ellidri 3.0.0-beta

Your kawaii IRC server
//! ellidri, your *kawaii* IRC server.
//! # Usage
//! You need a configuration file, and pass its name as an argument. The git repository contains an
//! example `doc/ellidri.conf`, with comments describing the different options.
//! During development: `cargo run -- doc/ellidri.conf`
//! For an optimized build:
//! ```console
//! cargo install
//! ellidri ellidri.conf
//! ```

#![warn(clippy::all, rust_2018_idioms)]
#![allow(clippy::filter_map, clippy::find_map, clippy::shadow_unrelated, clippy::use_self)]

#![recursion_limit = "1024"]

pub use crate::config::Config;
use crate::control::Control;
pub use crate::state::State;
pub use ellidri_tokens as tokens;
use std::{env, process};

pub mod auth;
mod channel;
mod client;
pub mod config;
mod control;
mod lines;
mod net;
mod state;
mod util;

/// The beginning of everything
pub fn start() {
    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");

    let log_settings = env_logger::Env::new()
        .filter_or("ELLIDRI_LOG", "ellidri=debug")
        .format(|buf, r| {
            use std::io::Write;
            writeln!(buf, "[{:<5} {}] {}", r.level(), r.target(), r.args())

    let matches = clap::App::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"))
            .help("ellidri's configuration file")
            .help("ellidri's effective domain name (unimplemented)")

    if matches.is_present("DOMAIN") {
        eprintln!("At the moment, --domain is unimplemented.  Please use --config instead.");

    let config_path = matches.value_of("CONFIG_FILE").unwrap();
    let (mut runtime, control) = Control::new(config_path);


fn infinite() -> impl std::future::Future<Output=()> {