encoding_rs 0.4.0

A Gecko-oriented implementation of the Encoding Standard
# encoding_rs

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encoding_rs aspires to become an implementation of the
[Encoding Standard](https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/) that

1. Is written in Rust.
2. Is suitable for use in Gecko as a replacement of uconv. (I.e. supports
   decoding to UTF-16 and encoding from UTF-16.)
3. Is suitable for use in Rust code (both in Gecko and independently of Gecko).
   (I.e. supports decoding to UTF-8 and encoding from UTF-8 and provides an API
   compatible with at least the most common ways of using

## Licensing

Please see the file named

## API Documentation

Generated [API documentation](https://docs.rs/encoding_rs/) is available

## Design

For design considerations, please see the associated [technical proposal to
rewrite uconv in Rust](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13GCbdvKi83a77ZcKOxaEteXp1SOGZ_9Fmztb9iX22v0/edit#).

## Performance goals

For decoding to UTF-16, the goal is to perform at least as well as Gecko's old
uconv. For decoding to UTF-8, the goal is to perform at least as well as

Encoding to UTF-8 should be fast. (UTF-8 to UTF-8 encode should be equivalent
to `memcpy` and UTF-16 to UTF-8 should be fast.)

Speed is a non-goal when encoding to legacy encodings. Encoding to legacy
encodings should not be optimized for speed at the expense of code size as long
as form submission and URL parsing in Gecko don't become noticeably too slow
in real-world use.

A framework for measuring performance is [available separately][1].

[1]: https://github.com/hsivonen/encoding_bench/

## C binding

An FFI layer for encoding_rs is available as a
[separate crate](https://github.com/hsivonen/encoding_c).

## Compatibility with rust-encoding

A compatibility layer that implements the rust-encoding API on top of
encoding_rs is
[provided as a separate crate](https://github.com/hsivonen/encoding_rs_compat)
(cannot be uploaded to crates.io).

## Roadmap

- [x] Design the low-level API.
- [x] Provide Rust-only convenience features (some BOM sniffing variants still
- [x] Provide an stl/gsl-flavored C++ API.
- [x] Implement all decoders and encoders.
- [x] Add unit tests for all decoders and encoders.
- [x] Finish BOM sniffing variants in Rust-only convenience features.
- [x] Document the API.
- [x] Publish the crate on crates.io.
- [x] Create a solution for measuring performance.
- [x] Accelerate ASCII conversions using SSE2 on x86.
- [x] Accelerate ASCII conversions using ALU register-sized operations on
      non-x86 architectures (process an `usize` instead of `u8` at a time).
- [x] Split FFI into a separate crate so that the FFI doesn't interfere with
      LTO in pure-Rust usage.
- [x] Compress CJK indices by making use of sequential code points as well
      as Unicode-ordered parts of indices.
- [x] Make lookups by label or name use binary search that searches from the
      end of the label/name to the start.
- [x] Make labels with non-ASCII bytes fail fast.
- [x] Parallelize UTF-8 validation using [Rayon]https://github.com/nikomatsakis/rayon.
- [ ] Provide an XPCOM/MFBT-flavored C++ API.
- [ ] Investigate accelerating single-byte encode with a single fast-tracked
      range per encoding.
- [ ] Replace uconv with encoding_rs in Gecko.
- [x] Implement the rust-encoding API in terms of encoding_rs.
- [ ] Investigate the use of NEON on newer ARM CPUs that have a lesser penalty
      on data flow from NEON to ALU registers.
- [ ] Investigate Björn Höhrmann's lookup table acceleration for UTF-8 as
      adapted to Rust in rust-encoding.

## Release Notes

### 0.4.0

* Split FFI into a separate crate.
* Performance tweaks.
* CJK binary size and encoding performance changes.
* Parallelize UTF-8 validation in the case of long buffers (with optional
  feature `parallel-utf8`).
* Borrow even with ISO-2022-JP when possible.

### 0.3.2

* Fix moving pointers to alignment in ALU-based ASCII acceleration.
* Fix errors in documentation and improve documentation.

### 0.3.1

* Fix UTF-8 to UTF-16 decode for byte sequences beginning with 0xEE.
* Make UTF-8 to UTF-8 decode SSE2-accelerated when feature `simd-accel` is used.
* When decoding and encoding ASCII-only input from or to an ASCII-compatible
  encoding using the non-streaming API, return a borrow of the input.
* Make encode from UTF-16 to UTF-8 faster.

### 0.3

* Change the references to the instances of `Encoding` from `const` to `static`
  to make the referents unique across crates that use the refernces.
* Introduce non-reference-typed `FOO_INIT` instances of `Encoding` to allow
  foreign crates to initialize `static` arrays with references to `Encoding`
  instances even under Rust's constraints that prohibit the initialization of
  `&'static Encoding`-typed array items with `&'static Encoding`-typed
* Document that the above two points will be reverted if Rust changes `const`
  to work so that cross-crate usage keeps the referents unique.
* Return `Cow`s from Rust-only non-streaming methods for encode and decode.
* `Encoding::for_bom()` returns the length of the BOM.
* ASCII-accelerated conversions for encodings other than UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE,
  ISO-2022-JP and x-user-defined.
* Add SSE2 acceleration behind the `simd-accel` feature flag. (Requires
  nightly Rust.)
* Fix panic with long bogus labels.
* Map [0xCA to U+05BA in windows-1255]https://github.com/whatwg/encoding/issues/73.
  (Spec change.)
* Correct the [end of the Shift_JIS EUDC range]https://github.com/whatwg/encoding/issues/53.
  (Spec change.)

### 0.2.4

* Polish FFI documentation.

### 0.2.3

* Fix UTF-16 to UTF-8 encode.

### 0.2.2

* Add `Encoder.encode_from_utf8_to_vec_without_replacement()`.

### 0.2.1

* Add `Encoding.is_ascii_compatible()`.

* Add `Encoding::for_bom()`.

* Make `==` for `Encoding` use name comparison instead of pointer comparison,
  because uses of the encoding constants in different crates result in
  different addresses and the constant cannot be turned into statics without
  breaking other things.

### 0.2.0

The initial release.