Module elements_miniscript::descriptor[][src]

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Output Descriptors

Tools for representing Bitcoin output’s scriptPubKeys as abstract spending policies known as “output descriptors”. These include a Miniscript which describes the actual signing policy, as well as the blockchain format (P2SH, Segwit v0, etc.)

The format represents EC public keys abstractly to allow wallets to replace these with BIP32 paths, pay-to-contract instructions, etc.


Pegin Descriptor Support


Create a Bare Descriptor. That is descriptor that is not wrapped in sh or wsh. This covers the Pk descriptor

Create a Bare Descriptor. That is descriptor that is not wrapped in sh or wsh. This covers the Pk descriptor

A satisfier for Covenant descriptors that can do transaction introspection ’tx denotes the lifetime of the transaction being satisfied and ’ptx denotes the lifetime of the previous transaction inputs

The covenant descriptor

Descriptor Key parsing errors

A Single Descriptor Secret Key with optional origin information

A Single Descriptor Key with optional origin information

Instance of an extended key with origin and derivation path

A bare PkH descriptor at top level

A Legacy p2sh Descriptor

Contents of a “sortedmulti” descriptor

A bare Wpkh descriptor at top level

A Segwitv0 wsh descriptor


Covenant related Errors

Script descriptor

Method for determining Type of descriptor when parsing from String

The MiniscriptKey corresponding to Descriptors. This can either be Single public key or a Xpub

A Secret Key that can be either a single key or an Xprv

Descriptor Type of the descriptor

Sh Inner

Whether a descriptor has a wildcard in it

Wsh Inner


Elements Descriptor String Prefix


Additional operations required on script builder for Covenant operations support

A general trait for Bitcoin descriptor. Offers function for witness cost estimation, script pubkey creation satisfaction using the Satisfier trait.

Elements specific additional features that we want on DescriptorTrait from upstream.

Trait for “extended key” types like xpub and xprv. Used internally to generalize parsing and handling of bip32::ExtendedPubKey and bip32::ExtendedPrivKey.

Type Definitions

Alias type for a map of public key to secret key