encode_unicode 0.1.2

Alternative and extension to the unstable `char.encode_utf8()` and char.encode_utf16()` methods. <h2>Contains</h2>: <ul> <li>Utf8Char: A char stored as UTF-8. Can be borrowed as a str.</li> <li>Utf8Iterator: Iterate over or read the bytes of an UTF-8 codepoint.</li> <li>Utf16Char: A char stored as UTF-16. Can be borrowed as a u16 slice.</li> <li>Utf8Iterator: Iterate over the units of an UTF-16 codepoint.</li> <li>Conversion methods on char:<ol> <li>to UTF-8 as [u8; 4] or into &mut[u8]. and vice versa.</li> <li>to UTF-16 as (u16, Option<u16>) or into &mut[u16]. and vice versa.</li></ol> <li>Precise errors when decoding a char from UTF-8, UTF-16 or `u32` fails. </ul> Can integrate with <a href="https://tomprogrammer.github.io/rust-ascii/ascii/index.html">ascii</a> with the feature "ascii". (requires nightly)

encode_unicode's sandbox limits

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Available RAM 6 GB
Maximum rustdoc execution time 15 minutes
Maximum size of a build log 100 kB
Network access blocked
Maximum number of build targets 10

If a build fails because it hit one of those limits please open an issue to get them increased.