elrond-wasm-output 0.22.8

Elrond WebAssembly panic handler and allocator declaration for the .wasm output
name = "elrond-wasm-output"
version = "0.22.8"
edition = "2018"

authors = ["Andrei Marinica <andrei.marinica@elrond.com>", "Elrond Network <contact@elrond.com>"]
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/ElrondNetwork/elrond-wasm-rs"
homepage = "https://elrond.com/"
documentation = "https://docs.elrond.com/"
description = "Elrond WebAssembly panic handler and allocator declaration for the .wasm output"
keywords = ["elrond", "wasm", "webassembly", "blockchain", "contract"]
categories = ["no-std", "wasm", "cryptography::cryptocurrencies", "development-tools::ffi"]

# crate functionality can be turned off
# is only turned off when running the framework tests
wasm-output-mode = [] 

# only provide panic messages if so configured
# they add a lot of bloat to the final bytecode,
# so only use them if you really need to learn about a certain panic occuring at some point
panic-message = [] 

wee_alloc = "0.4"

version = "=0.22.8"
path = "../elrond-wasm-node"