[][src]Crate enc_file


Enc_File is a simple tool to encrypt and decrypt files. Warning: This crate hasn't been audited or reviewed in any sense. I created it to easily encrypt und decrypt non-important files which won't cause harm if known by third parties. Don't use for anything important, use VeraCrypt or similar instead.

Breaking change in Version 0.2: Using XChaCha20Poly1305 as default encryption/decryption. AES is still available using encrypt_aes or decrypt_aes to maintain backwards compability.

Uses XChaCha20Poly1305 (https://docs.rs/chacha20poly1305) or AES-GCM-SIV (https://docs.rs/aes-gcm-siv) for encryption, bincode (https://docs.rs/bincode) for encoding and BLAKE3 (https://docs.rs/blake3) or SHA256 / SHA512 (https://docs.rs/sha2) for hashing.

Encrypted files are (and have to be) stored as .crpt.

It's a binary target. Install via cargo install enc_file

See https://github.com/LazyEmpiricist/enc_file


use enc_file::{
  create_key, decrypt_file_aes, decrypt_file_chacha, encrypt_file_aes, encrypt_file_chacha, get_blake3_hash, get_sha256_hash, get_sha512_hash,
  read_file, save_file,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::from_utf8;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Cipher {
   len: usize,
   rand_string: String,
   ciphertext: Vec<u8>,
   let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
   //args[0] will be the filename or the cargo command!
   if args.len() >= 2 {
       let operation = &args[1];
       println!("Operation: {}", &operation);
       if operation == "encrypt" && args.len() == 4 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let keyfile = PathBuf::from(&args[3]);
           println!("Encrypting File {:?}", &filename);
           println!("With Keyfile: {:?}", &keyfile);
           let key = read_file(&keyfile)?;
           let key: &str = from_utf8(&key)?;
           let content = read_file(&filename)?;
           let ciphertext: Vec<u8> = encrypt_file_chacha(content, &key)?;
           let new_filename: String =
               filename.clone().into_os_string().into_string().unwrap() + ".crpt";
           let new_filename: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(new_filename);
           //println!("Ciphertext: {:?}", &ciphertext);
           save_file(ciphertext, &new_filename)?;
               "Successfully enrypted file {:?} to {:?}",
               filename, new_filename
       } if operation == "encrypt_aes" && args.len() == 4 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let keyfile = PathBuf::from(&args[3]);
           println!("Encrypting File {:?}", &filename);
           println!("With Keyfile: {:?}", &keyfile);
           let key = read_file(&keyfile)?;
           let key: &str = from_utf8(&key)?;
           let content = read_file(&filename)?;
           let ciphertext: Vec<u8> = encrypt_file_aes(content, &key)?;
           let new_filename: String =
               filename.clone().into_os_string().into_string().unwrap() + ".crpt";
           let new_filename: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(new_filename);
           //println!("Ciphertext: {:?}", &ciphertext);
           save_file(ciphertext, &new_filename)?;
               "Successfully enrypted file {:?} to {:?}",
               filename, new_filename
       } else if operation == "decrypt" && args.len() == 4 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let keyfile = PathBuf::from(&args[3]);
           println!("Decrypting File {:?}", &filename);
           println!("With Keyfile: {:?}", &keyfile);
           let key = read_file(&keyfile)?;
           let key: &str = from_utf8(&key)?;
           let filename_two = &filename.clone();
           let filename_decrypted: &str =
                   &filename_two.to_str().unwrap().replace("crpt", "plaintext");
           let filename_decrypted_path: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(filename_decrypted);
           let ciphertext = read_file(&filename)?;
           //println!("Ciphertext read from file: {:?}", &ciphertext);
           let plaintext: Vec<u8> = decrypt_file_chacha(ciphertext, &key)?;
           save_file(plaintext, &filename_decrypted_path)?;
               "Successfully decrypted file {:?} to {:?}",
               filename, filename_decrypted
       } else if operation == "decrypt_aes" && args.len() == 4 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let keyfile = PathBuf::from(&args[3]);
           println!("Decrypting File {:?}", &filename);
           println!("With Keyfile: {:?}", &keyfile);
           let key = read_file(&keyfile)?;
           let key: &str = from_utf8(&key)?;
           let filename_two = &filename.clone();
           let filename_decrypted: &str =
                   &filename_two.to_str().unwrap().replace("crpt", "plaintext");
           let filename_decrypted_path: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(filename_decrypted);
           let ciphertext = read_file(&filename)?;
           //println!("Ciphertext read from file: {:?}", &ciphertext);
           let plaintext: Vec<u8> = decrypt_file_aes(ciphertext, &key)?;
           save_file(plaintext, &filename_decrypted_path)?;
               "Successfully decrypted file {:?} to {:?}",
               filename, filename_decrypted
       } else if operation == "create-key" && args.len() == 3 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           println!("Create Keyfile {:?}", filename);
           println!("Keyfile {:?} created", filename);
       } else if operation == "hash" && args.len() == 3 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let hash = get_blake3_hash(&filename)?;
           println!("File: {:?}. BLAKE3 hash: {:?}", filename, hash);
       } else if operation == "hash_sha256" && args.len() == 3 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let hash = get_sha256_hash(&filename)?;
           println!("File: {:?}. SHA256 hash: {:?}", filename, hash);
       } else if operation == "hash_sha512" && args.len() == 3 {
           let filename = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
           let hash = get_sha512_hash(&filename)?;
           println!("File: {:?}. SHA512 hash: {:?}", filename, hash);
   } else {
           r#"Use "encrypt filename-to_encrypt filename-keyfile" to encrypt a file using XChaCha20Poly1305 or
           "encrypt_aes filename-to_encrypt filename-keyfile" to encrypt a file using AES-GCM-SIV or
           "decrypt filename-to_decrypt filename-keyfile" to decrypt a file using XChaCha20Poly1305 or
           "decrypt_aes filename-to_decrypt filename-keyfile" to decrypt a file using AES-GCM-SIV or
           "create-key filename-keyfile" to create a new random  keyfile or
           "hash filename" (using BLAKE3) to calculate the BLAKE3 hash for a file or
           "hash_sha256 filename" to calculate the SHA256 hash for a file or
           "hash_sha512 filename" ro calculate the SHA512 hash for a file"#
       println!(r#"Example: "encrypt text.txt key.file""#);



Creates a new key from given charset. Does not use crypto_rand at this time. Returns result.


Decrypts ciphertext (Vec) into cleartext (Vec) using provided key from keyfile. Returns result.


Decrypts ciphertext (Vec) into cleartext (Vec) using XChaCha20Poly1305 with provided key from keyfile. Returns result.


Encrypts cleartext (Vec) into ciphertext (Vec) using provided key from keyfile. Returns result.


Encrypts cleartext (Vec) into ciphertext (Vec) using XChaCha20Poly1305 with provided key from keyfile. Returns result.


Get BLAKE3 Hash from file. Returns result.


Get SHA256 Hash from file. Returns result.


Get SHA512 Hash from file. Returns result.


Reads file from same folder as Vec. Returns result.


Saves file to same folder. Returns result