emailaddress 0.1.0

Simple email address type and parser
# Email Address type for Rust

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This crate implements email address parsing for Rust, as well as an `EmailAddress`
type, so you can stop stringly-typing your email addresses.

use emailaddress::EmailAddress;

fn main() {
    let email = EmailAddress::new("");
    assert_eq!(email.local, "someone".to_string()); 
    assert_eq!(email.domain, "".to_string());

// or with from_str:

use emailaddress::EmailAddress;

fn main() {
  let email = from_str::<EmailAddress>("").unwrap();
    EmailAddress {
        local: "someone".to_string(),
        domain: "".to_string()


## Parsing

There are (erm..."will be") 3 different parsing algorithms. "simple",
"rfc5322" and "rfc6531".  Currently only "simple" is fully implemented.

## Simple parsing

The "simple" parsing algorithm is this:

  * take the last occurrence of the '@' symbol
  * everything to the right of it is the domain part
  * everything to the left of it is the local port


Yes, that's it. Not really a parser. Not much of an algorithm. But for reasons
why you would want to use it, see or just
google/duckduckgo/startpage for "email address RFC".