elf_rs 0.1.0

A simple no_std ELF file reader for ELF32 and ELF64

elf_rs Build Status

This is a no_std library for ELF file handling. It supports ELF32 and ELF64 format.


To read an elf file, supply elf_rs::Elf with a &[u8] memory:

extern crate elf_rs;

use std::io::Read;
use std::fs::File;
use std::env;

use elf_rs::*;

fn read_elf(filename: &String) {
    let mut elf_file = File::open(filename).unwrap();
    let mut elf_buf = Vec::<u8>::new();
    elf_file.read_to_end(&mut elf_buf).unwrap();

    let elf = Elf::from_bytes(&elf_buf).unwrap();

    if let Elf::Elf64(e) = elf {
        println!("{:?} header: {:?}", e, e.header());

        for p in e.program_header_iter() {
            println!("{:x?}", p);

        for s in e.section_header_iter() {
            println!("{:x?}", s);

        let s = e.lookup_section(b".text");
        println!("s {:?}", s);

Under example directory there is a demo readelf to read an ELF file.

$ cargo run --example readelf <path_to_elf_file>


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