elysees 0.2.4

A fork of triomphe::Arc, now with more pointer tricks.
# 0.2.4

- Removed support for `stowaway` due to yanked package...

# 0.2.3

- Minor refactor
- Added optional support for `stowaway`, with the `Stowable` trait implemented for `Arc`, `ArcBox`, `ArcUnion`, and `ArcBorrow`.

# 0.2.2

- Fixed failing `--no-default-features` build

# 0.2.1

- Added `Arbitrary` implementation for `Arc` and `ArcBox`

# 0.2.0

- Remove erroneous `Borrow` implementation for `Arc`, `ArcBorrow`, and `ArcBox`

# 0.1.2

- Fix undefined behaviour in MIRI
    - Fix `ArcInner` layout calculation
    - Change representation of `ArcBorrow` to use a `NonNull`
- Add `from_raw`, `into_raw` API functions to `ArcBorrow`

# 0.1.1

- Edit documentation, etc.

# 0.1.0

Initial release