elrond-wasm-derive 0.3.2

Elrond WebAssembly smart contract API procedural macros


// ensure we don't run out of macro stack

extern crate proc_macro;

extern crate syn;

extern crate quote;

mod arg_def;
mod arg_extract;
mod arg_regular;
mod arg_str_deserialize;
mod arg_str_serialize;
mod contract;
mod contract_gen;
mod contract_gen_callback;
mod contract_gen_event;
mod contract_gen_finish;
mod contract_gen_payable;
mod contract_gen_method;
mod parse_attr;
mod snippets;
mod util;
mod reserved;

mod callable;
mod callable_gen;

fn wasm32_mode() -> bool {
  // this checks if we set --release or not in the command line
  // we should always set --release when building sc wasm and never when running the debugger, so this works
  let debug_mode = cfg!(debug_assertions);

  // this is supposed to check whether or not the target starts with "wasm32-...
  // for some reason this no longer works, TODO: investigate
  //cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32")

  // when debugging the macro output, the above methods don't seem to work
  // so just temporarily hardcode while bugfixing

pub fn contract(
  args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
  input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

  contract::process_contract(args, input)


pub fn callable(
  args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
  input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

  callable::process_callable(args, input)
