[][src]Type Definition embedded_graphics::fonts::Font8x16

type Font8x16<'a, C> = FontBuilder<'a, C, Font8x16Conf>;

8x16 pixel monospace font

There is also the text_8x16 macro to provide an easier to use interface.


Write some text to the screen at the default (0, 0) position

use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::fonts::Font8x16;
use embedded_graphics::text_8x16;

// Use struct methods directly
display.draw(Font8x16::render_str("Hello Rust!"));

// Use a macro instead
display.draw(text_8x16!("Hello Rust!"));

Translate text by (20px, 30px)

use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::fonts::Font8x16;

    Font8x16::render_str("Hello Rust!").translate(Coord::new(20, 30))

Add some styling to the text

Use any method provided by the WithStyle trait. Properties like fill or stroke passed to the text_8x16 macro are converted into method calls verbatim.

use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;
use embedded_graphics::text_8x16;
use embedded_graphics::fonts::Font8x16;

    "Hello Rust!",
    fill = Some(1u8),
    stroke = Some(0u8)

    Font8x16::render_str("Hello Rust!")
        .translate(Coord::new(20, 30))