encap_enum 0.3.1

A non-verbose way to define a group of constants and bit flags.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Jonathan

#![allow(dead_code)] // tells rust that I'm not testing everything. there is a lot of duplication, so it would be redundant.


A type-safe encapsulated `enum` useful for interacting with C bitmasks, abbreviating a group of constants with the same type, and an enumerator instance that can be safely assigned too regardless of whether it is in the enum.

Internally `encap_enum` uses a struct, therefore to access the value of a variant use `.raw`.

Terms such as `enum`, and `variant` are used throughout the doc even though the internal representation can be different,
and the reason is because rust's canonical `enum` is used internally when omitting explicit declarations of data. In other words it acts like
an `enum`, yet it is composed of many different constructs.

## Example
The `encap_enum!` allows for bit flags and other common manipulations of data. When the `enum`'s type is omitted such as the example below, the type defaults to `isize`.
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){}
    enum Flags {
        A = 1 + 4 + 8,
        B = 2,
        C = A | B, // C = 15

The flags can be assigned to constants outside the enum since all the enum members are internally constants:
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){assert_eq!(MoreFlags::Charlie.raw, -3);}
const VALUE: isize = MoreFlags::Omega.raw;
const OTHER: MoreFlags = MoreFlags::Sigma;
    enum MoreFlags {
        Omega = 1,
        Sigma = 2,
        Delta = 3,
        Charlie = (-Delta), // Charlie = -3

Constants outside the enum can be used to initialize variants:
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){ assert_eq!(TakenFlags::Delta.raw, 128); assert_eq!(TakenFlags::Negative, (-56).into())}
const VALUE: i32 = 56;
const OTHER: i32 = 72;
    enum TakenFlags: i32 {
        Omega = (enum TakenFlags) VALUE, // Omega = 56
        Sigma = (enum TakenFlags) OTHER, // Sigma = 72
        Delta = (enum TakenFlags) VALUE + (enum TakenFlags) OTHER, // Delta = 128
        Negative = (enum TakenFlags) -VALUE, // Negative = -56

The `enum_encap!` macro also supports enumeration like a normal fieldless enum by tapping into rust's own `enum`.
A name must be provided to ensure namespace collision does not occur due to the limitations of interacting with rust's `enum`
extern crate encap_enum;

    pub mod flag {
        pub enum OtherFlags: pub isize {
fn main() {
    println!("{}", flag::OtherFlags::Alpha.raw);
The internal rust enum, which the struct constants draws values from, is under the namespace you set.

## Visibility
The visibility for both the `enum` and variants can be changed:

# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){}
    pub mod flag {
        pub enum PublicFlags: pub(in crate) u32 {

## Attributes
Attributes can be used pretty much anywhere in the macro except right under the declaration (See Corner Cases section at the bottom for more details).

## Traits
### Derived Traits
The following traits are derived:
- Debug
- Copy
- Clone
- PartialEq
- Eq
- PartialOrd
- Hash

### Operators
The following operators are implemented:
- BitOr
- Add
- BitAnd
- BitXor
- Div
- Mul
- Shl
- Shr
- Sub
- Rem
- Not
- Neg
- From
- AddAssign
- SubAssign
- MulAssign
- BitAndAssign
- BitOrAssign
- BitXorAssign
- DivAssign
- RemAssign

## Methods
- `iter() -> Iter`: An iterator over all the variants.
- `get_bit(bit:u8)->bool`: query the state of the specified bit. 
    - Only available if inner visibility is public to the module using it.
- `new(data: [type])`: initialize with arbitrary data. 
    - Only available if inner visibility is public to the module using it.

## Corner Cases
Attributes cannot be placed before the first variant and there are no plans to fix this.
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){}
    enum Flag: u32 {
        /// This doc comment causes errors.
        Gamma = -54,

The `#[repr(C)]` attribute will work and make the enum more ffi compatible, however `#[repr(u8)]`, `#[repr(u16)]`, etc. will not compile because the internal representation that it will apply to is a struct.
The equivalent of `#[repr(u32)]`, which would apply on an enum would look like this on an `encap_enum!` declaration:

# #[macro_use]
# extern crate encap_enum;
# fn main(){}
    enum Flag: u32 {
        // variants here.
#       Hidden = 0,

// Provides an implementation to any struct tuple with a single integer field.
macro_rules! __encap_enum_impl {

    ($name:ident, $type:ty) => {
        impl core::ops::BitOr for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn bitor(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw | right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Add for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn add(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw + right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::BitAnd for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn bitand(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw & right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::BitXor for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn bitxor(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw ^ right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Div for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn div(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw / right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Mul for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn mul(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw * right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Shl for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn shl(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw << right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Shr for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn shr(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw >> right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Sub for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn sub(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw - right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Rem for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn rem(self, right: Self) -> Self { Self{raw: self.raw % right.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Not for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn not(self) -> Self { Self{raw: !self.raw} }
        impl core::ops::Neg for $name {
            type Output = Self;
            fn neg(self) -> Self { Self{raw: 0 - self.raw} }
        impl core::convert::From<$type> for $name {
            fn from(right: $type) -> Self { Self{raw: right} }
        impl core::ops::AddAssign for $name {            
            fn add_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw += right.raw }
        impl core::ops::SubAssign for $name {            
            fn sub_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw -= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::MulAssign for $name {            
            fn mul_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw *= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::BitAndAssign for $name {            
            fn bitand_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw &= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::BitOrAssign for $name {            
            fn bitor_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw |= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::BitXorAssign for $name {            
            fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw ^= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::DivAssign for $name {            
            fn div_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw /= right.raw }
        impl core::ops::RemAssign for $name {            
            fn rem_assign(&mut self, right: Self) { self.raw %= right.raw }


A macro for bit flags and enumerations.

See [crate level docs](https://docs.rs/encap_enum) for full documentation.

## Example
extern crate encap_enum;

    enum Flags{
        A = 0x00,
        B = 0x01,
        C = 0x02,

fn main() {
    println!("A = {}", Flags::A.raw);
macro_rules! encap_enum {
            $outer_vis:vis enum $name:ident : $inner_vis:vis $type:ty {
                    $val_name:ident =
                        $($li:literal $(- $sub_li:literal)* $(- $li_sub_id:ident)* $(- (enum $type0:ty) $li_sub_sid:ident )*)?
                        $($id:ident $(- $sub_id:ident)* $(- $id_sub_li:literal)* $(- (enum $type1:ty) $id_sub_sid:ident )*)?                      
                        $((enum $type2:ty) $($sid0:ident)? $(- $sid1:ident)* $(- $($sid_sub_li:literal)* )* )*                

                        $(|  $bitor_li:literal)*
                        $(+  $add_li:literal)*
                        $(&  $bitand_li:literal)*
                        $(^  $bitxor_li:literal)*
                        $(/  $div_li:literal)*
                        $(*  $mul_li:literal)*
                        $(<< $shl_li:literal)*
                        $(>> $shr_li:literal)*

                        $(|  $bitor_id:ident)*
                        $(+  $add_id:ident)*
                        $(&  $bitand_id:ident)*
                        $(^  $bitxor_id:ident )*
                        $(/  $div_id:ident    )*
                        $(*  $mul_id:ident    )*
                        $(<< $shl_id:ident    )*
                        $(>> $shr_id:ident    )*

                        $(|  (enum $bitor_type_sid:ty)  $bitor_sid:ident  )*
                        $(+  (enum $add_type_sid:ty)    $add_sid:ident    )*
                        $(&  (enum $bitand_type_sid:ty) $bitand_sid:ident )*
                        $(^  (enum $bitxor_type_sid:ty) $bitxor_sid:ident )*
                        $(/  (enum $div_type_sid:ty)    $div_sid:ident    )*
                        $(*  (enum $mul_type_sid:ty)    $mul_sid:ident    )*
                        $(<< (enum $shl_type_sid:ty)    $shl_sid:ident    )*
                        $(>> (enum $shr_type_sid:ty)    $shr_sid:ident    )*

    ) => {
            #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
            $outer_vis struct $name{
                $inner_vis raw: $type            
            __encap_enum_impl!{$name, $type}
            impl $name {
                $inner_vis const fn new(data: $type) -> Self{
                    Self{raw: data}

                pub fn iter() -> core::slice::Iter<'static, $type> {

                    const _ARRAY: &[$type] = &[$($name :: $val_name .raw,)+];

                $inner_vis fn get_bit(&self, bit:u8) -> bool{

                    self.raw & (1 << bit) != 0

                    pub const $val_name: $name = $name { raw :                    
                        $($li $(- $sub_li)* $(- $name :: $li_sub_id .raw)* $(- $type0 :: new($li_sub_sid) .raw )*)?
                        $($name :: $id .raw $(- $name :: $sub_id .raw)* $(- $id_sub_li)* $(- $type1 ::new($id_sub_sid) .raw )*)?
                        $(<$type2> :: new($($sid0)? $(- $sid1)*) .raw $(- $($sid_sub_li)* )*)*                    
                        $(- $name :: $id1 .raw)?

                        $(|  $bitor_li  )*
                        $(+  $add_li    )*
                        $(&  $bitand_li )*
                        $(^  $bitxor_li )*
                        $(/  $div_li    )*
                        $(*  $mul_li    )*
                        $(<< $shl_li    )*
                        $(>> $shr_li    )*

                        $(|  $name :: $bitor_id .raw  )*
                        $(+  $name :: $add_id .raw    )*
                        $(&  $name :: $bitand_id .raw )*
                        $(^  $name :: $bitxor_id .raw )*
                        $(/  $name :: $div_id .raw    )*
                        $(*  $name :: $mul_id .raw    )*
                        $(<< $name :: $shl_id .raw    )*
                        $(>> $name :: $shr_id .raw    )*

                        $(|  <$bitor_type_sid>  :: new($bitor_sid)  .raw )*
                        $(+  <$add_type_sid>    :: new($add_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(&  <$bitand_type_sid> :: new($bitand_sid) .raw )*
                        $(^  <$bitxor_type_sid> :: new($bitxor_sid) .raw )*
                        $(/  <$div_type_sid>    :: new($div_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(*  <$mul_type_sid>    :: new($mul_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(<< <$shl_type_sid>    :: new($shl_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(>> <$shr_type_sid>    :: new($shr_sid)    .raw )*
        $outer_vis:vis enum $name:ident {
                $val_name:ident =
                    $($li:literal $(- $sub_li:literal)* $(- $li_sub_id:ident)* $(- (enum $type0:ty) $li_sub_sid:ident )*)?
                    $($id:ident $(- $sub_id:ident)* $(- $id_sub_li:literal)* $(- (enum $type1:ty) $id_sub_sid:ident )*)?                      
                    $((enum $type2:ty) $($sid0:ident)? $(- $sid1:ident)* $(- $($sid_sub_li:literal)* )* )*                
                    $(|  $bitor_li:literal)*
                    $(+  $add_li:literal)*
                    $(&  $bitand_li:literal)*
                    $(^  $bitxor_li:literal)*
                    $(/  $div_li:literal)*
                    $(*  $mul_li:literal)*
                    $(<< $shl_li:literal)*
                    $(>> $shr_li:literal)*
                    $(|  $bitor_id:ident)*
                    $(+  $add_id:ident)*
                    $(&  $bitand_id:ident)*
                    $(^  $bitxor_id:ident )*
                    $(/  $div_id:ident    )*
                    $(*  $mul_id:ident    )*
                    $(<< $shl_id:ident    )*
                    $(>> $shr_id:ident    )*

                    $(|  (enum $bitor_type_sid:ty)  $bitor_sid:ident  )*
                    $(+  (enum $add_type_sid:ty)    $add_sid:ident    )*
                    $(&  (enum $bitand_type_sid:ty) $bitand_sid:ident )*
                    $(^  (enum $bitxor_type_sid:ty) $bitxor_sid:ident )*
                    $(/  (enum $div_type_sid:ty)    $div_sid:ident    )*
                    $(*  (enum $mul_type_sid:ty)    $mul_sid:ident    )*
                    $(<< (enum $shl_type_sid:ty)    $shl_sid:ident    )*
                    $(>> (enum $shr_type_sid:ty)    $shr_sid:ident    )*
    ) => {
            #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
            $outer_vis struct $name{
                raw: isize            
            __encap_enum_impl!{$name, isize}
            impl $name {
                const fn new(data: isize) -> Self{
                    Self{raw: data}
                pub fn iter() -> core::slice::Iter<'static, isize> {
                    const _ARRAY: &[isize] = &[$($name :: $val_name .raw,)+];

                    pub const $val_name: $name = $name { raw :
                        $($li $(- $sub_li)* $(- $name :: $li_sub_id .raw)* $(- $type0 ($li_sub_sid) .raw )*)?
                        $($name :: $id .raw $(- $name :: $sub_id .raw)* $(- $id_sub_li)* $(- $type1 ($id_sub_sid) .raw )*)?
                        $($type2 ($($sid0)? $(- $sid1)*) .raw $(- $($sid_sub_li)* )*)*                    
                        $(- $name :: $id1 .raw)?

                        $(|  $bitor_li  )*
                        $(+  $add_li    )*
                        $(&  $bitand_li )*
                        $(^  $bitxor_li )*
                        $(/  $div_li    )*
                        $(*  $mul_li    )*
                        $(<< $shl_li    )*
                        $(>> $shr_li    )*

                        $(|  $name :: $bitor_id .raw  )*
                        $(+  $name :: $add_id .raw    )*
                        $(&  $name :: $bitand_id .raw )*
                        $(^  $name :: $bitxor_id .raw )*
                        $(/  $name :: $div_id .raw    )*
                        $(*  $name :: $mul_id .raw    )*
                        $(<< $name :: $shl_id .raw    )*
                        $(>> $name :: $shr_id .raw    )*

                        $(|  <$bitor_type_sid>  :: new($bitor_sid)  .raw )*
                        $(+  <$add_type_sid>    :: new($add_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(&  <$bitand_type_sid> :: new($bitand_sid) .raw )*
                        $(^  <$bitxor_type_sid> :: new($bitxor_sid) .raw )*
                        $(/  <$div_type_sid>    :: new($div_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(*  <$mul_type_sid>    :: new($mul_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(<< <$shl_type_sid>    :: new($shl_sid)    .raw )*
                        $(>> <$shr_type_sid>    :: new($shr_sid)    .raw )*
        $whole_vis:vis mod $namespace:ident {
                $outer_vis:vis enum $name:ident {
    ) => {
        $whole_vis mod $namespace {
            mod __encap_enum {
                    pub mod $name {
                        pub enum $namespace {
                #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
                $outer_vis struct $name{
                    raw: isize            
                __encap_enum_impl!{$name, isize}            
                impl $name {                    
                    pub fn iter() -> core::slice::Iter<'static, isize> {
                        const _ARRAY: &[isize] = &[$($name :: $val_name .raw,)+];

                        pub const $val_name: $name = $name { raw : __encap_enum :: $name:: $namespace :: $val_name as isize};
        $whole_vis:vis mod $namespace:ident {
                $outer_vis:vis enum $name:ident : $inner_vis:vis $type:ty{
    ) => {
        $whole_vis mod $namespace {
            mod __encap_enum {
                    pub mod $name {
                        pub enum $namespace {
                #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
                $outer_vis struct $name{
                    $inner_vis raw: $type            
                __encap_enum_impl!{$name, $type}
                impl $name {

                    $inner_vis const fn new(data: $type) -> Self{
                        Self{raw: data}

                    pub fn iter() -> core::slice::Iter<'static, $type> {
                        const _ARRAY: &[$type] = &[$($name :: $val_name .raw,)+];
                    $inner_vis fn get_bit(&self, bit:u8) -> bool{

                        self.raw & (1 << bit) != 0

                        pub const $val_name: $name = $name { raw : __encap_enum :: $name:: $namespace :: $val_name as $type};
            $outer_vis:vis enum $name:ident : $inner_vis:vis $type:ty{
    ) => { compile_error!("encap_enum requires fieldless enums to be under a 'mod'.")}

mod tests {
        pub mod flag {
            pub enum TestEnum: pub isize {

        mod m0 {
            enum MultEnum0 {

        mod m1 {
            enum MultEnum0: u32 {
            enum m1: u32 {

        enum OtherEnum{
            Foo = 0,
            Bar = 1,
            Rust = 2,
        enum DuplicateEnum{
            Foo = 0,
            Bar = 1,
            Rust = 2,

        enum SpecificEnum: pub u32{
            Foo = 0,
            Bar = 1,
            Rust = 2,

        enum SignedEnum: pub i32 {
            Food = 1 - 3,
            Bard = (-Food) * 3,
            Jard = -3,
            Read = Jard - Bard,
            Yard = (enum SignedEnum) TEST_CONST - (enum SignedEnum) TEST_CONST_TWO,

    encap_enum! {
        mod test_flag {
            enum test_flag: u32 {
                A, B, C,
            enum thing2: u32 {
                G, H, J, K,

    const TEST_CONST: i32 = 64;
    const TEST_CONST_TWO: i32 = 57;

    // Verify the relationship between enum values and raw values.
    fn value_integrity() {        
        let var0 = flag::TestEnum::Array;
        let var1 = flag::TestEnum::Bar | flag::TestEnum::Jar;
        assert_eq!(-OtherEnum::Bar.raw, -1); // Replacing OtherEnum with SpecificEnum results in an unsigned error, which is expected
        assert_eq!(var0.raw, 0);
        assert_eq!(var1.raw, 3);
        assert_eq!(SignedEnum::Bard, 6.into());
        assert_eq!(SignedEnum::Yard.raw, TEST_CONST - TEST_CONST_TWO);
        assert_eq!(SignedEnum::Bard.get_bit(1), true);

    // Verify the into and from traits work as intended.
    fn into_from() {
        let var: flag::TestEnum = flag::TestEnum::from(54);
        assert_eq!(var, 54.into());

    // Verify the enum can iterate
    fn iteration() {
            pub mod tmp {
            pub enum GreaterEnum: pub u32{
        assert_ne!(tmp::GreaterEnum::Bar.raw as isize, flag::TestEnum::Bar.raw);

        let mut count = 0isize;
        for t in flag::TestEnum::iter() {
            assert_eq!(&count, t);
            count += 1;

        count = 0;
        for t in OtherEnum::iter() {
            assert_eq!(&count, t);
            count += 1;

        let mut count = 0u32;
        for t in SpecificEnum::iter() {
            assert_eq!(&count, t);
            count += 1;

        count = 0;
        for t in tmp::GreaterEnum::iter() {
            assert_eq!(&count, t);
            count += 1;

    fn enumeration() {
        let mut count = 0;
        for (t, _y) in flag::TestEnum::iter().enumerate() {
            assert_eq!(count, t);
            count += 1;

    // verify if the assignment ops have been implemented
    fn assignment() {        
            pub mod thing {
                pub enum GreaterEnum: pub u32{

        let a = flag::TestEnum::Array;
        let mut b = flag::TestEnum::Bar;
        b += a;
        b -= a;
        b *= a;
        b &= a;
        b |= a;
        b /= 54.into();
        b ^= 6.into();
        b %= 30.into();

        let t = OtherEnum::Rust;
        let mut z = OtherEnum::Foo;
        z += t;
        z -= t;
        z *= t;
        z &= t;
        z |= t;
        z /= t;
        z ^= t;
        z %= t;

        let t = SpecificEnum::Rust;
        let mut z = SpecificEnum::Foo;
        z += t;
        z -= t;
        z *= t;
        z &= t;
        z |= t;
        z /= t;
        z ^= t;
        z %= t;

        let t = thing::GreaterEnum::Rust;
        let mut z = thing::GreaterEnum::Foo;
        z += t;
        z -= t;
        z *= thing::GreaterEnum::Bar;
        z &= t;
        z |= t;
        z /= t;
        z ^= t;
        z %= t;
    fn externvar(){
        const AQUA: u32 = 34;
        const TERA: u32 = 64;
            enum ExternEnum: u32{
                Aqua = (enum ExternEnum)AQUA + (enum ExternEnum)TERA,
        assert_eq!(ExternEnum::Aqua.raw, AQUA + TERA);