embedded-sht3x 0.1.0

Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the SHT3x temperature and humidity sensors.

This is a platform agnostic Rust driver the SHT3x (SHT30, SHT31 and SHT35) digital humidity and temperature sensors using the embedded-hal traits.

The device

The sensors of the SHT3x family are humidity and temperature sensors, that are fully calibrated and working with wide range of supply voltages, from 2.15 V to 5.5 V, and using an I²C interface.

They procure fast start-up and measurement times, and great accuracy. The typical accuracies are the following:

±2 %RH / ±0.2 °C ±2 %RH / ±0.2 °C ±1.5 %RH / ±0.1 °C

The SHT3x is equipped with an internal heater which can increase the temperature in the range of a few degrees centigrade, and that is useful for pausibility checks.



  • Get the status of the sensor.
  • Clear the status of the sensor.
  • Enable the internal heater.
  • Disable the internal heater.
  • Perform a single-shot measurement of temperature and relative humidity.
  • Do a sofware set.
  • Convert temperatures between °C and °F.
  • Calculate the absolute humidity from a measurement.
  • Perform periodic measurement of temperature and relative humidity.
  • Include a no floating-point variant for systems without fpu.


To use this driver, import what you need from this crate and an embedded-hal implentation, then instatiate the device.

use embedded_sht3x::{Repeatability::High, Sht3x, DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS};
use linux_embedded_hal as hal;

fn main() -> Result<(), embedded_sht3x::Error<hal::I2CError>> {
    // Create the I2C device from the chosen embedded-hal implementation,
    // in this case linux-embedded-hal
    let i2c = match hal::I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1") {
        Err(err) => {
            eprintln!("Could not create I2C device: {}", err);
        Ok(i2c) => i2c,

    // Create the sensor and configure its repeatability
    let mut sensor = Sht3x::new(i2c, DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS, hal::Delay {});
    sensor.repeatability = High;

    // Perform a temperature and humidity measurement
    let measurement = sensor.single_measurement()?;
        "Temperature: {:.2} °C, Relative humidity: {:.2} %",
        measurement.temperature, measurement.humidity


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