emlop 0.5.0

A fast, accurate, ergonomic emerge.log parser
# EMerge LOg Parser

Emlop parses emerge logs (as generated by [portage](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Portage),
the [Gentoo](https://www.gentoo.org/) package manager) to yield useful info like merge history and
merge time prediction.

It draws inspiration from [genlop](https://github.com/gentoo-perl/genlop) and
[qlop](https://github.com/gentoo/portage-utils) but aims to be faster, more accurate, and more
ergonomic, see [COMPARISON](COMPARISON.md).

## Installation

### Using portage

Enable the [GURU](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU) or
[moltonel](https://github.com/vincentdephily/moltonel-ebuilds) overlay (install
[eselect-repository](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Eselect/Repository) and run `eselect repository
enable GURU`), then run `emerge emlop` as ususal.

For availablility in main portage tree, see [gentoo bug 649904](https://bugs.gentoo.org/649904).

### Using cargo

Install [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) using `emerge rust` (if you simply want to install Emlop)
or [rustup](https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html) (if you want the latest Rust or plan to
develop in Rust). Emlop releases should always work with portage's oldest rust version.

Cargo installs binaries into `~/.cargo/bin/`, which should be in your `$PATH`. If you wish to
install them system-wide, edit the system `$PATH` or copy/symlink `~/.cargo/bin/*` somewhere in

#### From crates.io

    cargo install -f emlop

#### From git

    git clone https://github.com/vincentdephily/emlop
    cd emlop
    cargo test
    cargo install -f --path .

## Usage

Emlop is split into `log`, `predict` and `stats` subcommands, which can be abbreviated by their
first letter. This file doesn't show everything, see `emlop --help` and `emlop <sucommand> --help`
for complete and up to date usage info.

Shell autocompletion is available. If you have installed emlop manually, generate the completion
script for bash/zsh/fish with the `complete` subcommand.

### Subcommands and arguments

Show log of sucessful merges and syncs:

    emlop log [OPTIONS] [package]
        -s, --show <h,m,u,s,a>     Show (h)eaders, (m)erges, (u)nmerges, (s)yncs, and/or (a)ll. [default: m]
        -e, --exact                Match package with a string instead of a regex.

Predict merge time for current or pretended merges:

    emlop predict [OPTIONS]
        --limit <limit>   Use the last N merge times to predict next merge time. [default: 10]

Show statistics about sucessful merges and syncs:

    emlop stats [OPTIONS] [package]
        -s, --show <h,p,t,s,a>     Show (h)eaders, (p)ackages, (t)otals, (s)yncs, and/or (a)ll. [default: p]
        -g, --groupby <y,m,w,d>    Group by (y)ear, (m)onth, (w)eek, or (d)ay.
        -e, --exact                Match package with a string instead of a regex.
            --limit <limit>        Use the last N merge times to predict next merge time. [default: 10]

Options common to all subcommands:

        --utc                  Parse/display dates in UTC instead of local time
    -f, --from <date>          Only parse log entries after <date>.
    -t, --to <date>            Only parse log entries before <date>.
        --duration <format>    Output durations in different formats. [default: hms]
        --date <format>        Output dates in different formats. [default: ymdhms]
    -F, --logfile <file>       Location of emerge log file. [default: /var/log/emerge.log]
    -v                         Increase verbosity (can be given multiple times).
        --color <when>         Enable color (auto/always/never/y/n). [default: auto]
    -h, --help                 Show short (-h) or detailed (--help) help.
    -V, --version              Prints version information

### Examples

Show merge log with date, time, and package name:

    $ emlop log | tail
    2018-01-29 10:20:52       13 >>> net-wireless/iw-4.9
    2018-01-29 10:21:21       29 >>> dev-libs/librdkafka-0.11.3
    2018-01-29 10:22:27     1:06 >>> net-misc/curl-7.58.0
    2018-01-29 11:09:20     1:23 >>> media-libs/openexr-2.2.0-r2
    2018-01-29 11:12:18     2:58 >>> media-gfx/imagemagick-
    2018-01-29 11:12:42       24 >>> kde-frameworks/kimageformats-5.42.0
    2018-01-29 11:25:32    12:50 >>> media-gfx/inkscape-0.92.2
    2018-01-29 12:36:52  1:11:20 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.23.0-r1
    2018-01-29 12:37:08       16 >>> virtual/rust-1.23.0
    2018-01-29 12:41:54     4:46 >>> dev-util/cargo-0.24.0

Show same merge and unmerge log, filtering packages by regexp:

    $ emlop l -smu gcc | tail
    2020-04-19 19:48:54        2 <<< sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0
    2020-04-19 19:48:58  1:35:55 >>> sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0
    2020-06-29 21:23:04        2 <<< sys-devel/gcc-config-2.2.1
    2020-06-29 21:23:05        8 >>> sys-devel/gcc-config-2.3
    2020-07-09 19:15:31        2 <<< sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0
    2020-07-09 19:15:36  1:36:22 >>> sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0-r1
    2020-07-25 23:08:53        3 <<< sys-devel/gcc-config-2.3
    2020-07-25 23:08:57       24 >>> sys-devel/gcc-config-2.3.1
    2020-08-29 10:36:11        1 <<< sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0-r1
    2020-08-29 10:36:19  1:44:56 >>> sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0-r1

Show syncs of the last 7 days:

    $ emlop l --from '1 week' -ss
    2022-04-05 09:10:17  3 Sync gentoo
    2022-04-05 09:10:20  3 Sync guru
    2022-04-06 09:04:18  4 Sync gentoo
    2022-04-06 09:04:19  1 Sync guru
    2022-04-09 10:41:03  6 Sync gentoo
    2022-04-09 10:41:04  1 Sync guru
    2022-04-11 09:42:15  5 Sync gentoo
    2022-04-11 09:42:16  0 Sync guru

Show currently emerging packages, how long they have been running, and predict how long is left:

    $ emlop p
    Pid 27455: ...n-exec/python3.5/emerge -O chromium       33
    Pid 27848: ...on-exec/python3.5/emerge -O firefox       29
    www-client/firefox-58.0.1                            53:37 - 24
    www-client/chromium-65.0.3325.146                  6:01:02 - 28
    Estimate for 2 ebuilds (0 unknown, 52 elapsed)     6:53:47 @ 2019-10-09 11:17:42

Predict merge time from an `emerge --pretend` output, taking currently elapsed time into account:

    $ emerge -rOp | emlop p
    Pid 8799: .../emerge -O chromium firefox konqueror   1:14:11
    www-client/chromium-65.0.3325.146                    5:49:38 - 1:10:55
    www-client/firefox-58.0.1                              53:37
    kde-apps/konqueror-17.12.3                              3:46
    Estimate for 3 ebuilds (0 unknown, 1:10:55 elapsed)  5:36:06 @ 2019-10-09 11:17:42

Show merge stats for gtk packages, with colum headers:

    $ emlop s gtk -sh
    Package                         Merge count  Total time  Predict time  Unmerge count  Total time  Predict time
    dev-cpp/gtkmm                             2        2:38          1:19              1           2             2
    dev-util/gtk-doc                          1          25            25              0           0             ?
    dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache            3          47            15              2           3             1
    kde-plasma/breeze-gtk                    10        2:53            17              9          23             2
    kde-plasma/kde-gtk-config                 9        3:19            22              8          16             2
    net-wireless/iwgtk                        1           7             7              0           0             ?
    sci-calculators/qalculate-gtk             1          47            47              0           0             ?
    x11-libs/gtk+                             6       15:08          2:31              4          10             2
    x11-libs/wxGTK                            1        2:23          2:23              0           0             ?
    x11-misc/appmenu-gtk-module               2          28            14              1           2             2
    x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk                1          14            14              0           0             ?
    x11-themes/gtk-engines-adwaita            1          14            14              0           0             ?

Show monthly stats (merge and unmerge count, total time, predicted time) for this year:

    $ emlop s -gm -st --from 1y
    2019-09 Total   136   6:33:24  2:53   140   3:32  1
    2019-10 Total   497  12:58:47  1:34   559  12:37  1
    2019-11 Total  1202  23:27:11  1:10  1193  25:55  1
    2019-12 Total  1032  27:46:22  1:36  1021  24:02  1
    2020-01 Total   436  18:18:36  2:31   427  11:32  1
    2020-02 Total   540  16:46:42  1:51   512  14:50  1
    2020-03 Total   665  33:25:03  3:00   653  19:52  1
    2020-04 Total   635  33:32:31  3:10   618  21:58  2
    2020-05 Total   479  21:19:04  2:40   451  11:59  1
    2020-06 Total   701  14:26:32  1:14   659  33:08  3
    2020-07 Total   451  15:24:06  2:02   433  14:13  1
    2020-08 Total   425  11:58:29  1:41   427  20:08  2
    2020-09 Total   462  11:51:32  1:32   424  11:44  1

Show yearly evolution of a package's average merge time:

    $ emlop s -gy chromium
    2010 www-client/chromium  11   6:49:32    37:24  10     8  1
    2011 www-client/chromium  28  25:24:48    58:40  23  1:15  4
    2012 www-client/chromium  10  12:35:13  1:15:31  11    53  4
    2016 www-client/chromium   8  16:05:00  2:00:37   7    11  1
    2017 www-client/chromium  22  58:04:19  3:09:17  22    41  1
    2018 www-client/chromium  14  83:54:26  6:00:59  14    27  1
    2019 www-client/chromium   5  10:03:15  2:00:39   6    15  2

Show number of syncs per week:

    $ emlop s -gw -ss | tail
    2022-11 Sync gentoo     8    47     5
    2022-11 Sync guru       8     6     1
    2022-12 Sync gentoo    12  3:32    20
    2022-12 Sync guru      12    24     2
    2022-13 Sync gentoo    12    43     3
    2022-13 Sync guru      12    10     1
    2022-14 Sync gentoo    15    55     3
    2022-14 Sync guru      15    15     1
    2022-15 Sync gentoo     1     5     5
    2022-15 Sync guru       1     0     ?

## Contributing

Thanks in advance. See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for pointers. Emlop is licensed as GPLv3.