elfkit 0.0.3

an elf parser and manipulation library in pure rust

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an elf read and manipulation library in pure rust (no bfd, no gnu code), intended to be used in binary manipulation utils such as strip, objcopy, link editors, etc.

Some gnu binutils replacements are included as example code.

cargo run --example readelf ./tests/samples/amd64_exe


strip can be implemented like:

extern crate elfkit;

use std::env;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use elfkit::{Elf,types};

fn main() {
    let in_filename  = env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
    let out_filename = env::args().nth(2).unwrap();
    let mut in_file  = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(in_filename).unwrap();
    let mut out_file = OpenOptions::new().write(true).truncate(true).create(true).open(out_filename).unwrap();

    let mut in_elf  = Elf::from_reader(&mut in_file).unwrap();

    // de/serialize all known section types to detailed representation
    // this isn't nessesary for strip, because it never touches the section content
    // we just do this for demonstration purposes

    let mut out_elf = Elf::default();

    out_elf.header.ident_class  = in_elf.header.ident_class;
    out_elf.header.ident_abi    = in_elf.header.ident_abi;
    out_elf.header.etype        = in_elf.header.etype;
    out_elf.header.machine      = in_elf.header.machine;
    out_elf.header.entry        = in_elf.header.entry;

    out_elf.segments = in_elf.segments.clone();

    // sections which do not have an ALLOC flag aren't needed by the dynamic linker
    // but also keep the first NULL section for padding
    out_elf.sections = in_elf.sections.drain(..).filter(|sec|{
        sec.header.flags.contains(types::SectionFlags::ALLOC) ||
        sec.header.shtype == types::SectionType::NULL

    out_elf.to_writer(&mut out_file).unwrap();

api design

lower level

everything is based on std::io::{Read,Write}. This is most convenient for userspace editors. For writing a kernel check alternatives below.

Every type implements from_reader and to_writer. You can use them individually, but you'll always need a Header to tell the de/serializers about things like endianness, bitwidth,..

structured elf

the most versatile api is propably Elf::from_reader/to_writer. You can use it as is, which will hold all sectionc content in Vec or call Elf::load_all() which will parse the sections into their detailed specific structures, such as symbols, relocations, dynamic linker instructions, etc..

implementation status

section specific parsers

type read write
symtab ok ok
rela ok ok
dynamic ok ok
rel - -
note - -
gnu_hash - -
versym - -
verneed - -


abi headers relocations
x86_64 ok wip
mips32r2 o32 ok
arm eabi ok


  • goblin mach-o and archive support, no-std support, very low level
  • elf most popular, most generic use case, no writing, no section parsing
  • xmas-elf zero alloc (good for writing an OS), read only
