[][src]Crate embedded_text

TextBox for embedded-graphics

This crate provides a configurable TextBox to render multiline text using embedded-graphics.

TextBox supports the common text alignments:

  • LeftAligned
  • RightAligned
  • CenterAligned
  • Justified


The examples are based on the embedded-graphics simulator. The simulator is built on top of SDL2. See the simulator README for more information.

embedded-text example with center aligned text

use embedded_graphics_simulator::{
    BinaryColorTheme, OutputSettingsBuilder, SimulatorDisplay, Window,

use embedded_graphics::{
    fonts::Font6x8, pixelcolor::BinaryColor, prelude::*, primitives::Rectangle,

use embedded_text::{alignment::CenterAligned, style::TextBoxStyleBuilder, TextBox};

fn main() -> Result<(), core::convert::Infallible> {
    let mut display: SimulatorDisplay<BinaryColor> = SimulatorDisplay::new(Size::new(129, 129));

    let textbox_style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new(Font6x8)

        "Hello, World!\nLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.",
        Rectangle::new(Point::zero(), Point::new(128, 128)),
    .draw(&mut display)

    let output_settings = OutputSettingsBuilder::new()
    Window::new("Hello center aligned TextBox", &output_settings).show_static(&display);

Development setup

Minimum supported Rust version

The minimum supported Rust version for embedded-text is 1.40.0 or greater. However, the documentation uses the intra-crate links feature which requires nightly Rust. Ensure you have the latest stable version of Rust installed, preferably through https://rustup.rs.


For setup in general, follow the installation instructions for embedded-graphics.

To install SDL2 on Windows, see https://github.com/Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2#windows-msvc


The example text is copied from https://www.lipsum.com



Horizontal text alignment opitons


Parse text into smaller units Parse text into words, newlines and whitespace sequences


Helpers to render text Pixel iterators used for text rendering


Textbox styling


Helpers Module of small helpers



A piece of text with an associated area on the display