embedded-graphics 0.6.0-beta.1

Embedded graphics library for small hardware displays

Embedded graphics

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Embedded Graphics Simulator example screenshots

Getting help/reporting an issue

If you think you've found a bug, or would like to suggest a new feature to add to embedded-graphics, please open an issue.

If you need more deeper/more personalised help, please check out the embedded-graphics Matrix channel.


A small 2D graphics library to draw things on embedded graphical LCDs, like the SSD1306 OLED display.

This crate aims to make drawing 2D graphics primitives super easy. It currently supports the following built in items:

  • Raw data images
  • Primitives
    • Lines
    • Rectangles (and squares)
    • Circles
    • Triangles
  • Text with multiple fonts

Additional functionality provided by external crates:

If you know of a crate that is not in this list, please open an issue.

Note that some of these crates may not support the latest version of embedded-graphics.

You can also add your own items by implementing [Drawable] on them. Additionally, all iterators over pixels (Iterator<Item = Pixel<C>>) have a default [Drawable] implementation already created.

A core goal of embedded-graphics is to draw graphics without using any buffers; the crate is no_std compatible and works without a dynamic memory allocator, and without pre-allocating large chunks of memory. To achieve this, it takes an Iterator based approach, where pixel values and positions are calculated on the fly, with the minimum of saved state. This allows the consuming application to use far less RAM at little to no performance penalty.

More information and up to date docs can be found on docs.rs.

Example usage can be found in the simulator:

use embedded_graphics::fonts::{Font6x8, Text};
use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::Rgb565;
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::primitives::{Circle, Line};
use embedded_graphics::style::{PrimitiveStyle, TextStyle};

// Only used for examples - this would be replaced by the driver for your chosen display
use embedded_graphics::mock_display::MockDisplay as Display;

fn main() {
    // Create a display object to draw into
    // This will be whichever display driver you decide to use, like the SSD1306, SSD1351, etc
    let mut display = Display::new();

    // Draw a circle centered at (64, 64) with a radius of 64 and a white 1px stroke
    Circle::new(Point::new(64, 64), 64)
        .into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb565::WHITE, 1))
        .draw(&mut display);

    // Draw a white 1px thick line from (64, 64) to (0, 64)
    Line::new(Point::new(64, 64), Point::new(0, 64))
        .into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb565::WHITE, 1))
        .draw(&mut display);

    // Draw a red 1px line from (64, 64) to (80, 80)
    Line::new(Point::new(64, 64), Point::new(80, 80))
        .into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb565::RED, 1))
        .draw(&mut display);

    // Print "Hello world!" in a white 6x8 pixel font with the top left corner positioned at (5, 50)
    Text::new("Hello World!", Point::new(5, 50))
        .into_styled(TextStyle::new(Font6x8, Rgb565::WHITE))
        .draw(&mut display);

Macros are also supported for text and primitives:

use embedded_graphics::fonts::Font6x8;
use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::Rgb565;
use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::{
    egcircle, egline, egrectangle, egtext, egtriangle, primitive_style, text_style,

// Only used for examples - this would be replaced by the driver for your chosen display
use embedded_graphics::mock_display::MockDisplay as Display;

fn main() {
    // Create a display object to draw into
    // This will be whichever display driver you decide to use, like the SSD1306, SSD1351, etc
    let mut display = Display::new();

    // Draw a circle centered at (64, 64) with a radius of 64 and a white 1px stroke
        center = (64, 64),
        radius = 64,
        style = primitive_style!(stroke_color = Rgb565::WHITE)
    .draw(&mut display);

    // Draw a 1px thick white line from (64, 64) to (0, 64)
        start = (64, 64),
        end = (0, 64),
        style = primitive_style!(stroke_color = Rgb565::WHITE)
    .draw(&mut display);

    // Draw a 1px red line from (64, 64) to (80, 80)
        start = (64, 64),
        end = (80, 80),
        style = primitive_style!(stroke_color = Rgb565::RED)
    .draw(&mut display);

    // Draw a rectangle from (64, 64) to (80, 80) with a black fill
        top_left = (64, 64),
        bottom_right = (80, 80),
        style = primitive_style!(fill_color = Rgb565::BLACK)
    .draw(&mut display);

    // Print "Hello world!" in a white 6x8 pixel font with the top left corner positioned at (5, 50)
        text = "Hello world!",
        top_left = (5, 50),
        style = text_style!(font = Font6x8, text_color = Rgb565::WHITE)
    .draw(&mut display);

Cargo Features

  • nalgebra_support - use the Nalgebra crate with no_std support to enable conversions from nalgebra::Vector2 to Coord and UnsignedCoord.
  • bmp - use the TinyBMP crate for BMP image support.
  • tga - use the TinyTGA crate for TGA image support.

Display drivers with embedded-graphics support

Some drivers may not support the latest version of embedded-graphics.

  • hub75: A rust driver for hub75 rgb matrix displays
  • ili9341: A platform agnostic driver to interface with the ILI9341 (and ILI9340C) TFT LCD display
  • ls010b7dh01: A platform agnostic driver for the LS010B7DH01 memory LCD display
  • sh1106: I2C driver for the SH1106 OLED display
  • ssd1306: I2C and SPI (4 wire) driver for the SSD1306 OLED display
  • ssd1322: Pure Rust driver for the SSD1322 OLED display chip
  • ssd1331: SPI (4 wire) driver for the SSD1331 OLED display
  • ssd1351: SSD1351 driver
  • ssd1675: Rust driver for the Solomon Systech SSD1675 e-Paper display (EPD) controller
  • st7735-lcd: Rust library for displays using the ST7735 driver
  • st7920: ST7920 LCD driver in Rust

There may be other drivers out there we don't know about yet. If you know of a driver to add to this list, please open an issue!

Development setup

Minimum supported Rust version

The minimum supported Rust version for embedded-graphics is 1.40.0 or greater. Ensure you have the latest stable version of Rust installed, preferably through https://rustup.rs.

Ubuntu/Linux Mint

# Update to latest stable version of Rust
rustup update

# Ensure rustfmt is installed
rustup component add rustfmt

# Install SDL2 for simulator and PIP to install linkchecker
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python-pip

# Install linkchecker so doc links can be checked
sudo pip install linkchecker


All source font PNGs are taken from the excellent Uzebox Wiki page.


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