elrond-wasm-node 0.4.5

Elrond WebAssembly VM API wrapper

use elrond_wasm::{H256, Address};

use crate::big_int::*;
use crate::big_uint::*;
use crate::error;
use elrond_wasm::BigUintApi;
use elrond_wasm::ContractHookApi;
use elrond_wasm::err_msg;

use alloc::vec::Vec;

const ADDRESS_LENGTH: usize = 32;
const KEY_LENGTH: usize = 32;
const TOPIC_LENGTH: usize = 32;

const TEMP_TX_HASH_FOR_TESTING: [u8; 32] = *b"tx_hash_________________________";

extern {
    fn getOwner(resultOffset: *mut u8);
    fn blockHash(nonce: i64, resultOffset: *mut u8) -> i32;
    fn getNumArguments() -> i32;
    fn getArgumentLength(id: i32) -> i32;
    fn getArgument(id: i32, dstOffset: *mut u8) -> i32;
    fn getFunction(functionOffset: *const u8) -> i32;
    fn storageStore(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32, dataOffset: *const u8, dataLength: i32) -> i32;
    fn storageLoadLength(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32) -> i32;
    fn storageLoad(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32, dataOffset: *mut u8) -> i32;

    fn transferValue(dstOffset: *const u8, valueOffset: *const u8, dataOffset: *const u8, length: i32) -> i32;
    fn asyncCall(dstOffset: *const u8, valueOffset: *const u8, dataOffset: *const u8, length: i32);

    fn getCaller(resultOffset: *mut u8);
    fn callValue(resultOffset: *const u8) -> i32;
    fn writeLog(pointer: *const u8, length: i32, topicPtr: *const u8, numTopics: i32);
    fn finish(dataOffset: *const u8, length: i32);

    fn getGasLeft() -> i64;
    fn getBlockTimestamp() -> i64;
    fn getBlockNonce() -> i64;
    fn getBlockRound() -> i64;
    fn getBlockEpoch() -> i64;
    fn getBlockRandomSeed(resultOffset: *mut u8);
    fn getStateRootHash(resultOffset: *mut u8);
    fn getPrevBlockTimestamp() -> i64;
    fn getPrevBlockNonce() -> i64;
    fn getPrevBlockRound() -> i64;
    fn getPrevBlockEpoch() -> i64;
    fn getPrevBlockRandomSeed(resultOffset: *const u8);

    fn bigIntNew(value: i64) -> i32;

    fn bigIntStorageStoreUnsigned(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32, source: i32) -> i32;
    fn bigIntStorageLoadUnsigned(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32, destination: i32) -> i32;

    fn bigIntGetExternalBalance(address_ptr: *const u8, dest: i32);
    fn bigIntGetUnsignedArgument(arg_id: i32, dest: i32);
    fn bigIntGetSignedArgument(arg_id: i32, dest: i32);
    fn bigIntGetCallValue(dest: i32);
    fn bigIntFinishUnsigned(bih: i32);
    fn bigIntFinishSigned(bih: i32);

    fn int64getArgument(id: i32) -> i64;
    fn int64finish(value: i64);
    fn int64storageStore(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32, value: i64) -> i32;
    fn int64storageLoad(keyOffset: *const u8, keyLength: i32) -> i64;

    fn sha256(dataOffset: *const u8, length: i32, resultOffset: *mut u8) -> i32;
    fn keccak256(dataOffset: *const u8, length: i32, resultOffset: *mut u8) -> i32;

pub struct ArwenApiImpl {}
impl elrond_wasm::ContractHookApi<ArwenBigInt, ArwenBigUint> for ArwenApiImpl {
    fn get_own_address(&self) -> Address {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];

    fn get_caller(&self) -> Address {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];

    fn get_balance(&self, address: &Address) -> ArwenBigUint {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            bigIntGetExternalBalance(address.as_ref().as_ptr(), result);
            ArwenBigUint {handle: result}
    fn storage_store(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) {
        unsafe {
            storageStore(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, value.as_ptr(), value.len() as i32);

    fn storage_load(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
         unsafe {
            let value_len = self.storage_load_len(key);
            let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(value_len);
            storageLoad(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, res.as_mut_ptr());

    fn storage_load_len(&self, key: &[u8]) -> usize {
        unsafe { 
            storageLoadLength(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32) as usize 

    fn storage_store_bytes32(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8; 32]) {
        unsafe {
            storageStore(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, value.as_ptr(), 32);
    fn storage_load_bytes32(&self, key: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];
            let len = storageLoad(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, res.as_mut_ptr());
            if len != 32 {
                let message = "32 bytes of data expected in storage at key";

    fn storage_store_big_uint(&self, key: &[u8], value: &ArwenBigUint) {
        unsafe {
            bigIntStorageStoreUnsigned(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, value.handle);

    fn storage_load_big_uint(&self, key: &[u8]) -> ArwenBigUint {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            bigIntStorageLoadUnsigned(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, result);
            ArwenBigUint {handle: result}

    fn storage_store_big_int(&self, key: &[u8], value: &ArwenBigInt) {
        unsafe {
            // TODO: convert to 2's complement
            bigIntStorageStoreUnsigned(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, value.handle);

    fn storage_load_big_int(&self, key: &[u8]) -> ArwenBigInt {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            // TODO: convert from 2's complement
            bigIntStorageLoadUnsigned(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, result);
            ArwenBigInt {handle: result}

    fn storage_store_i64(&self, key: &[u8], value: i64) {
        unsafe {
            int64storageStore(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32, value);
    fn storage_load_i64(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<i64> {
            Some(int64storageLoad(key.as_ref().as_ptr(), key.len() as i32))

    fn get_call_value_big_uint(&self) -> ArwenBigUint {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            ArwenBigUint {handle: result}

    fn send_tx(&self, to: &Address, amount: &ArwenBigUint, message: &str) {
        let amount_bytes32 = amount.to_bytes_be_pad_right(32).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap panics, remove
        unsafe {
                message.len() as i32

    fn async_call(&self, to: &Address, amount: &ArwenBigUint, data: &[u8]) {
        let amount_bytes32 = amount.to_bytes_be_pad_right(32).unwrap(); // TODO: unwrap panics, remove
        unsafe {
                data.len() as i32

    fn get_tx_hash(&self) -> H256 {

    fn get_gas_left(&self) -> i64 {
        unsafe { getGasLeft() }

    fn get_block_timestamp(&self) -> u64 {
        unsafe{ getBlockTimestamp() as u64 }

    fn get_block_nonce(&self) -> u64 {
        unsafe{ getBlockNonce() as u64 }

    fn get_block_round(&self) -> u64 {
        unsafe{ getBlockRound() as u64 }

    fn get_block_epoch(&self) -> u64 {
        unsafe{ getBlockEpoch() as u64 }

    fn sha256(&self, data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];
            sha256(data.as_ptr(), data.len() as i32, res.as_mut_ptr());

    fn keccak256(&self, data: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];
            keccak256(data.as_ptr(), data.len() as i32, res.as_mut_ptr());

impl elrond_wasm::ContractIOApi<ArwenBigInt, ArwenBigUint> for ArwenApiImpl {

    fn get_num_arguments(&self) -> i32 {
        unsafe { getNumArguments() }

    fn check_not_payable(&self) {
        if self.get_call_value_big_uint() > 0 {

    fn get_argument_len(&self, arg_index: i32) -> usize {
        unsafe { getArgumentLength(arg_index) as usize }

    fn copy_argument_to_slice(&self, arg_index: i32, slice: &mut [u8]) {
        unsafe {
            let byte_len = getArgument(arg_index, slice.as_mut_ptr()) as usize;
            if byte_len != slice.len() {

    fn get_argument_vec(&self, arg_index: i32) -> Vec<u8> {
        let len = self.get_argument_len(arg_index);
        unsafe {
            let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(len);
            getArgument(arg_index, res.as_mut_ptr());

    fn get_argument_bytes32(&self, arg_index: i32) -> [u8; 32] {
        unsafe {
            let mut res = [0u8; 32];
            let len = getArgument(arg_index, res.as_mut_ptr());
            if len != 32 {
    fn get_argument_big_uint(&self, arg_id: i32) -> ArwenBigUint {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            bigIntGetUnsignedArgument(arg_id, result);
            ArwenBigUint {handle: result}

    fn get_argument_big_int(&self, arg_id: i32) -> ArwenBigInt {
        unsafe {
            let result = bigIntNew(0);
            bigIntGetSignedArgument(arg_id, result);
            ArwenBigInt {handle: result}

    fn get_argument_i64(&self, arg_id: i32) -> i64 {
        unsafe { int64getArgument(arg_id) }
    fn finish_slice_u8(&self, slice: &[u8]) {
        unsafe {
            finish(slice.as_ptr(), slice.len() as i32);

    fn finish_bytes32(&self, bytes: &[u8; 32]) {
        unsafe {
            finish(bytes.as_ptr(), 32i32);

    fn finish_big_int(&self, b: &ArwenBigInt) {
        unsafe {

    fn finish_big_uint(&self, b: &ArwenBigUint) {
        unsafe {
    fn finish_i64(&self, value: i64) {
        unsafe { int64finish(value); }

    fn signal_error_raw(&self, message_ptr: *const u8, message_len: usize) -> ! {
        error::signal_error_raw(message_ptr, message_len)

    fn write_log(&self, topics: &[[u8;32]], data: &[u8]) {
        let mut topics_raw = [0u8; TOPIC_LENGTH * 10]; // hopefully we never have more than 10 topics
        for i in 0..topics.len() {
        unsafe {
            writeLog(data.as_ptr(), data.len() as i32, topics_raw.as_ptr(), topics.len() as i32);

impl Clone for ArwenApiImpl {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        ArwenApiImpl {}