elma 0.1.7

Library for reading and writing Elasto Mania files.
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# ![logo](http://i.imgur.com/4Pg7LyG.png)

[Elasto Mania](http://elmaonline.net/) file handler crate for Rust.
Very much still a work in progress.

## Requirements

Until a 1.0 release this will only target the latest stable version of Rust.

## Installation

Add this in your Cargo.toml file:

elma = "*"

## Documentation


## Progress

-   [ ] Across support
-   [x] Elma support
    -   [x] Level
    -   [x] Replay
    -   [ ] LGR
    -   [x] state.dat best times write/read support
    -   [ ] full state.dat support

## Usage examples

### Level operations

To create a new default level:

extern crate elma;
use elma::lev::*;

fn main () {
    let mut level = Level::new();
    level.save("example.lev", Top10Save::No).unwrap();

![Screenshot of default level](http://i.imgur.com/TGSo1h4.png)