // Chartreuse4.
    (95, 135, 95),   // DarkSeaGreen4.
    (95, 135, 135),  // PaleTurquoise4.
    (95, 135, 175),  // SteelBlue.
    (95, 135, 215),  // SteelBlue3.
    (95, 135, 255),  // CornflowerBlue.
    (95, 175, 0),    // Chartreuse3.
    (95, 175, 95),   // DarkSeaGreen4.
    (95, 175, 135),  // CadetBlue.
    (95, 175, 175),  // CadetBlue.
    (95, 175, 215),  // SkyBlue3.
    (95, 175, 255),  // SteelBlue1.
    (95, 215, 0),    // Chartreuse3.
    (95, 215, 95),   // PaleGreen3.
    (95, 215, 135),  // SeaGreen3.
    (95, 215, 175),  // Aquamarine3.
    (95, 215, 215),  // MediumTurquoise.
    (95, 215, 255),  // SteelBlue1.
    (95, 255, 0),    // Chartreuse2.
    (95, 255, 95),   // SeaGreen2.
    (95, 255, 135),  // SeaGreen1.
    (95, 255, 175),  // SeaGreen1.
    (95, 255, 215),  // Aquamarine1.
    (95, 255, 255),  // DarkSlateGray2.
    (135, 0, 0),     // DarkRed.
    (135, 0, 95),    // DeepPink4.
    (135, 0, 135),   // DarkMagenta.
    (135, 0, 175),   // DarkMagenta.
    (135, 0, 215),   // DarkViolet.
    (135, 0, 255),   // Purple.
    (135, 95, 0),    // Orange4.
    (135, 95, 95),   // LightPink4.
    (135, 95, 135),  // Plum4.
    (135, 95, 175),  // MediumPurple3.
    (135, 95, 215),  // MediumPurple3.
    (135, 95, 255),  // SlateBlue1.
    (135, 135, 0),   // Yellow4.
    (135, 135, 95),  // Wheat4.
    (135, 135, 135), // Grey53.
    (135, 135, 175), // LightSlateGrey.
    (135, 135, 215), // MediumPurple.
    (135, 135, 255), // LightSlateBlue.
    (135, 175, 0),   // Yellow4.
    (135, 175, 95),  // DarkOliveGreen3.
    (135, 175, 135), // DarkSeaGreen.
    (135, 175, 175), // LightSkyBlue3.
    (135, 175, 215), // LightSkyBlue3.
    (135, 175, 255), // SkyBlue2.
    (135, 215, 0),   // Chartreuse2.
    (135, 215, 95),  // DarkOliveGreen3.
    (135, 215, 135), // PaleGreen3.
    (135, 215, 175), // DarkSeaGreen3.
    (135, 215, 215), // DarkSlateGray3.
    (135, 215, 255), // SkyBlue1.
    (135, 255, 0),   // Chartreuse1.
    (135, 255, 95),  // LightGreen.
    (135, 255, 135), // LightGreen.
    (135, 255, 175), // PaleGreen1.
    (135, 255, 215), // Aquamarine1.
    (135, 255, 255), // DarkSlateGray1.
    (175, 0, 0),     // Red3.
    (175, 0, 95),    // DeepPink4.
    (175, 0, 135),   // MediumVioletRed.
    (175, 0, 175),   // Magenta3.
    (175, 0, 215),   // DarkViolet.
    (175, 0, 255),   // Purple.
    (175, 95, 0),    // DarkOrange3.
    (175, 95, 95),   // IndianRed.
    (175, 95, 135),  // HotPink3.
    (175, 95, 175),  // MediumOrchid3.
    (175, 95, 215),  // MediumOrchid.
    (175, 95, 255),  // MediumPurple2.
    (175, 135, 0),   // DarkGoldenrod.
    (175, 135, 95),  // LightSalmon3.
    (175, 135, 135), // RosyBrown.
    (175, 135, 175), // Grey63.
    (175, 135, 215), // MediumPurple2.
    (175, 135, 255), // MediumPurple1.
    (175, 175, 0),   // Gold3.
    (175, 175, 95),  // DarkKhaki.
    (175, 175, 135), // NavajoWhite3.
    (175, 175, 175), // Grey69.
    (175, 175, 215), // LightSteelBlue3.
    (175, 175, 255), // LightSteelBlue.
    (175, 215, 0),   // Yellow3.
    (175, 215, 95),  // DarkOliveGreen3.
    (175, 215, 135), // DarkSeaGreen3.
    (175, 215, 175), // DarkSeaGreen2.
    (175, 215, 215), // LightCyan3.
    (175, 215, 255), // LightSkyBlue1.
    (175, 255, 0),   // GreenYellow.
    (175, 255, 95),  // DarkOliveGreen2.
    (175, 255, 135), // PaleGreen1.
    (175, 255, 175), // DarkSeaGreen2.
    (175, 255, 215), // DarkSeaGreen1.
    (175, 255, 255), // PaleTurquoise1.
    (215, 0, 0),     // Red3.
    (215, 0, 95),    // DeepPink3.
    (215, 0, 135),   // DeepPink3.
    (215, 0, 175),   // Magenta3.
    (215, 0, 215),   // Magenta3.
    (215, 0, 255),   // Magenta2.
    (215, 95, 0),    // DarkOrange3.
    (215, 95, 95),   // IndianRed.
    (215, 95, 135),  // HotPink3.
    (215, 95, 175),  // HotPink2.
    (215, 95, 215),  // Orchid.
    (215, 95, 255),  // MediumOrchid1.
    (215, 135, 0),   // Orange3.
    (215, 135, 95),  // LightSalmon3.
    (215, 135, 135), // LightPink3.
    (215, 135, 175), // Pink3.
    (215, 135, 215), // Plum3.
    (215, 135, 255), // Violet.
    (215, 175, 0),   // Gold3.
    (215, 175, 95),  // LightGoldenrod3.
    (215, 175, 135), // Tan.
    (215, 175, 175), // MistyRose3.
    (215, 175, 215), // Thistle3.
    (215, 175, 255), // Plum2.
    (215, 215, 0),   // Yellow3.
    (215, 215, 95),  // Khaki3.
    (215, 215, 135), // LightGoldenrod2.
    (215, 215, 175), // LightYellow3.
    (215, 215, 215), // Grey84.
    (215, 215, 255), // LightSteelBlue1.
    (215, 255, 0),   // Yellow2.
    (215, 255, 95),  // DarkOliveGreen1.
    (215, 255, 135), // DarkOliveGreen1.
    (215, 255, 175), // DarkSeaGreen1.
    (215, 255, 215), // Honeydew2.
    (215, 255, 255), // LightCyan1.
    (255, 0, 0),     // Red1.
    (255, 0, 95),    // DeepPink2.
    (255, 0, 135),   // DeepPink1.
    (255, 0, 175),   // DeepPink1.
    (255, 0, 215),   // Magenta2.
    (255, 0, 255),   // Magenta1.
    (255, 95, 0),    // OrangeRed1.
    (255, 95, 95),   // IndianRed1.
    (255, 95, 135),  // IndianRed1.
    (255, 95, 175),  // HotPink.
    (255, 95, 215),  // HotPink.
    (255, 95, 255),  // MediumOrchid1.
    (255, 135, 0),   // DarkOrange.
    (255, 135, 95),  // Salmon1.
    (255, 135, 135), // LightCoral.
    (255, 135, 175), // PaleVioletRed1.
    (255, 135, 215), // Orchid2.
    (255, 135, 255), // Orchid1.
    (255, 175, 0),   // Orange1.
    (255, 175, 95),  // SandyBrown.
    (255, 175, 135), // LightSalmon1.
    (255, 175, 175), // LightPink1.
    (255, 175, 215), // Pink1.
    (255, 175, 255), // Plum1.
    (255, 215, 0),   // Gold1.
    (255, 215, 95),  // LightGoldenrod2.
    (255, 215, 135), // LightGoldenrod2.
    (255, 215, 175), // NavajoWhite1.
    (255, 215, 215), // MistyRose1.
    (255, 215, 255), // Thistle1.
    (255, 255, 0),   // Yellow1.
    (255, 255, 95),  // LightGoldenrod1.
    (255, 255, 135), // Khaki1.
    (255, 255, 175), // Wheat1.
    (255, 255, 215), // CornSilk1.
    (255, 255, 255), // Grey100.
    (8, 8, 8),       // Grey3.
    (18, 18, 18),    // Grey7.
    (28, 28, 28),    // Grey11.
    (38, 38, 38),    // Grey15.
    (48, 48, 48),    // Grey19.
    (58, 58, 58),    // Grey23.
    (68, 68, 68),    // Grey27.
    (78, 78, 78),    // Grey30.
    (88, 88, 88),    // Grey35.
    (98, 98, 98),    // Grey39.
    (108, 108, 108), // Grey42.
    (118, 118, 118), // Grey46.
    (128, 128, 128), // Grey50.
    (138, 138, 138), // Grey54.
    (148, 148, 148), // Grey58.
    (158, 158, 158), // Grey62.
    (168, 168, 168), // Grey66.
    (178, 178, 178), // Grey70.
    (188, 188, 188), // Grey74.
    (198, 198, 198), // Grey78.
    (208, 208, 208), // Grey82.
    (218, 218, 218), // Grey85.
    (228, 228, 228), // Grey89.
    (238, 238, 238), // Grey93.

/// Converts an ANSI color number to an RGB color.
pub fn ansi_color_to_rgb(color: u8) -> RGB {
    COLORS[(color as usize) % COLORS.len()]