macro_rules! bind_interrupts {
    ($vis:vis struct $name:ident { $($irq:ident => $($handler:ty),*;)* }) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to bind interrupts to handlers.

This defines the right interrupt handlers, and creates a unit struct (like struct Irqs;) and implements the right [Binding]s for it. You can pass this struct to drivers to prove at compile-time that the right interrupts have been bound.

Example of how to bind one interrupt:

use embassy_nrf::{bind_interrupts, spim, peripherals};

bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
    SPIM3 => spim::InterruptHandler<peripherals::SPI3>;

Example of how to bind multiple interrupts in a single macro invocation:

use embassy_nrf::{bind_interrupts, spim, twim, peripherals};

bind_interrupts!(struct Irqs {
    SPIM3 => spim::InterruptHandler<peripherals::SPI3>;
    SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_SPI0_TWI0 => twim::InterruptHandler<peripherals::TWISPI0>;