Module encoding8::ascii

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ASCII represents 7-bit values in the range 0..=127. ASCII implements AsRef, Borrow, BorrowMut, and AsRef for String, so it can be used as a string type &ASCII acts as an iterator over it’s bytes


is_alphabetical returns true if b is an alphabetical character
is_alphanumeric returns true if b is a digit or alphabetical character
is_control returns true if b is a control (non-printable) ASCII character
returns true if b is a lowercase ASCII character
returns true if b is a digit (i.e, 0..=9)
is_printable returns true if b is a printable (non-control) character
returns true if b is an uppercase ASCII character
make_ebcdic converts a byte encoded as ASCII to it’s EBDIC equivalent, in-place. use to_ebcdic if you want to make a copy
to_ebdic makes a copy of a byte encoded as ASCII as it’s EBDIC equivalent. use make_ebcdic if you want to convert in-place
makes an uppercase ASCII character into a lowercase one