embedded-time 0.1.2

A library for abstracting clocks and handling time in embedded systems


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embedded-time provides a comprehensive library for implementing abstractions over hardware and work with instants and durations in an intuitive way.

  • Clock trait allowing abstraction of hardware timers/counters for timekeeping.
  • Work with time using milliseconds, seconds, etc. rather than cycles or ticks.
  • Includes examples for the nRF52_DK development kit as bare-metal as well as using rtfm (with patches)

Example Usage

struct SomeClock;

impl Clock for SomeClock {
    type Rep = i64;

    fn now() -> Instant<Self> {
        // read the count of the clock
        // ...
        Instant::new(count as Self::Rep)

impl Period for SomeClock {
    // this clock is counting at 16 MHz
    const PERIOD: Ratio<i32> = Ratio::<i32>::new_raw(1, 16_000_000);

fn main() {
    // read from a Clock
    let instant1 = SomeClock::now();
    // ... some time passes
    let instant2 = SomeClock::now();
    assert!(instant1 < instant2);    // instant1 is *before* instant2
    // duration is the difference between the instances
    let duration: Option<Microseconds<i64>> = instant2.elapsed_since(&instant1);    
    // add some duration to an instant
    let future_instant = instant2 + Milliseconds(23);
    // or
    let future_instant = instant2 + 23.milliseconds();
    assert(future_instant > instant2);

Full documentation


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