email-format 0.4.1

Email message format (parser and data structure)


"Internet Message Format" meticulously implemented for email construction and validation, as defined in RFC 5322 and other RFCs.


You can compose an email like this:

extern crate email_format;

use email_format::Email;

fn main() {
    let mut email = Email::new(
        "",  // "From:"
        "Wed, 05 Jan 2015 15:13:05 +1300" // "Date:"
    email.set_reply_to("My Mailer <>").unwrap();
    email.set_to("You <>").unwrap();
    email.set_cc("Our Friend <>").unwrap();
    email.set_subject("Hello Friend").unwrap();
    email.set_body("Good to hear from you.\r\n\
                    I wish you the best.\r\n\
                    Your Friend").unwrap();

    println!("{}", email);


  • Extensive RFC 5322 Parser/validator
  • If you generate an email using this crate, you are guaranteed that will be a valid RFC 5322 formatted email, or else you will get a ParseError. The only exception that I am currently aware of is that lines can be longer than 998 characters (see issue #3).


  • This crate currently only handles 7-bit ASCII emails. The caller must do the content transfer encoding (and add the content-transfer-encoding header). See issue #19.
  • Obsolete email formats are not implemented in the parser. Therefore, it is not sufficient for parsing inbound emails if you need to recognize formats that were obsoleted in 2008.

Plans (not yet implemented)

  • Support for content-transfer-encodings (unicode via Quoted Printable or Base64 or otherwise)
  • Support for email headers defined in other RFCs:
  • Support for MIME (RFC 2045, RFC 4021, RFC 2231, RFC 6352) using mime_multipart
  • Support for streaming of MIME parts from disk.
  • More ergonomic function signatures
  • Less copying of data
  • Implementation of SendableEmail so that it works with the lettre crate.


This project was inspired by the earlier email crate, but was reworked from scratch due to a number of significant differences in design, implementation and interface.


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