electrsd 0.22.2

Utility to run a regtest electrs process, useful in integration testing environment

MIT license Crates


Utility to run a regtest electrs process connected to a given bitcoind instance, useful in integration testing environment.

let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new("/usr/local/bin/bitcoind").unwrap();
let electrsd = electrsd::ElectrsD::new("/usr/local/bin/electrs", bitcoind).unwrap();
let header = electrsd.client.block_headers_subscribe().unwrap();
assert_eq!(header.height, 0);

Automatic binaries download

In your project Cargo.toml, activate the following features

electrsd = { version= "0.12", features = ["bitcoind_0_22", "electrs_0_9_1"] }

Then use it:

let bitcoind_exe = bitcoind::downloaded_exe_path().expect("bitcoind version feature must be enabled");
let bitcoind = bitcoind::BitcoinD::new(bitcoind_exe).unwrap();
let electrs_exe = electrsd::downloaded_exe_path().expect("electrs version feature must be enabled");
let electrsd = electrsd::ElectrsD::new(electrs_exe, bitcoind).unwrap();

Issues with traditional approach

I used integration testing based on external bash script launching needed external processes, there are many issues with this approach like:


  • electrsd use a temporary directory as db dir
  • A free port is asked to the OS (a very low probability race condition is still possible)
  • The process is killed when the struct goes out of scope no matter how the test finishes
  • Automatically download electrs executable with enabled features. Since there are no official binaries, they are built using the manual workflow under this project. Supported version are:

Thanks to these features every #[test] could easily run isolated with its own environment

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