emacs-macros 0.1.0

Proc macros for emacs modules
use std::ops::Range;

use darling::FromMeta;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, TokenStreamExt};
use syn::{
    self, AttributeArgs,
    export::{Span, TokenStream2}, FnArg, FnDecl, Ident, ItemFn,

use crate::util::{self, report};

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Arg {
    Env { span: Span },
    Val { span: Span, nth: usize },

struct FuncOpts {
    name: Option<String>,
    mod_in_name: Option<bool>,

pub struct LispFunc {
    name: String,
    def: ItemFn,
    args: Vec<Arg>,
    arities: Range<usize>,
    output_span: Span,
    mod_in_name: Option<bool>,

impl LispFunc {
    pub fn parse(attr_args: AttributeArgs, fn_item: ItemFn) -> Result<Self, TokenStream2> {
        let opts: FuncOpts = match FuncOpts::from_list(&attr_args) {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => return Err(e.write_errors()),
        let (args, arities, output_span) = check_signature(&fn_item.decl)?;
        let def = fn_item;
        let name = opts.name.unwrap_or_else(|| util::lisp_name(&def.ident));
        let mod_in_name = opts.mod_in_name;
        Ok(Self { name, def, args, arities, output_span, mod_in_name })

    pub fn render(&self) -> TokenStream2 {
        let define_exporter = self.gen_exporter();
        let register_exporter = self.gen_registrator();
        let define_func = &self.def;
        quote! {

    pub fn gen_wrapper(&self) -> TokenStream2 {
        let mut args = TokenStream2::new();
        for arg in &self.args {
            match *arg {
                Arg::Env { span } => {
                    // TODO: Find a way not to define inner function, somehow, otherwise the reported
                    // error is confusing (i.e expecting Env, found &Env).
                    args.append_all(quote_spanned!(span=> &**env,))
                Arg::Val { span, nth } => {
                    args.append_all(quote_spanned!(span=> env.parse_arg(#nth)?,))
        let into_lisp = quote_spanned! {self.output_span=> ::emacs::IntoLisp::into_lisp(result, env)};
        let inner = &self.def.ident;
        let wrapper = self.wrapper_ident();
        quote! {
            fn #wrapper(env: &::emacs::CallEnv) -> ::emacs::Result<::emacs::Value<'_>> {
                let result = #inner(#args)?;

    pub fn gen_exporter(&self) -> TokenStream2 {
        let define_wrapper = self.gen_wrapper();
        let wrapper = self.wrapper_ident();
        let lisp_name = &self.name;
        let exporter = self.exporter_ident();
        let (min, max) = (self.arities.start, self.arities.end);
        let doc = util::doc(&self.def);
        let path = match &self.mod_in_name {
            None => {
                let crate_mod_in_name = util::mod_in_name_path();
                    let crate_mod_in_name = #crate_mod_in_name.try_lock()
                        .expect("Failed to acquire a read lock on crate-wide mod_in_name");
                    if *crate_mod_in_name {
                    } else {
            Some(true) => quote!(module_path!()),
            Some(false) => quote!(""),
        // TODO: Consider defining `extern "C" fn` directly instead of using export_functions!.
        quote! {
            fn #exporter(env: &::emacs::Env) -> ::emacs::Result<()> {
                let prefix = ::emacs::globals::lisp_path(#path);
                ::emacs::export_functions! {
                    env, prefix, {
                        #lisp_name => (#wrapper, #min..#max, #doc),

    pub fn gen_registrator(&self) -> TokenStream2 {
        let exporter = self.exporter_ident();
        let registrator = self.registrator_ident();
        let init_fns = util::init_fns_path();
        let name = format!("{}", self.def.ident);
        quote! {
            fn #registrator() {
                let mut full_path = module_path!().to_owned();
                let mut funcs = #init_fns.lock()
                    .expect("Failed to acquire a write lock on map of initializers");
                funcs.insert(full_path, ::std::boxed::Box::new(#exporter));

    fn wrapper_ident(&self) -> Ident {
        util::concat("__emr_O_", &self.def.ident)

    fn exporter_ident(&self) -> Ident {
        util::concat("__emrs_E_", &self.def.ident)

    fn registrator_ident(&self) -> Ident {
        util::concat("__emrs_R_", &self.def.ident)

fn check_signature(decl: &FnDecl) -> Result<(Vec<Arg>, Range<usize>, Span), TokenStream2> {
    let mut i: usize = 0;
    let mut err = TokenStream2::new();
    let mut has_env = false;
    let mut args: Vec<Arg> = vec![];
    let errors = &mut err;
    for fn_arg in &decl.inputs {
        match fn_arg {
            FnArg::Captured(capt) => {
                let ty = &capt.ty;
                let span = fn_arg.span();
                args.push(if is_env(ty) {
                    match ty {
                        syn::Type::Reference(_) => (),
                        _ => report(errors, fn_arg, "Can only take an &Env, not an Env"),
                    if has_env {
                        report(errors, fn_arg, "&Env must be passed only once")
                    has_env = true;
                    Arg::Env { span }
                } else {
                    let a = Arg::Val { span, nth: i };
                    i += 1;
            FnArg::SelfRef(_) => report(errors, fn_arg, "Cannot take &self argument"),
            FnArg::SelfValue(_) => report(errors, fn_arg, "Cannot take self argument"),
            // TODO: Support this.
            FnArg::Ignored(_) => report(errors, fn_arg, "Ignored argument is not supported"),
            FnArg::Inferred(_) => report(errors, fn_arg, "Argument with inferred type is not supported"),
    // TODO: Make the Span span the whole return type.
    let output_span = match &decl.output {
        syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => ty.span(),
        _ => {
            report(errors, &decl.fn_token, "Must return emacs::Result<T> where T: IntoLisp<'_>");
    if err.is_empty() {
        Ok((args, Range { start: i, end: i }, output_span))
    } else {

// XXX
fn is_env(ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
    match ty {
        syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem, .. }) => {
        syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path }) => {
            let str_path = format!("{}", quote!(#path));
        _ => false,